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14 hours ago, JoeMama said:

Would it be possible for me to become 096 i will be 096 as much as possible and will keep things interestind if you can please make me an SCP 096.




Edited by John Price

THE john stance


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RP Name: Norden Jorden or SCP 999 THE BLOB


SteamID:  STEAM_0:071390426


Playtime Required [ Must be 4 days or Above] 4 days


In-Game Warnings [reasons and amount. type !warns in-game to find, must have fewer than 20 warnings. (exceptions can be made)]: 


Have you read the rules of SCP-RP, and do you understand them?:  Yes i have read them and i also do understand them.


Have you read the rules of SCP-096, and do you understand what you can and cannot do? Demonstrate your understanding*  Something you cant do is going on mass killing ( which makes sence sentence because the SCP is not just about killing people if you want to go and kill people you will go SCP-035 or SCP- 457),  you cant use PAC 3 look through SCP 096's containment chamber ( which makes  sence because it is not RP if you can see through and see people out of your chamber) , i can not kill other SCP's , once some one looks at my face (like the photo) i will go and kill them no mater what and when i kill them i will not move from the place where i kill them then sit down in a position where i am not making people look at my face, i will be careful when using the swep so i don't accidentally kill the people who did not look at my face, the level 5 key card will only be used when i breach or someone looks at my face then run 


Are you able to play SCP-096 often when the job is not full, and give good RP to other players who encounter you?: i want to play SCPs that are  not as aggressive ( not killing all the time so like SCP 096) so yes i can play SCP-096 offten 


What is the Containment Procedure for SCP-096?*(Explain in full detail)  SCP's 096 Containment Procedure ( also cell ) His Cell is in a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m steel cell that is checked weekly for cracked and holes ( in the cell ) will be mandatory, there must be no video surveillance or optical devices of any kind incide of SCP 096's cell. Security personnel will use installed pressure sencors and laser detectors ( so they don't have to look inside of SCP 096's cell)  to make sure that SCP 096 will not escape from his cell. If SCP 096 Containment cell fail and he escapes every one will leave the room and E-11 and CS will enter the room while not looking at the SCP and after finding him in that room he is in, then the E-11 or CS will put a bag over SCP-096's head they drag him back to his CC, then closing it and leave the room


During research, a Class D looks at your face and manages to escape the Containment Chamber, he runs towards the Entrance Zone. What is your course of action while chasing 096-1, and what do you do once you have killed them?*:  i would breach ( if the door is closed i would use the key card ) i would chase him all the way to  EZ ( and if the EZ door is closed i would use the CL 5 key card)  till i find him and then i would kill him then after i kill him i would stop in the spot and sit down and not positioning my face to any one.


While chasing 096-1, you pass a researcher, Class D and a MTF unit who all look at your face accidentally. Once you kill the current 096-1, you go back and find them, then proceeding to kill them also. Is this good RP and why?*: It is good RP becuase that is what SCP 096 would do in SCP lore he would go and kill every one of them like he was documented to do. That is just what he is like and why SCP 096 is a amazing SCP 


If SCP-096 bag had come off or if some Escapee Class d ran past and grabbed it, as E-11 or CS would you chase the class d or proceed on to recontain SCP-096?* if some class D would run past and rips the bag of the E-11 and CS will both look away from 096 and depending on how many CS / E-11 they will inform the other staff about SCP 096 breach and one will go and find the D class and the other CS / E-11 will re-contain SCP 096 


A GOI has managed to enter the facility, and they open your Containment Chamber to cuff you and take you out of the facility, one of them looks at your face but tells you it was an accident, and you can just ignore it. What should you do? Why?*: Because of the rule (failRP) i will have to kill the GOI and i can not do any thing about that or i risk getting warned then after i kill him i won't move frop the place of the muder 


Anything else you may need to tell people reading this application:  i am quite good at Role Play because i do drama at school and i think this will help me play this character

Edited by bigbrain
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Reason: Application falls within the week long waiting period to reapply.

