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About SlimSatyr

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  1. Thank you for your speedy replies. I concede the request, you've made some good points and i'm glad for the discussion. Mainly: "Just because you both agree to a duel doesn't make it okay, if you want to duel, either ask one of your members in your regiment to host a training, or go onto a private server with each other. " I understand this, this is valid and constitutes rule breaking. I still don't believe it was RDM, and I don't believe the OOC bar is then truly OOC. Nonetheless this is clear now and more an issue of syntax and perhaps translation, I still hope I raised some points of interest and maybe contributed a little to how we handle rules. Thank you for taking the time to address my concerns, your arses seem to be stickless. While I have you, the rules menu in-game has been broken for a few months now. I assumed it was everybody but I guess its just myself and maybe a select few others. Perhaps worth a look. Kind regards(Please no more -1's my heart can't take it), -Satyr
  2. Excuse the misplacement of this request but I wasn't sure elsewhere. I understand this may seem petty but it sets a poor president for both the rules and the attitude of leadership on the server which is unnecessary and gets in the way of playing. Please remove the warns issues to STEAM_0:0:53850418 (Satyr) and STEAM_0:1:60028773 (Tempast) issued on CW, 27/01/2022 for the following reason: RDM is 'random' and does not apply to agreeing players in a duel. Whether in a sim or by OOC. OOC is out of character, nothing done in this context should be held in rp. I outline these definitions because the generally accepted versions are not what is used by the admins or senior players in terms of punishments. It outlines two issues which are unhealthy to both server and the gameplay. First, senior players are always quick to non rp punishments for minor infractions. Second, the admins pretend that their leadership is twisting their arm to punish players. Not sure if this is because they believe they don't have any powers of discretion or use it as an excuse to end discussions quickly. In context, two players agreed on a duel in an OOC area. Senior leadership arrested the winner and warned both partied under RDM. At best this would be FailRP but it happened in an OOC area so that shouldn't apply. The admin and arresting party swore fervently that they must apply maximum punishment despite the obvious intent of both parties to follow rules and using the universally accepted definitions of said rules. Regardless conversation was swiftly shot down with ignorance and falsified claims. I'm not invested in the outcome of this post but I would like some dialog as I do like this server and I cannot tell if the problems outline above are indeed genuine problems or if my experience of leadership is one that doesn't take the time/effort to engage with lower enlisted driven content. Not to say that isn't okay as its just a game and who has time to sort minges from lower enlisted after a hard day of work, I understand. Maybe just be a little less rule nazi, use the universally accepted definitions for OOC punishments and remove the girthy unlubbed stick up leaderships arse, be it self inserted or not. Thank you for reading my lawyer spiel to the end, If you would like any further questions please contact me online or add me on steam, lots of love -Satyr.