Sexy marianas

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Everything posted by Sexy marianas

  1. -1 LOL
  2. @Fixer good job minge, hope you never come back
  3. JOE CONOR WATCH YOUR back The barber doesn't forgive your sins towards michael intruder. he is coming
  4. Your honor: 放屁菜刀枪黑鬼水果性本垒打辛普森通货膨胀饼裸体理发师汉尼拔生菜强奸犯窃贼是最好的。 Other chosen: yes
  5. how about you stop succ female cocc and succ on mine instead -1 (also, pretty sure dr. jay bright is a pedo )
  6. The "KC" Legion officially declares hostility towards the trolling group "Freedom Club" You are either with us or against us on this global conflict. Loyalty and Obedience to the rightful rulers of Ovis City shall be rewarded.
  7. AVE TRUE TO BARBER! Name : Steam ID? : Gender/Pronouns? : Race? : Why do you want to join The KC Legion? :
  8. -1 your dewarn appeal doesnt make that much sense since the rule existed back then apparently. just because the reason for the warning is no longer valid doesnt mean you didnt break the rules at that time. in my expertise opinion warn should stay. end of discussion.
  9. Im trying to see how this works