Application lacks some detail, but the area that hits the hardest in lack of detail is the Containment Procedure.

One more thing, that is an invalid SteamID. It should look something like this for example: STEAM_0:1:0193782 (You can find it while loading into the SCP-RP server on the screen before spawning and you can find it by right-clicking your user in game then clicking "Copy SteamID")

Best of luck - Viktor Svetsken

Edited by [W-G] MOTT
Added ways for finding their SteamID

Viktor Svetsken

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RP Name: Tyler Kelley


SteamID: STEAM_0:0:211902533


Playtime Required [ Must be 4 days or Above]: 1 week 14h


In-Game Warnings [reasons and amount. type !warns in-game to find, must have fewer than 20 warnings. (exceptions can be made)]:

-8 warns.
-0 active warns.

-Propblock. May 15 2019
-Refusing to remove pac3. Jul 18 2019
-Rdm x1. Jul 14 2019
-Radio abuse- Scp glitch Aug 18 2019
-LTARP Aug 17 2019
-Accidental RDM. May 17 2019

The day when i bought Gmod 😕
-RDM. Apr 27 2019
-RDM in sit. Apr 27 2019


Have you read the rules of SCP-RP, and do you understand them?: Yes I do understand them.


Have you read the rules of SCP-096, and do you understand what you can and cannot do? Demonstrate your understanding* :
I must not commit a giant massacre even if someone is saying that he dares me to look at him or encourages me too go trick someone to look at me. In game this would apply if I was for some reason chasing down my scp 096-1 (they looked at me)  and then when I kill him somebody went up to me lets say a d class and said there are security guards chasing me go look at them and kill them please it is my first time playing(or something like that). When the security personnel came a guard looked at me, I can kill him but not the others and then wait at the spot for possible recontaiment. Next I must not abuse my level 5 clearance card at any point except if I am chasing someone who has looked at me and I need to get through a door. In game this would apply if say a researcher came into my contaiment chamber and by any chance looked at me then ran away through the checkpoint at heavy contaiment in to the entrance zone then I can use my level 5 clearance card to open the doors at the checkpoint to get to the researcher and kill him.  If I have the pac3 camera owned I must not abuse by using it to look out of my contaiment chamber. In game this would count if I donated and have the permission to use the PAC3 editor and I decide that I am bored or any other reason I can not use the PAC3 to look out of my contaiment chamber to see if anyone passes or anything else, I really do not know who in their bright mind would do that or why they would do that . Next when in my contaiment chamber I must not sit at the front of the door or look directly at it. I must always sit in the corner. This would apply to me if I was waiting for someone to come into my contaiment chamber or if i was just waiting to get tested et cetera and I was just looking at the door waiting for someone to look at me and chase him down. This would count as fail rp, the right thing to do was to not kill him or first to just sit in my corner. This is rp not a teaming game so I must not spare anyone even if it is my friend except I can spare if it was failrp or other rule breaking as I adressed above and as I am going to present. This would apply if I go play scp-096 and my friend says ok I am going to play head of security, anyother security or just a mtf and he goes with a researcher to my contaiment chamber to guard the researcher and to see that nothing goes wrong and I breach. Then he mistakenly looks at me and I choose not to kill him this would count as failrp. Except if I would do failrp by sitting at the door then I can not kill him. When I have chased down my 096-1 and succesfully killed I must sit at the location of the killing and not move around making others look at my face. This would apply to me in game if say I am chasing my 096-1 because he looked at me and I kill him, I must stay at the site where I killed him and not move away from the site of the killing. Except if like I said in the presentation of rule number 1 That security guards were chasing down a d class and one looked at me  I can chase him or just kill him there then sit down. If someone is trying to breach me I do not go out because of the breach but report him to staff. In game this would count if my friend or somebody else is trying to breach me by opening the door in do not go out but I report him to staff then when I am put back I close the door with my level 5 clearance card. When I am chasing my 096-1 down and someone else looks at me I must be certain that he looked at me and me not just running at him/looking at him. This would apply if I was chasing my 096-1 and when I was about to kill the 096-1 an engineer  from the hallway came and because I was trying to kill 096-1 I looked at him so he saw my face. When chasing my 096-1 and using my sweep to go faster I must be aware to not kill anybody else on mistake. In game this would count if I was chasing down my 096-1 and he was  far I use my sweep to catch up but I mistakenly kill people passing by . This would count as a rule broken.


