Rick Garcia

Platinum VIP
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Posts posted by Rick Garcia

  1. Type of suggestion (job/vehicle/etc): Code maybe


    How important is your suggestion on a scale from 1 to 10: I would say an 7 or an 8


    Your suggestion: Reich jobs be able to see if the undercover Gestapo is a Gestapo


    Reasons for this suggestion: I remembered this idea because today I just saw something that happened that if possible could have a fix (almost every day this happens), so the gestapo likes to be undercover with a civilian uniform walking around the city to see if there's any criminal activity going and as you guys can imagine it's kinda hard for us (Reich jobs doesn't matter which one) to know if that person is a Gestapo or not, and sometimes we accidently kill a Gestapo member without we knowing it because we just see for example far away a person with a civilian uniform with a pistol out shooting, and we just shot at that person because we think it's a mafia/resistance member, and technically is not our fault because we can't know if it's a Gestapo or not.

    So my idea, I don't know if it will be possible or not but have like a text in the gestapo character and in the tab menu (only showing for the reich jobs) saying that he is currently undercover or something similar (like when you are a SOD you have that green text showing your rank in your character) or whenthe gestapo goes undercover have like a thin green line going all around his character so we can know to not shoot him,I believe this will help a lot and we wouldn't accidently kill as many gestapo's as we do, and for the Wehrmacht is even more harder to know if he is a Gestapo or not because we don't spend that much time with that person as for example the Orpo does, specially if he is a new Gestapo member.


    Any relevant links: N/A


    Additional Information: This would help a lot and we wouldn't kill as many gestapo's as we do now, I believe the green line around the character is possible as I believe I've seen the SOD having that before.

  2. Type of suggestion (job/vehicle/etc): Rule change/add


    How important is your suggestion on a scale from 1 to 10: For me it's a 6 but I'm pretty sure for the PD guys it's a 10


    Your suggestion: Let the Mafia raid at least one more Main Government Building


    Reasons for this suggestion: The PD gets raided like 2000 times per day while the other buildings get raided like 2 times per day or sometimes they never get raided at all unless during events, so, maybe to give a break to the PD as it can be raided by Mafia and Resistance and I've seen that people prefer playing as a Mafia instead of playing as a Resistance, to give a break to the PD the Mafia should be able to raid at least one more Main government building(MOI, MB or Reichstag), and with this the Mafia would have a different place to raid as it might get kinda boring to raid the same building over and over again, and the PD will have a less chance to get raided, and I believe this is a win win for both sides.

    So to end, I believe the Mafia is kinda limited currently compared to the other criminal jobs and like I said people prefer playing as Mafia then actually being Resistance so if you guys made a rule or changed the current rule and gave at least one more Main Building for the Mafia to raid the raids in the PD would decrease from 2000 to 1000* for sure.

    *Keep in mind this numbers are not real of course, but is for you guys to have an ideia of how the PD get's raided so many times compared to the other buidings

    Any relevant links: N/A


    Additional Information: The guys in the PD probably are getting tired of getting raided every 20 minutes and I believe the Mafia wouldn't mind having one more Main government building to raid, and like I said I believe it's a win win for both sides.

  3. -1

    Jesus christ ok so where do I start,

    First: The colours you chose for the application are to kill everyone's eyes.

    Second: No detail at all

    Third: Not known very well on the server

    Fourth: Didn't explain in detail what he would do in those situations of "Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member"

    Fifth: Rushed application

    Sixth: The question "Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team & your strongest points as a person/potential staff memberdidn't  even got close to 200 words which is one of the requirements and just because of this it's an instant deny.

  4. +1

    I have to agree with Weene on this one, if your helping managing the event why are you playing as an American and not playing as an SOD instead? I have a tip next time don't get caught or don't even play as the event job (this case american), because when you get to the point that you are playing as an American you are RPing so if you were under gun point you have to continue with the RP and not break the rules as you did,trying to get killed just so you can continue "managing the event" that you were so doing. And you atleast could had said in the begining of the event that "you're not allowed to arrest or take any american".

    In my opinion the definition of helping managing an event is to tp the players to a place, give HP, give guns, etc. because like I said when you get to the point when you are playing in the event job and you get caught in this case under GP you have to continue the RP and not break FearRP.

    To end I do believe he broke the server rules.

