
Bongo's Unwarn Appeal

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My In-Game name: Bongo


Steam Name: Karl Pilkington of TRGS

What is the reason for your warn: ERP

Name of the staff member who warned you: Zab

Why do I believe that the warn should be revoked: Well it was in OOC which obviously is not RP (66.6% of warn reason becoems invalid)
I have 1 screenshot that somebody else grabbed and I will leave it in the evidence part, but I dont have the other text logs but I was quoting the meme linked here:
I was doing this in response to another user in OOC poking some memer humour, I understand it might be a bit cringe or stupid but thats what OOC is usually used for anyway, to consider it Erotic Roleplay is ridiculous as OOC is literally there as it is a place to speak out of roleplay.


former ct 2245 bong

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It is out of character so there is 0 way it could be interpreted as a role-play situation. Same way a discord channel is OOC, you don't get arrested for saying fuck you to CG in general talk. 

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I agree ERP isnt the correct punishment, but the correct punishment would have still resulted in a warn so very little point in correcting it.


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