Are you able to play SCP-096 often when the job is not full, and give good RP to other players who encounter you?: Yes I can play the job when it is not full and I will follow the rules so I and the others can have a fun RP experience.


What is the Containment Procedure for SCP-096?(Explain in full detail) 
All personnel who are not contaiment specialists or E-11 must retreat by not looking at scp 096 face. When E-11 or contaiment specialist arrive they carefully aproach scp 096 with their backs turned. When they are near scp 096 they must be carefull to not mess things up. When there they cover scp 096 face with bag and drag him away with elastic handcuffs. When they have dragged scp 096 to its chamber they remove his cuffs first then take the bag off, then shut the doors.

During research, a Class D looks at your face and manages to escape the Containment Chamber, he runs towards the Entrance Zone. What is your course of action while chasing 096-1, and what do you do once you have killed them?: I chase him down. After I located him I kill him without harming anybody else. When I'm done I sit at the location.

While chasing 096-1, you pass a researcher, Class D and a MTF unit who all look at your face accidentally. Once you kill the current 096-1, you go back and find them, then proceeding to kill them also. Is this good RP and why?: No. Because I must not go on a killing spree.


If SCP-096 bag had come off or if some Escapee Class d ran past and grabbed it, as E-11 or CS would you chase the class d or proceed on to recontain SCP-096? : Proceed on recontaining the SCP as this is my speciality and contact security there is a d class on loose.


A GOI has managed to enter the facility, and they open your Containment Chamber to cuff you and take you out of the facility, one of them looks at your face but tells you it was an accident, and you can just ignore it. What should you do? Why?*: If a group of interest raids the foundation and chooses to carry me out of the foundation for their own cause, and someone from the group looks at me then says it was on mistake. I must not ignore that and him down because he is my 096-1 and because if I do not kill him it would count as rulebreaking and failrp. This kind of rule breaking is if a friend looks at me and I do not kill him as I said previously I must not spare anyone even if he is my friend or if he said it was on accident I must instantly kill him and not ignore it. But if in another case if I looked at him or if I wanted him to look at me then I would break a rule and it would count as failrp. If for some reason he came back an he would keep resisting and telling me that it was an accident and that i needed to ignore it I would report him to staff and persist to wait there until staff comes when we would solve the problem whose fault it was I would continue roleplaying and let the other members of some group of interest carry me to the location.(sorry for only 214 words couldn't think of more.)


Anything else you may need to tell people reading this application: spacer.png
this was screenshoted today and warns all warns are from 2019. you can ask admin if you want

Edited by Not_Kingel
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State your current/most common RP Name: George Mcfly


State your current Steam UsernameSonyRoiko


Provide your SteamIDSTEAM_0:0:39684331


State your current in game level(Level 30 required, exceptions can be made)46


State your current in game rank (User,VIP,Gold VIP etc.) : User


State your current playtime in game (2 days required, exceptions can be made)2 days and 10h


How many warnings do you have?(15 warns is the limit, exceptions can be made)You MUST PROVIDE A SCREENSHOT0


Do you understand the rules of SCP-RP? (1 sentence is not an answer.)Yes I do. I must not Rdm, NLR… and basically I need to use common sense. I've read them 3 times and when playing I wasn't warned anytimes except once I was teleported for RDM but at the end it was false.


Do you understand the basics of 1048? (1 sentence is not an answer.): Yes he is a passive scp like scp-999. He needs to obey orders if threatened by CS or E-11(fear rp). He needs to use  gestures to communicate. He collects ears by making friends and then tricking someone which gives him the opportunity to take their ear.


