Oliver Cross

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Everything posted by Oliver Cross

  1. [Proceeds to have a big Tesco's logo after the app...] -1 and God help us all if this even gets a neutral or positive vote.... *COUGH* *COUGH*
  2. More than suitable for O5. Actually has some braincells and a lot of experience. Solid +1.
  3. Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of how 096 works and is played, although the app is a bit short it does meet the word req. Good luck. +1
  4. Seen you a few times around the facility as various jobs and your name rings a bell, but it would be cool to see you on Foundation Administration helping contribute to a few of the calls that happen around site. Also this is a huge bonus because you've got experience from times when you did play the role. My thoughts are +1/Neutral, but I'd suggest playing SA or DOEAA just to refresh yourself on how the main foundation admin works and how it is played so you can back into the swing of things before getting WL'd for this.
  5. +1 More than suitable and capable for SD. Plus he knows his stuff, good luck my friend.
  6. Name: - What country are you from?: England, aka that one place with an immortal Queen. How well do you speak and understand English?: I can understand and speak English fluently. SteamID: STEAM_0:1:155763572 In-Game name(s): Oliver Cross. Age: 16 Play Time. Must be atleast 3 days. No exceptions(SCP-RP): Are you a VIP/GoldVIP?: GoldVIP. Do you have a microphone?: Yes, I normally use it whilst on the server. Do you have TeamSpeak ( Required )?: Yes, I do. Why should we pick you? (250 word minimum): In the perspective of the other staff and players on this server I haven't played for that long (in-game) but I think that I should be staff as I'm active on the server and my experiences and knowledge would be beneficial to the staff team, in addition to that if there is a disagreement among two or more people I can stay neutral until both sides tell their side of the story and it's only then when I make my mind up. I'm also willing to learn from my experiences as staff to better the experiences of others and if I need to (if I get accepted) I'll ask a more experienced member of staff for the course of action I should take if I don't know something as I'd like to learn from an experience rather than taking a shot in the dark and giving an unfair sit. Although whilst remaining unbiased I have zero tolerance for people wanting to ruin the experience for others, whether it being from NH2RP to just RDMing people (though I would give them a fair chance and a fair sit to explain themselves). I believe that I am a trustworthy person, as I have no warns and I generally don't get verbal warnings from staff. Before I understood the rules and the forums were unclear to me, I asked staff for clarity on some rules before acting on anything. Due to my time zone, I can moderate in both down time and up time as the morning for me is typically down time shifting into up time in the later afternoon or evening. How long will you be able to play per day?: Two hours and up on weekdays and on the weekend I can play for five hours and above, this is due to unpredictability on my schedule but I will always commit to putting some time in. Whether it be during down time or during up time. Any past experience as staff?: No, but I'd like to put the time into becoming a good and efficient staff member if I was to get accepted and as I said in my Why should we pick you? section I'd be willing to learn both from my experiences and other staff member's experiences and build on that to catch up to those who have had experience as staff before. Any previous warns/bans? If so why? (maximum of 15 warns, exceptions can be made.): No, I haven't received any warns on this server. Do you know the basic ULX commands Yes/No: As I said earlier, I've had zero experience as a staff member before so I haven't had a chance to use any commands and get experience using them but I know a few basic ULX commands although not all of them so I'd be willing to learn more of them if I were to be accepted. A few examples of what I know are: !goto {Player} - Teleports you to selected player. !bring {Player} - Brings targeted player to where you're looking. !removenlr {Player} - This is used on people to remove their NLR. !armor {Player} - This is used to give the target armour. !kick {Player} - Kicks the target !slay {Player} - Kills the targeted player. From my basic understanding these are the prefixes that are the most commonly used: * - Targets everyone except people above you in the ranking system (Mods can bring players, but Mods can't bring Admins) ^ - Targets yourself (Example: !return ^) @ - Targets the person on your cursor (Example: !demote @, !armor @ 50) Do you know what SCP-RP is about? (not just job descriptions): SCP RP is a Garrys mod community which is a semi-serious roleplay server that specialises around the Fiction Writing & Wiki Page 'SCP Foundation' and the well-known game (inside and outside of the community) 'SCP – Containment Breach' (Although, SCP Containment Breach is what would happen in a mass breach of all anomalous objects and entities within a site, and so this doesn't represent the normal day to day life in this Universe, and the SCP Foundation Wiki is comprised of stories and files of monsters and tragedies that are beyond what we deem normal aka what we like to call anomalies.) This is where SCP RP comes in: this server takes a common interest in the players and puts them in the SCP Universe as you can RP in the site doing what you'd expect from the day to day Foundation Staff and there are many roles to be played in keeping the site secure from keeping SCPs contained to managing external affairs (and if you're really bored you can be a cafeteria worker and feed people because why not.) SCP RP also has a surface called 'Ovis City' which features many Groups of Interest such as Anderson Robotics, MC&D and Chaos Insurgency. Foundation staff and MTF have to establish connections and defend the site from these Groups of Interests. These aren't all the groups on SCP RP but all of these groups interact with the Foundation in different ways which create interesting RP scenarios from sales of anomalous objects to even installing augmentations on yourself. Do you understand the rules of SCP-RP(1 word is not an answer): I fully understand the rules of SCP RP and I often reflect on them to determine how to carry out a scenario. I've read them over and over to keep myself in boundaries of the rules and I believe that I can help guide others and help create an even better image of the staff team for SCP RP and I understand how the main rules of SCP RP work and function. A few examples are FailRP (Mega basing, lock picking blast doors, Unrealistically interacting with SCPs), RDM/RDA (Arresting without a reason, killing without a reason) but there are multiple reasons allow you to kill someone (being shot at first, someone attempting to cuff you, etc.), Demotion Rules (Foundation Administration demoting civilians with a good reason such as recruitment or such as a breach of secrecy or they know too much about the Foundation). These are a few core rules/terms in-game: RDM - Random Death Match is where a player kills another player for no reason. NLR - New Life Rule states that you are to forget everything that happened in your previous life. Metagaming - This is using unfairly gained knowledge in RP (e.g. using ooc to know where someone is, looking at someone's gun to determine if they're CI or not) FearRP - This relates mainly to if you are being kidnapped or cuffed but can come under other areas in RP (Sigma-66). As an example: if under gunpoint (while cuffed) you should listen to your kidnapper's orders.
