
30+ Warns Exceed Unban Request

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My In-Game name: Unknwon

STEAMID: STEAM_0:0:143985445

Steam Name: exposed nerve

What is the reason for your ban: 30+ Warns Exceeded

How long were you banned for: Permanent

Name of the staff member who banned you: Console

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned:

I've been banned from the server for about half a year now (maybe a whole year). I dont remember any of my warns. I remember that warns expire after some time. I believe some of the first warns are expired by now. I dont have major warns, mostly NITRP. These were isolated incidents. I seriously roleplayed on this server for a very long time. My highest achieved rank was CPL I think. Even if the warns arent expired I would like to return to the server and seriously roleplay again.

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Fair enough it's been a year, but it's incredibly difficult to get to 30 warns, and only getting to CPL isn't an incredible achievement to say the least. It doesn't help that after you got banned you tried to bypass it 3 times. Any explanation to this?

Current Ranks [CWRP]
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CE Marshal Commander | 74th ST MD | CT TRP "4625" - CT PVT | CT DCPL
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[WW2 1943RP]
 Panzer-Abteilung "Großdeutschland" Gefreiter - Unteroffizere (13/02/21 - 25/03/21)
ST TRP "4625" | JT Corporal | IE BFT PFC501st PFC
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You have used multiple ALT's and you have also reached 30+ warns. Don't think you deserve the chance yet to get back to the server. You would need a really good excuse to get unbanned in my opinion. 

Current Rank's:
CE Marshal Commander
CWRP Executive Administrator
Past Rank's:
CE Senior Commander
CWRP Senior Administrator

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26 minutes ago, Shepherd said:


Fair enough it's been a year, but it's incredibly difficult to get to 30 warns, and only getting to CPL isn't an incredible achievement to say the least. It doesn't help that after you got banned you tried to bypass it 3 times. Any explanation to this?

I just wanted to play in the server again. I knew it would be a long while before I could make an unban appeal that would get accepted. I havent tried to bypass for a year now.

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23 minutes ago, Henk - DutchDavin said:


You have used multiple ALT's and you have also reached 30+ warns. Don't think you deserve the chance yet to get back to the server. You would need a really good excuse to get unbanned in my opinion. 

I've waited a year. Most of my warns werent serious offenses.I knew it would be a long while before I could make an unban appeal that would get accepted. I havent tried to bypass for a year now.

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getting 30+ warns is quite something to reach
and seeing as you tried to bypass the ban 3 times by making alts doesn't make it a lot better
it's a bit too early to appeal for this kind of a ban in my opinion

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2 hours ago, 104thLuuk said:


getting 30+ warns is quite something to reach
and seeing as you tried to bypass the ban 3 times by making alts doesn't make it a lot better
it's a bit too early to appeal for this kind of a ban in my opinion

I've accumulated these warns in the course of 4+ years of playing on the server. I dont think waiting a whole year for an unban appeal to a gmod server is too early.

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If you've reached 30 warns you just simply don't deserve to come back imo, it just tells us that you will do them again and again, so imo you should just really just stay banned.

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3 hours ago, Spagh said:

If you've reached 30 warns you just simply don't deserve to come back imo, it just tells us that you will do them again and again, so imo you should just really just stay banned.

I dont understand, doesnt warnings get deleted after a certain amount of time. Last time I checked it was an absurd scale like 3 years. I must admit 3 years seems a bit excessive for a garrysmod server. None of the less I am sure atleast a good portion of my bans were 3+ years ago.

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6 hours ago, Spagh said:

If you've reached 30 warns you just simply don't deserve to come back imo, it just tells us that you will do them again and again, so imo you should just really just stay banned.

Whats the point of me making this unban appeal than. I am already playing in the server with an alt. I made this appeal out of respect to you guys.

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1 hour ago, Henk - DutchDavin said:

What is your in-game name currently? 

Tragic. I am a DU Enlisted. I've been seriously roleplaying on the server for about a month now. I'll be glad to switch to my main and restart though.

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37 minutes ago, Sisko said:

Tragic. I am a DU Enlisted. I've been seriously roleplaying on the server for about a month now. I'll be glad to switch to my main and restart though.

Tragic or Tragedy?

Current Rank's:
CE Marshal Commander
CWRP Executive Administrator
Past Rank's:
CE Senior Commander
CWRP Senior Administrator

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I was going to maybe do neutral or even +1, but you have just stated that you have bypassed the ban with Alt accounts. It doesn't look the best for you at the moment. I would suggest not trying to bypass the ban and wait a few months and make a new unban application. 

-Ex CWRP Ranks -

41st Marshal Commander 

Senior Administrator

Senior Medic

-Ex ICRP Ranks-

Head Medical Officer

ISF Master Sergeant 
Death Trooper
Hutt High Command
Pyke High Command
Rebel High Command
Fonollio High Command 


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People have had 30 warns and been unbanned in a shorter time, those warns were also over the span of almost 4 years. Yes using Alt's to bypass isn't a good look, but it was a year ago. The guy has gone through the effort of creating an account and post to be unbanned, doesn't really seem like its worth all the effort to fuck around, seems to want to come back and actually RP. He also isn't trying to argue the ban in any way and has waited for another chance. Worst thing that can happen is the guy gets unbanned on a 1 warn basis, he fucks around, and hes re-banned.  


Nevermind, I read the replies after i typed that..... If you had made the unban request before using an Alt recently, I could have seen you being unbanned. But now I don't see anything happening soon

Current Ranks


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Detainment Droid | Reserve Medic | GM Fire Droid

Jedi Guardian Jedi Knight | CT 3166


Jump Trooper Private Scout Trooper Sargent | Sith Apprentice | ST 3166 | Shock Trooper Private


T-SEC Lance Corporal Fonollio


Jump Trooper Lance Corporal | Hutt Clan Henchman


Jump Trooper Lance Corporal | Pyke Henchman


Jump Trooper Jr Medic 2nd Lieutenant


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