
Discord Unban Appeal

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My In-Game name: Snuss




Steam Name: Snussel

What is the reason for your ban: NSFW

How long were you banned for: I dont know

Name of the staff member who banned you: shepherd

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: i deeply regret my actions and even tho i did know that such thing i posted was prohibited i still did it. Now i was clearly not in my right mind. I want to forgive myself but i cannot do such thing without the forgiveness of you. I want to be unbanned because there is still alot that i want to experience in this server. I still have alot to learn and this will be something i learn from. My mistakes will not be repeated but discontinued.  And i hope you can forgive me as i really regret this. To make no mistakes is not in the power of man but from their errors and mistakes the wise and good learn wisdom for the future.


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it seems that you do understand your mistake and made to effort to appeal for it, so you are sorry for it

but on the other hand it is kinda bad that you knew what punishment was going to follow but still did it.

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Indeed. It was very dumb of me and i totally agree with you.  I just thought it wouldnt end in this. If this gets denied i will accept the consueqences. If it gets accepted then i will be thankful for the gift of another chance. I will never do something like this again and i hope i can be forgiven.

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While i would Say it was a "Mistake" the type of NSFW you posted was pretty bad. not gonna say it here but what the reason was in discord staff loggings doesn't sit right with me in my opinion







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21 minutes ago, Snuss said:

The picture wasnt even that bad, it was bad but not that that bad honestly.

You know what you've done is very serious and it's evident with what you are saying. When I brought it up in discord you stated that you "could explain" and then immediately said you couldn't explain it. Here you've contradicted yourself by saying it's not bad but it was bad.

I spoke to Herold and Wook and they both said it was very dodgy, when I brought it up with Zab for confirmation, he immediately stated it was pretty obviously CP.

You're not permabanned from the server, but you still posted a very nsfw image in the discord. If you don't get unbanned, I think it's only worthy trying in good few months with constant work on the server, getting to SO if a regiment is willing to have you is likely your best option.

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That isnt what i meant. Like i meant that its not bad if you compare, for example if you go to your local beach you could defiently see a naked 2 year old running around. Its bad yes. But dont give it a dramatic effect calling it cp as it doesnt exploit the child in the pic for sexual reasons.

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dont think that makes it better why would you even want to send a picture of a naked child?







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Whether it was a mistake or not Child pornography is a very serious issue 
You won't be banned from the server for now which is lucky for you

Current Ranks:
RC Auxiliary Security Staff Honour Guard

 Previous Ranks: 
RC Commander F71 CWRP Staff Manager Plo Koon

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