  7. -1/Neutral Honestly you have a VERY basic understanding of how 096 is played, I suggest you read up on 096 more and the rules surrounding it and flesh out your application. My two issues are: In some sections, the question isn't even answered: And with the warns being semi recent, I would expect staff to have some hesitance towards you being accepted (since its an RDM case) as it's another thing they have to deal with (if you RDM), if this gets denied I suggest you do more research into 096 and how its played. Even so, use this as a learning experience in writing a WL app and look at other accepted apps for inspiration.
  8. Very active as SA and makes the right call when its needed as acting SD. (I know as SA you are the SDs slave but as the acting SD he makes the right decisions.) Good option for Site Director. +1
  9. RP-Name: Oliver Cross SteamID: STEAM_0:1:155763572 Playtime (Must be 4 days or over): 1 week 5 days 8 hours 52 minutes 0 seconds In-game Warnings (Reasons and amount, provide a screenshot. Type !warns to see a list, warnings may not exceed 20 [exceptions can be made]): 0 Warns Have you read the rules of SCPRP and understand them?: Yes, I have and I understand them. Have you read the SCP-096 rules and understand them? Demonstrate your understanding with an example or two: A few examples would be: Pac3 and the 3rd person perspective tool is not to be used to look outside of 096's Containment Chamber. Purposefully looking at 096's face then running into a populated area is classed as a Failbreach and should be reported to the admin staff. When 096 breaches, its target should be the highest priority. 096 may not turn or move around whilst calm. 096 may only use the bypasser for doors that are directly in the way of its path to its target. Accidental terminations with the SWEP should be avoided but evidence should be able to be provided if called into a sit. Are you able to play the job often and RP correctly?: Yes, I can/do play often and I am able RP correctly when needed. What is the containment procedure for SCP-096 if it has breached? Explain with as much detail as you can: If 096-1 is known and in the vicinity: Containment Personnel are to terminate 096-1 immediately to prevent further loss of life. (In an RP Scenario if 096-1 is competent enough then they will recognise this and tell Containment Personnel/MTF. This termination is to prevent further losses to Foundation staff but in the most likely scenario, 096 will get to 096-1 first. If 096-1 is dead then: Once 096 terminates 096-1 OR has already terminated 096-1 OR 096-1 has been terminated via an alternate method, 096 will remain still and will be sitting on the ground. Foundation staff in the room are to be instructed to vacate (if not doing so already/have done so already) the room or area they are in whilst looking away from the general direction of 096. Once the room has been cleared, Containment personnel are to walk backward towards 096 until they move into or hear 096 behind them, then they will use containment cuffs to cuff 096 so no one can see it's head or face*. Then Containment Personnel will escort 096 back to it's containment chamber in Heavy Containment Zone. After 096 has been relocated to it's containment chamber, Containment Personnel are to take the cuffs off of 096 looking directly at the floor then after cuffs are removed, Containment Personnel are to vacate and close the Chamber door. To clear a few things up: 096-1 refers to the person that has looked at 096's face and there can be multiple instances of 096-1. * Yes, I realise that cuffs aren't going to block 096's face but due to game mechanics, the bucket (acting as the bag) gets put on 096's head. I just wanted to clear that up. While in a test, the D-Class they have put in your Containment Chamber has run out and managed to get to the Entrance Zone after looking at your face. What course of action do you take and what do you do once your target is dead?: 096 is to chase 096-1 (the Class-D) to Entrance Zone, and follow the target to wherever he/she is going. Then 096 should terminate 096-1 and once 096-1 is dead, 096 is to remain still in the sitting position in which it was stood facing prior to the death of 096-1. While chasing SCP-096-1, you pass a researcher, MTF personnel and D-Class who all look at your face accidentally. You manage to kill your original target and you circle back to kill the rest. Is this a good RP scenario and why? (Free form question.): They didn't look at 096's face on purpose and they didn't have an intent to extend the breach. Everyone that looks at 096 then consequentially becomes 096-1. As a whole this is a good RP scenario and there is nothing wrong here. A Group of Interest has entered the facility and is attempting to bring you to their base. While transporting you, one of the members sees your face, however says that it was an accident and that you should just ignore it. What should you do and why?: 096 should kill anyone that looks at it's face with a few exceptions. Unfortunately for the GOI that isn't under the list of exceptions, so therefore the GOI should be terminated by 096. If the GOI brings up a sit, then 096 should simply present a video clip of what happened (medal or just a link to a video with the evidence.) Final Note: Feel free to give me any criticisms about this as I can use it to improve on my next whitelist app I write.