
Jimmy's EP Application

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Steam Name + Profile link: Darwin Nunez | https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198354007767/

Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): Plo Koon 

Teamspeak Name: Jimmy

Playtime on the Server: 2 months 1 w 1 d 19 h 8 min

SteamID (http://steamidfinder.com/): STEAM_0:1:196871019

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: I was staff on a server around a year ago.

Current Age: 19

Warns/Bans: image.png?ex=651d830a&is=651c318a&hm=2a6

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes

Have you ever Done an Event Before?: No

What was your event and was it successfully executed?: N/A

Do you understand the responsibilities an event-planner has? If so, what are they?: 
Yes the responsibilities of an event planner is to create events for the community that they will enjoy and keeping it fair for both sides for enjoyment of both clones, Jedi's and Event Characters.

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes

Clone Event Plan:

Create an event plan for clones, Event announcement, What type of enemies will be encountered. Keep in mind this will be used for your first training event. Make it easy to understand, be original and be creative(Use the Template):

Story for your event: a group of spice smugglers have been importing/exporting spice on the deep levels of coruscant, they have secured a grid and it is heavily defended to make sure no one can infiltrate and steal their spice. The Leader is there and he is commanding his group to make sure they are meeting his expectations.


Event Announcement for your story: a Large Group of Spice Smugglers have taken over a grid on Coruscant Below, they have been importing/exporting spice with help from there leader. You have been sent to locate the group and to stop them in there tracks.

Choice of map: Coruscant Below

Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?: Spice Smugglers, they have been exporting and importing spice

Additional Characters: Spice Group Leader


Republic's outline and execution: Battalion receive Intel of a group on coruscant and send Republic forces to destroy and stop the spice coming into coruscant below. Once they get to Coruscant Below, Battalion then Brief his soldiers on why they are here. Once they get the greenlight they go ahead with the operation and attempt to locate the spice dealers to shut them down.

Event Character outline and execution: The EC's are switched onto their job and told to wait for the Republic to show up, the Group Leader will negotiate with the Republic and eventually will open fire on them thus starting the event, once the event reaches the bar I will put a rayshield up for the Republic to hack, once hacked the event will continue on and the Spice dealers will try and hold their own.

Jedi Event Plan:

Create a jedi event BASED upon one of the following P-EC scenario below 

- Grey Jedi Teidowan who prevented the Jedi order from stopping the genocide of a village. The Grey Jedi now must be redeemed by the jedi order. Write an event plan on how the Grey Jedi would be redeemed

- Sith Apprentice who seeks to resurrect its master with a dark ritual after he was slain by the jedi. The ritual required sacrifices of multiple lifeforms. Write a event plan on how the Sith could perform said ritual

- Mercenary Guerilla wanted by the republic for multiple murderers has been hired by a wealthy client. After a high ranking jedi within the order captured the wealthy client previously, now he is hungry for revenge. Write an event plan so that the Mercenary can kidnap the high ranking Jedi

Story for your event BASED on the option: an Ancient Force User has been calling to a Sith Master and his apprentice, they were called to the jedi caves on Rishimoon through the force. The sith have been told that they need to hunt down jedi and to bring the spirits to a altar in the caves, once the 5 spirits have been collected the Ancient Force User will be resurrected by the dark side of the force to hunt and kill all the jedi.

Event Announcement for your story: a Ancient Force User have called to a sith apprentice and his master to resurrect him, they need to collect 5 jedi souls and prove themselves worthy to use the dark side of the force, make sure you destroy the sith before they resurrect Ancient Force User

Additional Characters: Ancient Force User
(eg. passive char or burner EC)

Jedi's outline and execution: Jedi feel a disturbance in the force coming from the caves on rishimoon, they venture into the caves and find a altar and 2 sith standing next to it, they are tasked with dealing with the sith before the ancient force user gets resurrected.
(e.g. "- Jedi finds a camp of slaughtered civilians  .")

Jedi Event Character outline and execution: 
The EC's will be brought to the caves where the Altar will be, then i will make the jedi come to the Caves through RP. Then i will tell the EC's to talk with the jedi and then they will start engaging with the jedi and try to kill atleast 5 jedi for the spirits to be collected. 
(e.g. "- Sith has sent an emissary to lure the jedi into an ambush")

Last question:

Anything else?: W-G E Planner

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-High rank

-Active and Good event Plan

-Goes EC Alot

-Decent amount of warns (but they were over a year ago)

Overall think he would be a good pick for EP 🙂

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  • Very active member of the community
  • The event plans are alright, nothing amazing but since they are simple it will be a lot easier to host them
  • In my opinion, with a good mentor Jimmy would do well as an Event Planner
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