Bob The Bo

Bob The Bo's Event Planner application

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Application Template Below

In game Name: Bob Curtis

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:119694447

List of warns: I am not sure, I believe it around 20

Any previous or current staff experience: No

Why should we pick you?(200 Word Min):
I believe that I would be suitable for event planner as I have a lot of experience on the server having been in the community since V3 and I have good organisational skills. I also have leadership skills which would be needed in the actual execution of the event to make sure everyone with a role in the event knows what is happening and what their role entails.
I have a lot of ideas that I think would make interesting events and improve the overall experience of the server. I have also been involved in a lot of events and I would like to provide my own material for these. Events are an excellent way for players to interact with each other and can lead to improved roleplay and something engaging to other players. I will try to have in my events inclusion of multiple different groups to make it more inclusive so multiple parties can benefit. I would be pretty active as well so I could host events regularly and also assist the staff with any sits that may need to be sorted. I think with all this being said, I am a good candidate for the position and would make a great contribution to the event planning team.

Your event plan: MTF Junta takeover

Phase 1 

A splinter group of Nu 7, who are fed with the way the facility has been run,
arrive to the site to speak with the department heads. They subdue the staff using CSI SWEPs, which
will be forbidden for use outside this specific instance, forcing the guards under consequence rp and
not to intervene. They demand to be 
instated as a Junta of the facility.  They demand a stop to the
kidnapping of Ovis citizens 
to be held as Class Ds, an end to Protocol 12 (the protocol which dictates
that if there's ever a shortage of Class
-D personnel, alternative means of recruitment are authorized
such as locals
, refugees, or political prisoners) Class Ds are to be used more sparingly as they are
deemed a scarce resource by the upper
echelons of the Junta 
and a Military Junta instated to sort out
the site's affairs. They demand that their terms are met otherwise they will reveal to the public about the protocol
which would be devastating for the Foundation.

Phase 2
As they hold the Administration staff Hostage, one of the thought-to-be hostages in the room reveals himself to be a mole within
the Administration.
A Hostage Rescue Task force, Zulu 10 (The Extractors) is called upon to the site to respond to the situation.

Should the Foundation accept the Juntas terms they shall be given free reign to run the site until such a 
time as the Hostage Team Zulu 10 can dispatch of the Splinter cell. Should the foundation reject their
demands, Zulu 10 shall attempt to rescue the hostages and restore order back to the site.
Note: The on site security and MTF may not attempt to rescue until Zulu 10 arrives to the site

Phase 3
After successfully taking out the splinter cell, the Mole (if he is captured alive) shall be put on trial for Conspiracy. 
Zulu 10 shall guard the trial during its duration and then shall exit the site.

8 people for Splinter cell
4 people for Zulu 10
HOEA and SD shall be informed of the event beforehand and to let the splinter cell in
An administration staff shall be selected as the mole

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Personally, I love the way you manage to organize the pd whenever you play mayor and everything. But the event..ehh, I don't really like that.

"A splinter group of Nu-7...." "They subdue the staff using CSI swep..."

Edited by Joe Conner

Scprp is bad, run while you can!!
Good Night GIFDog Morning GIF
seal GIF 

  • SCP-RP Current Ranks: PlatVIPSCP-RP Administrator, Junior Developer, MTF Nu-7 NCO, Head Of Manufacturing Department (Owner), Head of External Affairs, Site Director, The Serpents Hand (Vice-Manager)
  • SCP-RP Past Ranks:   Organization for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts, Sarkic Cultist, Marshall Carter N' Dark Salesman, Ethics Committee Member, Epsilon-11 Commander, Unusual Incidents Unit Special Agent in Charge (Vice-Manager), GRU-P, Head Researcher, Internal Security Department, SCP-096
  • HLRP Past Ranks:  Civil Industrial Union Journeyman, Civil Medical Union Nurse
  • CW-RP  Past Ranks: PlatVIP, Combat Engineer COL, Adv Medic

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Sadly it's another "Event App" with as idea a splinter cell or the whole MTF to go rogue... it got proposed & refused so many times by now it won't get accepted anymore, the one time it got accepted & done it was a shitfest....

The shitfest I'm talking above was espcially true from MTF POV... (those who weren't rogue & had to deal with rogue MTF & potential rogue Security corrupted by mentionned MTF), the event was purely "combat-oriented" with basically "no lore" whatsoever

So no... I'm not willing to relive that kind of shitfest so-called "event"


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My loyal Nu-7 would never do such a thing...

I can already see so many things going wrong with this event.
Your "Good Organisational skills" & "Leadership skills" aren't going to make this event work.