  5. 51 minutes ago, Wolfgang Fitzgerald said:



    Nice guy

    Overall veteran player

    Ignoring the previous warns, the application is pretty good.



    If you're going to respond to a staff application at least be usefull and say usefull stuff about the app and not nice guy, idk, white as that's kinda cringe and doesn't help at all the person that is applying. (Guess you never change)


    Now my opinion,


    About the app, the app seems well written the answers could have a little bit more of detail in my opinion but overall good app, about him I can't say much as I actually haven't had any RP situation with him but reading the previous answers to the application he seems like a nice guy. So to end I believe he deserves to be in the staff team.

  6. Neutral/+1

    To be honest I actually like this Idea and it's not a big file, I believe it would be a good implementation to the server, but on the other hand how would it work if for example your in a gun fight and you get with an explosion and your shooting at the same time? Would the animation bug? Maybe if this addon is tested we will know.

  7. Type of suggestion (job/vehicle/etc): Prop



    How important is your suggestion on a scale from 1 to 10: 7


    Your suggestion: Move the gas pump to the right side or push both of them more to the left


    Reasons for this suggestion: People keep getting stuck on the door when they close it and then they can't move because of the pump


    Any relevant links:


    Additional Information:


  8. Priority of the bug on a scale from 1 to 10: In my opinion as I like that warehouse to build a base, I would say a 8


    Describe the bug: You can't buy the garage door but you can buy the door


    Describe any possible fixes (optional): 


    Immages/Videos of the bug (optional):  




    Additional information: N/A

  9. RP Character name/s: Rick Garcia

    Steam Name: FerliK

    Steam ID (https://steamidfinder.com/😞STEAM_0:0:106382587

    Age when applying: 21

    What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone?: Portugal, GMT +1

    Can you speak and type English fluently?: Yes I can as I've been improving my english everyday

    Current total game-time on the server (type utime_enable 1 in the console if you can't see your game time): 16w 5d 13h 00m

    IC Rank(s) & OOC Donation Rank(s) on WW2-RP: IC: GD Feldwebel OOC: Pac 3, Plat VIP

    Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak?: I do own a working microphone, when I communicate I use the microphone more times, but when needed I also use chat.

    When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since?: I joined the server around 6 years ago when it was still in the Beta phase. And I took 3, 2 breaks like 3-4 years ago, when I was still in school, and 1 break this year.

    How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server and our forums?: I use the teamspeak and the forums every single day, but if it’s between them both I use more teamspeak 3.

    List of all previous RP server staff experience: DarkRP, JailBreak, NaziRP on this server (multiple times), and MilitaryRP.

    Staff that would recommend you?(They will be asked to verify): Wolf Varem (Senior Mod)

    State your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) Also include a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns. Upload it to http://imgur.com/ or as a steam community screenshot and include the link. Your game time must be visible as well in the screenshot. Type utime_enable 1 if you can not see it on your screen

    https://imgur.com/a/hn8xRWu - I have technically 14 warnings even though it says 16, as 2 of them back then I asked to be removed as I accidentally warned myself, but apparently they forgot to remove them.

    Permission given by Malte to apply with 14 warns.


    State the role of staff on the server: The role of the staff on the server is to make sure the server stays clean in terms of not having mingers and trollers on the server that will destroy others Roleplay, also is to make sure everyone is following the rules of the server and the most important thing to make sure everyone is having fun.

    Give some historical context about the time the server is set in (75 words+): The server is set in the city of Berlin in the year 1943, Wehrkreis III in Nazi Germany during the Second World War. During 1943, many momentous occasions happened that shifted the tide of battle. In the east, the Germans were losing grounds to the soviets in the battle of Stalingrad with the encirclement of the 6th army, The Germans also lost the battle of Kursk, one of the biggest tank battles in history. On a different front, The Germans were also losing in north africa and the Americans have landed in Italy.

    Have you read the server rules and are familiar with them? Yes I have read the rules multiple times and I am very familiar with them.

    Have you read the punishment list ( https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gc29oZFMSsGgcWFoOkNZejj7eqUBQPGXYCGbB8vNePM/edit?usp=sharing ) and are familiar with it? Yes I have read the rules multiple times and I am very familiar with them.

