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Everything posted by KAP1

  1. Steam Name + Profile link: KAP , dont know how to put my profil link in Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): KAP Teamspeak Name: KAP Playtime on the Server: 2w 0d 1h 32m SteamID (http://steamidfinder.com/): 43566732 Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: yes Current Age: 21 Warns/Bans: 1 warn for RDM and 2nd for fail RP Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: nope i dont have a mic Event Plan: Create an event plan, this is what we will use for your first training event. Make it easy to understand and original(Use the Template): a group of farmers from a village got very mad at the republic because of the food supplies they given to them so they started to rebel and made an attack on a republic outpost , after that the republic got an silent alarm from the outpost they rushed in and stoped the pirates BUT this was all a trick from the farmers after the republic cleared out the outpost they invaded the main base and barricaded in the HQ and had turrets on the roof the republic rushed in with ships after a long time of fighting [ or short fighting] they contacted a nearby CIS fleet the CIS fleet helped the farmers but the republic stoped them all after the commander of the CIS fleet retreated after loosing too many units . Map: rishi moon Enemies, HP, Amount: 2000 (e.g. BH, 6000, 3) Passive, HP, Amount: 3000 Republic's Execution: (e.g. "- Fleet inform all troops that an unknown ship has entered orbit.") Event Character Execution: the CIS commander left the system and the farmers surrenderd (e.g. "- All Bounty Hunters are dropped off at the caves, they will stay there until further notice") Story: Event Information: base attack Have you ever Done an Event Before?: nope What was your event and was it successfully executed?: Do you understand the responseabilties a event-planner has? If so, what are they?: dont fuck around , dont minge with your the EP powers and dont break the rest of the rules Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: yep Anything else?: no
  2. Steam Name + Profile link: KAP and i dont know how to put my profile linkRoleplay Name KAPTeamspeak Name: KAPPlaytime on the Server: around 2weeksSteamID (http://steamidfinder.com/): id/43566732/Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: yes 5years ago Current Age: 21Warns/Bans: 0/0Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable? no i dont have a mic