Do you understand that PassiveRP is very important in this job and why?Yes because he isn't like other scps except 999 that can kill or that. He is meant to be passive and friendly. He is meant to go around the foundation and interact with personnel unlike others who wait on a breach and then try to get the most kills.


Do you understand the rules of SCP-1048, and are you willing to follow them at all times?(1 sentence is not an answer)I am willing to follow the rules of SCP-1048. I can not go on the surface except if the admin gives me permission. I can only communicate using gestures. I can not taunt other SCPS to kill me. My swep collects ears, to use that  my subject needs to crouch and be facing me. I can not use props to build a replica of myself. If I'm cuffed I can't break out of them. I can not open doors that have buttons. I must go by fearRP. PassiveRP is the main part of playing this SCP. If I am trapped by E-11 or CS I need to allow them to cuff me. If I reach the number of required ears I can't spam to an admin. I must avoid interactions with other SCPs as much as I can.


Describe how SCP-1048 should act with and around Foundation Personnel: Friendly using different gestures such as jumping and playing with them. Except if an CS or E-11 warns me

 And says to me to go to my chamber. Also I need to trick people in to crouching. But the main part is being passive.

Describe what SCP-1048 doesHe plays with people like SCP-999. If he sees an opportunity to grab someones ear or tricks them then he grabs it. When he has enough ears he builds 1048-A and 1048-B.


A GOI has breached you out of containment and take you to Gate A, they tell you to come with them, what do you do?I contact an admin for approval. When one comes if he approves then I follow the GOI or if not I go back.


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Rp name - Harold Stickman

SteamID - STEAM_0:0:116032537

Playtime - 4 days and 1 hour

In-game Warnings - none

Have you read the rules of SCP-RP and do you understand them? - Yes I have read them all and understand them

Have you read the rules of SCP-096, and do you understand what you can and cannot do? - Yes I have read all the rules.  I cannot kill any other SCPs even if they look at my face. I am not allowed to go on a mass killing spree even if someone is telling me to do so. I can only kill those who looked at my face. I can’t use my level 5 keycard to get out of containment. I can only use it when chasing 096-1. If I ever get PAC3 I am not allowed to use the camera to look outside my cc. I can not sit down looking at my door inside my cc because that is basically forcing a breach. Anyone who opens the door will see my face. I have to face a wall or corner. If I am rping with my friend I still have to kill him if he looks at my face. Once I kill 096-1 I have to sit down where I killed him and not move. If someone was purposefully trying to breach me I have to report it to staff. I have to be certain that the person who I think looked at my face actually did. This isn’t much of a problem now because it shows up on the right of the screen. I have to not kill anyone else while chasing 096-1 by spamming my SWEP. This can happen accidentally so I will only click my SWEP if I am certain I will hit 096-1.

Are you able to play as SCP-096 often when the job is not taken, and give good RP to other players who encounter you? - I usually play as an SCP and I really wanted to play as 096 so I will do it very often. I have read a lot about 096 and know what I should do for good RP and that 096 can’t talk.

What is the containment procedure for SCP-096? - When SCP-096 is breached everyone who isn’t e-11 or b-7 should leave the area without looking at his face to not cause further problems. Once everyone else has evacuated from the area e-11 and b-7 approach 096 with their back turned. Once they are near or beside him they must begin the procedure making sure to not look at his face. First they take a bag or something that completely covers 096’s face and cover it.  They must tie the bag. Blindfolding can be used if needed. They then tie 096 with the elastic cuffs and drag him back to his cc. They must watch out for people trying to take the bag off. Once 096 is back in the cell his cuffs must be removed. After they are removed one person should do /me in game while facing backwards from 096 to take off the bag. They then exit with their backs turned until the doors close completely. 

During research, a class d looks at your face and manages to escape the containment chamber, he runs towards Entrance Zone. What is your course of action while chasing 096-1 and what do you do once you have killed them? - I would chase them using my level 5 keycard if needed until i have killed them. Once I have killed them I would sit down in place and not move unless someone else looked at my face on the way which in that case I would start chasing them. Once I have killed everyone who looked at my face I would then sit down and not move.

