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Posts posted by Seth

  1. Hi could I get plat VIP tag please (Proof below)... Also idk if this is the right area but i've somehow made two accounts and I was wondering if it would be possible for  someone to delete my old account so I can link my steam to this one instead? I believe the name is just "Seth"


  2. What your suggestion is: Hello, similar to how GC used to have multiple camo/body groups on CWRP for different maps I was thinking a cool way to spice up ST a bit would be to add snow trooper and sand trooper body groups to the ST ET+. Obviously this could be an idea for down the line when SMT have a little less server launch work to do.  But I think this would be a great idea because not only would it look super awesome to have snow troopers on hoth and sand troopers on tatooine, I haven't seen any other imperial servers do this so it'd add a cool small twist to ST werwolf that other imperial servers don't have. 

    This could also be moderated by ST NCO+... Only having base ST body group on base map, and only using the sand/snow trooper bodygroup for the maps where it works. etc 

    Scriptfodder/workshop link:  / 

    Any additional information: / 

  3. +1 although I don't condone what ryan did his behaviour in game recently has been very good, he hasn't been minging at all and he has made his way up to LCPL. I think you should give him a second chance because if he wants to carry on doing well and progressing in ST he needs access to the discord server for certain necessities such as cadet loggings, logging trainings and also logging events.

    (ST VC) 

  4. What your suggestion is: noticed that ST SO/medic don't have perms to remove/give the ST ET whitelist, can this please be fixed

    Scriptfodder/workshop link:  /

    Any additional information:  /

    (Sorry if posted in wrong area)