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About Juaniga

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Juaniga's Achievements

  1. The Chaos Insurgency thread and application has been updated. Any current applicants need to have the updated application or will be otherwise denied.
  2. you were denied because your app was bad, you were voted negatively by a delta so ya redo it and get better rep. there are reason for them being denied, if its denied then you should probably not be lazy and redo the app after the time period
  3. Accepted: Nathan Dixon - Contact me on Discord: ASAP Juaniga#7670 Accepted: Jason Haze - (Follow the same directions) Denied: - Corven Pilkingan - Nicholas Demner - Jackson Ehpet - Riley Jackson - Simon Krauser Those who were denied can reapply in 3 days
  4. Applicants, the owner is a poopoo head and didnt respond so ill do it now: Denied: Everyone except the one person who was accepted Accepted: Cameron Morrison - Contact me on Discord: ASAP Juaniga#7670 Those who were denied can reapply in 3 days
  5. Want me to explain what, exactly? If anything, all you really did was just there screenshotting everything that I said negative about the sever which I won't be taking back because server is poopoo. Telling me, "hey good job that looks like it's really helping the server!!!" Fuck no I don't want to help it, I want it to die because braindead players like you who thinks they fucking know everything about the server but honestly don't know shit about anything. And coming back to SCP? Hate to tell you but I haven't played SCP in a good month and a half now so good job you got something wrong retard. I don't know what job or rank I'm coming back to anyway so this would be nice to explain because when CI is gone, I' m gone but you do get things wrong don't ya Phil lolol
  6. How can you say how a group of people who haven't done anything for the server and doesn't plan on doing anything on it aside from being toxic? Can you please list all the things you have done and contributed for SCP, or should we talk about the old forum when you acted "philosophical" but honestly look retarded and just pissed everyone off, Ash wannabe little shit. I mean lets be fair, Slice clearly has a bigger name than you, a bigger, better reputation with other players and clearly can work a group as shown with Chaos Insurgency, introducing to CI players idea and propositions to keep activity going and keep everyone happy but you are here criticizing him for doing this when you yourself had nothing to do with importance. And here you are criticizing me saying that I +1 screaming that I haven't done nothing for the server or plan on doing it, ok buddy mr noname ass. If you want actual reasoning, like it was hard to really understand is that the GOI in-general to me is a good group with Houston and Slice who had been owners of previous jobs and is well-qualified and fit for the position. Honestly, you're still such a big-mouth on the forums and it's very sad that you are lol. I wanna see how salty you get now lol