
SCP Senior Moderator
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Everything posted by Bread

  1. +1 I believe you should be given a chance as your behaviour in-game and in the community has improved
  2. +1 I saw him mess around as an FA and feed D class to 173, when I cuffed him to give him to the B-1 he kept trying to break out under gunpoint. He broke out even after being given multiple warnings and was warned right after for breaking fearRP
  3. +1 Sounds fun, could bring more activity/interaction with the server
  4. -1 Poor app, try harder next time
  5. +1 but only if i see foxy from fnaf wield an AK screaming "arrrr" at 200 decibels
  6. -1 we have normal containment specialists which can do the job
  7. can you stop trying to fuck the dog malware please, for the love of god i beg you... sto!p
  8. +1 seen you play on the server, you're mature and good at RP. I'm sure you'd also make a good HoEA
  9. I also hate the rebalance and wish that it never happened in the first place, it was a bad decision. However, it was needed to give other groups a fighting chance against the foundation. F is overpowered in weaponry, manpower and several other factors
  10. The rebalance is still happening, give it some time
  11. Bread

    1. Bread


      Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread