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About CraftOfficial

CraftOfficial's Achievements

  1. In-Game Name: CraftOfficial SteamID: STEAM_0:0:609255865 Warns(do !warns and take a screenshot): Playtime(3 days minimum): -Have your warns and playtime in one screenshot, so just do a full screen screenshot (I can't do as my computer doesn't let me do screenshots, and my phone can't do it in all one shot. In-Game Level: 17, 77% Have you read the server rules and know not to be retarded?: Yes, I have. What job does the Manufacturing Department have on site?: Crafting ammo/supplies for Foundation personnel. Why do you think you'll be a good fit for the Head of Manufacturing?: I'm probably the only one applying but, I like and support the idea of fixing and building/crafting things, I loved the concept of the MaD in it's entirety. If I do pass this whitelist application I'll try my best to be an Active "HOMaD" Where is the manufacturing table located?: 33 GRW, Entrance Zone. Level 3 Access+ Where can you find resources to craft items?: Warehouse 1A, search the garbage you'll find your recourses. Explain 2 HoMD rules(rules are in the HoMD spreadsheet rules section): Rule 9: Ask for their ID before selling stuff excluding the gasmask and "normal ammo" Rule 14: Do not charge more than the normal price an item is allowed, prices can be check on the spreadsheet on sheet 4 "Item Restrictions"