kaos gaming

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Everything posted by kaos gaming

  1. +1 Soljay is a creative and quick thinking person always coming up with ideas and thinking of ways of including everyone i know this from my time in the 104th with him. He never seems to be at a loss when it comes to quick thinking. he is constantly active and even when burned out I haven't seen him stop or take a LOA unless he has no control over the matter in my opinion Soljay is a perfect fit for EP and wont let anyone down. RANKS CWRP 104th LT COL Kona Jedi Padawan Kona Previous Ranks Shock Trooper (IRP)
  2. +1 Mark is active alot natural leader in events Level headed and knows what he is doing very smart and quick thinking good in PVP wise friendly to anyone Got an outside life that needs a lot of time Current Ranks: 104th LT COL Jedi Apprentice
  3. Soljay is a very active player and is a pretty creative person he has a good out look when it comes to feedback about events and how they can be improved and where they went wrong also his leadership can not be faulted and always give clear commands and ways to improve.