
Unban Request

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My In-Game name:  Steve Jobless


Discord: Steve Jobless#9972

Steam Name: El HardBass

What is the reason for your ban: Posting stupid things on discord

How long were you banned for: Permanently

Name of the staff member who banned you: Unsure was a fair few months ago

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: Its just been a while since I was banned, I'm less immature and really miss playing tbf. what I done was stupid and feel like not doing it againand i apologise to anyone that i may have offended

Evidence: N/A

Edited by SteveJobless
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From what I can see, you are only banned on the discord (Correct me if I am wrong). You haven't actually apologised considering posting pornography on a Star Wars-based discord server with lots of minors is a very serious issue. I think it's best that you show in-game that you wish to play the server properly, though this won't ensure a discord unban. 

[Banned on 28/03/22 by Key]

Current Ranks [CWRP]
Admiral | Reserve Medic
CWRP Super Administrator | Lead Mentor
Past Ranks
CE Marshal Commander | 74th ST MD | CT TRP "4625" - CT PVT | CT DCPL
Jedi Sage | Jedi Warlock | Jedi Sentinel | Jedi Shadow Jedi Peacekeeper
 Event Planner Staff Mentor
[WW2 1943RP]
 Panzer-Abteilung "Großdeutschland" Gefreiter - Unteroffizere (13/02/21 - 25/03/21)
ST TRP "4625" | JT Corporal | IE BFT PFC501st PFC
 Rebel Alpha Group Major

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Ye man ik it was stupid of me but I just cant see where any of the events are, I cant get into any regiments either, i'm not stupid enough to do it again. i cant even get the teamspeak off the discord so not really much i can do on there.

Is there no chance of me being unbanned

Thanks for reading tho

Edited by SteveJobless
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2 hours ago, SteveJobless said:

Is there no chance of me being unbanned

There is a chance of being unbanned but it must be earned.

The Teamspeak IP is: "werwolfgamingts"

You aren't blacklisted from any regiments from what I can see, so to log stuff you'll just have to DM someone to log it for you.

Current Ranks [CWRP]
Admiral | Reserve Medic
CWRP Super Administrator | Lead Mentor
Past Ranks
CE Marshal Commander | 74th ST MD | CT TRP "4625" - CT PVT | CT DCPL
Jedi Sage | Jedi Warlock | Jedi Sentinel | Jedi Shadow Jedi Peacekeeper
 Event Planner Staff Mentor
[WW2 1943RP]
 Panzer-Abteilung "Großdeutschland" Gefreiter - Unteroffizere (13/02/21 - 25/03/21)
ST TRP "4625" | JT Corporal | IE BFT PFC501st PFC
 Rebel Alpha Group Major

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I agree with shepherd show some good peformance in-game (On the server) and you will have a better chance of getting unbanned. 

Good Luck. 


Current Rank's:
CE Marshal Commander
CWRP Executive Administrator
Past Rank's:
CE Senior Commander
CWRP Senior Administrator

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Would like to see some progression in game showing your intentation is real and your back to play.

Current Ranks:

RC Commander F68

SWRP CWRP Staff Manager

Previous Ranks:

OS Squad Leader F68

21st Best Model
21st/GM Nova Corps Senior Commander

SWRP CWRP Super Admin
SWRP CWRP Lead Mentor

Jedi Champion
Jedi Specialist
Jedi Paladin

Plo Koon (Jedi High Council)

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