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Everything posted by Stilesy

  1. As a follow up, I’d like to add that I stepped down from NCO, call it what you want but I am a absolutely unwilling to train cadets, it’s not what I play for, I come on for an hour or two a day and it’s expected that anywhere from 10-30 mins depending on cadets experience and compliance is taken up training cadets? It for me personally who works 7 days a week is just a waste of time, hents leaving the position.
  2. apparently refusing to train a cadet is disrespect? Jezis was his name, i came on after a 10 hour shift, dude brings me twice within 10 minutes, brings me while i'm mid disciplinary for not training the cadet, i reported a dude for being immensly racist the other day and that was handled in RP why wasn't this? i don't have anything to attach because my fucking clip didn't save, really wish it did because it made my claim concrete. im genuinely pissed off about this, and i know money can't buy power but holy shit i did not invest as much as i did into this server to be fucked about. if a CPL doesn't wanna train (and isn't reaching his mins) that's an RP problem, not a staff problem.