😃 helloi their mye nameizi bejamie bregei 😃

I wsa porn ta a vrey yuogn aeg 

🥂Mi titteleis🧨
🇹🇷 Marshallah Beregei (mftun77 owiernw) 🇹🇷

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Boring event plan

Current Ranks: 

MTF A-1 Agent | CI Reserve Manager | MTF E-11 Agent | HoEA | SCP Staff

Past Ranks:

SCP Moderator | MTF E-11 Commander | UIU Agent | CI Delta | HoEA  | MC&D Salesman |  Nu-7 SGT | GM SOF Colonel | Medic  x2  | 501st SOF Colonel


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13 hours ago, Bob The Bo said:

Application Template Below

In game Name: Bob Curtis

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:119694447

List of warns: I am not sure, I believe it around 20

Any previous or current staff experience: No

Why should we pick you?(200 Word Min):
I believe that I would be suitable for event planner as I have a lot of experience on the server having been in the community since V3 and I have good organisational skills. I also have leadership skills which would be needed in the actual execution of the event to make sure everyone with a role in the event knows what is happening and what their role entails.
I have a lot of ideas that I think would make interesting events and improve the overall experience of the server. I have also been involved in a lot of events and I would like to provide my own material for these. Events are an excellent way for players to interact with each other and can lead to improved roleplay and something engaging to other players. I will try to have in my events inclusion of multiple different groups to make it more inclusive so multiple parties can benefit. I would be pretty active as well so I could host events regularly and also assist the staff with any sits that may need to be sorted. I think with all this being said, I am a good candidate for the position and would make a great contribution to the event planning team.

Your event plan: MTF Junta takeover

Phase 1 

A splinter group of Nu 7, who are fed with the way the facility has been run,
arrive to the site to speak with the department heads. They subdue the staff using CSI SWEPs, which
will be forbidden for use outside this specific instance, forcing the guards under consequence rp and
not to intervene. They demand to be 
instated as a Junta of the facility.  They demand a stop to the
kidnapping of Ovis citizens 
to be held as Class Ds, an end to Protocol 12 (the protocol which dictates
that if there's ever a shortage of Class
-D personnel, alternative means of recruitment are authorized
such as locals
, refugees, or political prisoners) Class Ds are to be used more sparingly as they are
deemed a scarce resource by the upper
echelons of the Junta 
and a Military Junta instated to sort out
the site's affairs. They demand that their terms are met otherwise they will reveal to the public about the protocol
which would be devastating for the Foundation.

Phase 2
As they hold the Administration staff Hostage, one of the thought-to-be hostages in the room reveals himself to be a mole within
the Administration.
A Hostage Rescue Task force, Zulu 10 (The Extractors) is called upon to the site to respond to the situation.

Should the Foundation accept the Juntas terms they shall be given free reign to run the site until such a 
time as the Hostage Team Zulu 10 can dispatch of the Splinter cell. Should the foundation reject their
demands, Zulu 10 shall attempt to rescue the hostages and restore order back to the site.
Note: The on site security and MTF may not attempt to rescue until Zulu 10 arrives to the site

Phase 3
After successfully taking out the splinter cell, the Mole (if he is captured alive) shall be put on trial for Conspiracy. 
Zulu 10 shall guard the trial during its duration and then shall exit the site.

8 people for Splinter cell
4 people for Zulu 10
HOEA and SD shall be informed of the event beforehand and to let the splinter cell in
An administration staff shall be selected as the mole

Okay, basically the warns are a lot and i'v been around for awhile and when you were peaking and making the name known to me, while you proved to have genuine interest, you took the server for a seriousRP rather semi serious experience. Going on to the event, come back with a different kind of event that doesn't strickly involve weapons that turns it into a TDM fight, go for something passive where guns are not the focus and are only used in extremeity, Passive event idea might be the way to go and proving that you could be a strong event planner, if you just narrow down your ideas to that of basic TDM matches which is what we had in previous versions towards the closure

Present SCP Ranks:
SCP Developer

SCP Ranks Past
SCP Manager
SCP Head Admin
SCP-Head Moderator             
SCP-096 Co-Manager
Onerioi Collective
Ethics Committee Manager
Chaos Insurgency Delta Manager
Sarkic Manager
O5 Council Manager


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-this guys a legend

Current Ranks: ICRP Admin, 41st 2nd LT, Senior Assassin, 201st  Sergeant, Heavy Weapons Leader 

Previous Ranks: Sith Sub-Path Leader, Battalion Lieutenant Colonel, 501st Vice-Commander/Lieutenant Commander, DarkRP Admin, Deathrun Admin, CG Colonel, SCP RP Super Admin. SCP-096, The Serpants Hand, CI Delta, IJAMEA, O5-3. Site Director, GOC, Echo-14, MC&D Salesman, Anderdon Robotics Robot, Sarkic Karcist/Vice-Manager, SCP-1048 (When WL), Head Researcher, MTF E-11 Commander, Ethics Committee, Church of the broken God Maxwellism/Orthodox, Harrow-23 Manager And NU-7


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Bob, you've changed a lot, which has had a great improvement of your character.

But TDM events have not changed from being difficult, sit ridden, "RDM!" infested malarky.

I agree with Rex, events with 70-80% RP are great, with some potential combat as a reward, not a given. 

Then again, events that tie into previous events are also great. TDM events can't really be tied that well into later TDM events.

But RP events can.


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