    Former Staff Questions (Leave these blank if you have not been staff on our server before):

    1) For how long were you a staff member on WW2-NRP/ORP? I’ve been a staff member a lot of times on this server I don't remember exactly for how long, but if I’m not mistaken once I've been a staff for 5 months 4-5 years ago when the map was littletown.

    2) What rank did you reach before leaving the staff team? Admin

    3) Were you demoted or did you resign? Why? I resigned because I started to work and I felt I wouldn’t have enough time to reach the weekly sits and another reason was because of something that happened in RP that actually hit me when happened and lost the interest to play on the server, but now as I’m working from home I have much more time to RP and take sits, and I'm back happy and ready to do my job as a staff and be as active as I was before.

    4) In hindsight, what would you have done differently as a staff member? I don’t think I would do anything different that I’ve done before when I was a staff, I will keep on doing my staff job, that is taking sits, helping new players, responding to questions that someone has, giving the link for the rules, etc.

    5) How have you improved since you left the staff team? I believe I improved a lot, the main problem I had was my english, even if it was understandable I felt like I could still improve even more so I started taking more english lessons and I’ve been improving since then, another thing is that I’m a fast learner so if something changes, example: rule change, I will learn the rule real quick and remember it without having to look in the rules.


    Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member:

    1) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people: I would teleport to the person that called the sit, I would bring him to a roof to not disturb the others roleplay and I would ask him who was random killing people, while he was telling me who was doing that, I would be checking the console or the logs to see who in the past ~ 2 minutes was killing a lot of people, in this case if the person that called for staff died by that person that was random killing players I would just open the logs and see who killed the person that called for staff. After that I would bring the person to the roof and jail him for safety reasons, so he wouldn’t try to run away from the sit, or start RDMing people from the roof, and then I would ask him why he was random shooting people, and after hearing him, I would work from there, if he was a new player I would give him the link for the rules, I would check how many people he killed (let’s say he killed 5 guys), I would warn him for RDM x5 [Tier 1] that being a 1 day ban and tell him that he would be banned for 1 day, and use that one day to read the rules, if he was here just to minge/troll , I would check how many people he killed (let’s say he killed 5 guys), I would warn him for RDM x5 [Tier 2], and possibly also warn him for NITRP [Tier 1] to give him a chance as everyone deserves a second chance. And then after the sit was over I would just return the person that called for staff.

    2) You are asked by a player about how to become a Third Reich official: I would bring that person to a roof as I said before to not disturb others roleplay, and I would explain to him that he had 3 choices he could join the NSDAP the Wehrmacht or the SS, then I would explain to him each one, tell him that in the Wehrmacht he could join the Heer anwarter be trained and go to 23rd, if he had a ooc rank Plat VIP or VIP I would tell him that he could join the other regiment that the Wehrmacht has (GD),and he could join FG - only when he gets to Obergefreiter without needing a OOC rank, on the SS I would tell him that he could be a Orpo if he hadn’t a OOC rank, but if he had I would tell him that he could join the 1.SS.

    3) You catch somebody not performing RP and that are messing around: I would bring that person to a roof, and explain to him that this is a Serious RP server and if he wanted to play here he needed to stop messing around and not RPing or he could be punished, if he was a new player I would give him the server rules and tell him to read them and return him with just a verbal warning, if he continued after that to mess around then I would bring him to the roof again and warn him with a NITRP [Tier 2] as he doesn’t seem to want to roleplay and just wants to mess around and possibly disturb others RP.

    4) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly: If I catch the person not willing to RP I would bring the person to a roof and ask him why he is not willing to RP properly, then depending the situation he tells me I would give him the proper warning, if I see that he is here to minge around I would give him a NITRP [Tier 2] warning.

    5) A player is prop spamming: Prop Spamming players don’t deserve a sit as they join the servers just to disturb others, so they get insta kicked just so they stop spawning props that can cause lag to the server, and then I would get his steam ID and ban him for Prop Spam = Perm Ban, as a trial mod cannot perm ban someone I would say in the ban: (Prop Spam [Please extend to perma] - Garcia), and I would also remove the props.


    Answer the following questions in detail:

    1) Explain the difference between Tier I rule-breaking and punishments and Tier II rule-breaking and punishments:

    The difference between a Tier 1 and a Tier 2 is a Tier 1 is given when someone is new to the server, was a misunderstanding or did unintentional depending the thing he did usually a Tier 1 warning or is a max 1 day ban or just a kick. A Tier 2 warning is given to someone that is not new to the server and knows the rules very well, did it on purpose, was punished before with the same reason, or is breaking multiple rules, the Tier 2 warning can go between a 1 day ban to a Perm Ban depending the rule he broke.

