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Everything posted by AdamDrill

  1. Imperial combat assault tank pilots,[3] or tank troopers,[4] were Imperial combat drivers specialized in operating the TX-225 GAVw "Occupier" combat assault tanks. Under Imperial occupation, the streets of Jedha were patrolled by Imperial combat assault tanks,[1] which were operated by two of the pilots.[5] Those perched in the command seat of the vehicle, barking out orders to the combat drivers within, were the Imperial combat assault tank commanders.[6] These troopers were also used as light infantry, trained for recon and skirmishes, as well as escort roles for combat vehicles.[7]
  2. What your suggestion is: New regiment : purge trooper Scriptfodder/workshop link: and Any additional information: they would help the sith to attack the jedis peculiarly they could face them with their electric stick. As with death troopers they will protect the inquisitors. There would be a commander to the odres of Vader and inquisitors. In terms of weapons they would have DC-15A and electric sticks to counter lightsabers. But can be used like other regiments to hunt reseats or other they can do everything
  3. I played in other imperial rp server I wanted to change server to come on this werwolf that I am told because of its quality. I was told the regiments of the server and I saw that you did not have the purges troopers that in the other servers are and brings a rp interested with the sith but also against the rebels. So I wanted to know if you were going to implement them in the server or not?