    2) Explain the difference between IC and OOC. Also define Meta Gaming:

    IC is the abbreviation of In character, that means that everyone you do has to be taken in a serious way as you are RPing (Roleplaying). OOC is the abbreviation of Out of Character that means that everyone you say in OOC won’t have anything to do with the roleplay situation, meaning you can basically talk about anything you wish that was impossible to know back then, example being you can talk about a new game coming out this year.

    And Metagaming is when someone uses something that was said in OOC to IC purpose. One example being I’m arrested in the PD (in cuffs) and I tell my friends on steam/discord/ts to raid the PD so they can try to release me.

    3) Explain the difference between Serious RP and Semi-Serious RP: The difference between Serious RP and Semi Serious RP, is that Semi Serious is more of an experience where you can play and have fun with friends as you don’t need to do 100% roleplay as it’s not taken that seriously example being on Semi Serious RP the Whitelist doesn’t exist, so you can play whatever job you want. Serious RP on the other hand, needs to be taken as seriously as possible, you need to be active and participate in trainings and events to rank up. You need to respect your CO’s or HC’s and so on, it’s basically as it was in real life and you were that character that you are playing as, and depending what you do it may have consequences that may affect you in the future.

    4) Define PassiveRP and explain it's role and importance in a serious RP gamemode: Passive RP is very important in a Serious RP server because without it the server would become more of a Combat RP experience and no one wants that, passive RP is for example when you drive around and visit a friend, you open a restaurant and so on.

    5) Define the term of Combat Baiting:

     Combat baiting is when someone is trying to get someone's attention, for example doing a sexy dance or putting a weapon out to go after him and start to have a fight with that person so he can have a “Valid rp reason” to shoot him back which is not allowed.

    Have you added the Manager [Extreme] on Steam? If not, add him: Friend request sent


    Have you added the Vice-Manager [Jack/Malte] on Steam? If not, add him: Already friend


    Have you added the Staff Manager [Schumacher] on Steam? If not, add him: Already friend


    Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team & your strongest points as a person/potential staff member (200+ words): I believe I am fit for the staff team because I am an old member of this community I’ve seen this community grow in the past 6 years, and I’ve made a lot of friends during that time, I’ve also been a staff a lot of times in this server during those 6 years, I also have a lot of past experience as being a staff because as I said before I’ve been a staff a lot of times in this server. I know when to be professional and when to have fun, I know all the rules and I know all the staff commands (some examples: !goto, !tp, !freeze, etc), another plus to why I think I should be a staff is because I spend basically my entire day playing here and when everyone is going to sleep and there’s no staff online (usually around 10PM), I’m always on the server to make sure the mingers that like to join during that time (usually Americans which is day time in there) don’t destroy the RP to the ones that are still in the server. I’m also a person that when has a question or doesn’t know what to do in that situation always calls another staff for a second opinion. I’m also a person that learns really quick with his mistakes as everyone is human and everyone makes mistakes sometimes and I can also take criticism. To finish off I believe I deserve a chance in the staff team because I want to help the staff team to make sure the server stays clean, and everyone has fun while playing here.


    Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?: Yes I do understand I will do everything possible to make sure that doesn’t happen

  10. Type of suggestion (job/vehicle/etc): Effects/Addon


    How important is your suggestion on a scale from 1 to 10: Depending who you ask but for RP wise and making things easier a 9.


    Your suggestion: Adding a compass on the screen similar to the one on Star wars RP.


    Reasons for this suggestion: I believe this would be a good addition to the server as it would make a lot of things more easier one example being if you are in a fight instead of saying enemy on the left or right, as it can get confusing because it depends where you are looking, with this compass you can just say for example, enemy on North West and everyone will know where they have to look.


    Any relevant links: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1452363997


    Additional Information: This are the features that comes with this compass:

    - Ability to modify compass width, height, x and y position on the screen, color, etc.
    - 3 different styles taking inspiration from Fortnite, Squad, and PUBG
    - A waypoint/spotting system (can be disabled)
    - Server friendly (other settings in the script)

    And the compass works as I tested myself in singleplayer as you can see in the picture