While chasing 096-1, you encounter a researcher, d class and MTF unit who all look at your face accidentally. Once you kill the current 096-1 you go back and find them proceeding to kill them also. Is this good RP and why? - I think this is good RP because as seen in the scp wiki article about 096 he does kill multiple people that look at his face. Leaving them would be failrp.

If SCP-096’s bag had come off or an escape class had ran up and grabbed it, as e-11 or b-7 would you chase the class d or continue on to recontain SCP-096? - e-11 and b-7 are specialised in containment of SCPs not in stopping escapees so I would ask someone on comms to go after the d class and I would continue recontaining SCP-096.

A GOI had managed to enter the facility and they open your containment chamber to cuff you and take you out of the facility, one of them looks at your face but says it was just an accident and you can just ignore it. What should you do? Why? - I should kill the person who looked at my face. No matter the person’s intentions 096 would do that. 096 only worries about killing those who view its face so that’s what I should do too. Otherwise it is failrp as that would not actually happen.

Anything else you may need to tell the people reading the application? - No I’m pretty sure there is nothing else I must say



Edited by b0ckToHell
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RP Name: Norden Jorden or SCP 999 THE BLOB


SteamID:  STEAM_0:071390426


Playtime Required [ Must be 4 days or Above] 4 days


In-Game Warnings [reasons and amount. type !warns in-game to find, must have fewer than 20 warnings. (exceptions can be made)]: 


Have you read the rules of SCP-RP, and do you understand them?:  Yes i have read them and i also do understand them.


Have you read the rules of SCP-096, and do you understand what you can and cannot do? Demonstrate your understanding*  Something you cant do is going on mass killing ( which makes sence sentence because the SCP is not just about killing people if you want to go and kill people you will go SCP-035 or SCP- 457),  you cant use PAC 3 look through SCP 096's containment chamber ( which makes  sence because it is not RP if you can see through and see people out of your chamber) , i can not kill other SCP's , once some one looks at my face (like the photo) i will go and kill them no mater what and when i kill them i will not move from the place where i kill them then sit down in a position where i am not making people look at my face, i will be careful when using the swep so i don't accidentally kill the people who did not look at my face, the level 5 key card will only be used when i breach or someone looks at my face then run 


Are you able to play SCP-096 often when the job is not full, and give good RP to other players who encounter you?: i want to play SCPs that are  not as aggressive ( not killing all the time so like SCP 096) so yes i can play SCP-096 offten 


What is the Containment Procedure for SCP-096?*(Explain in full detail)  If SCP-096 has breached his Containment Chamber because of the door will malfunction or something went wrong in a test, every one would leave his CC and E-11 or CS will enter the room without looking at his face. when everyone has evacuated the room and if E-11 or CS is not in the room then they will enter the room with there backed to SCP 096 and begin walking till they walk into a obstacle, when they have found them self near SCP 096 they will be careful, then they will slowwly take a bag or something that could cover his face completely they must cover his face completely, when they have the bag over his face they will tie him up with and make sure the red Elastic Cuffs to be able to drag SCP 096 back to his CC, When SCP 096 is in his CC they will firstly remove his cuffs after doing that has bin done they will face backwards and do /me in game to take off SCP 096 bag they will walk out of his CC with there backs away from SCP 096 until SCP 096 CC is closed    


During research, a Class D looks at your face and manages to escape the Containment Chamber, he runs towards the Entrance Zone. What is your course of action while chasing 096-1, and what do you do once you have killed them?*:  i would breach ( if the door is closed i would use the key card ) i would chase him all the way to  EZ ( and if the EZ door is closed i would use the CL 5 key card)  till i find him and then i would kill him then after i kill him i would stop in the spot and sit down and not positioning my face to any one.


While chasing 096-1, you pass a researcher, Class D and a MTF unit who all look at your face accidentally. Once you kill the current 096-1, you go back and find them, then proceeding to kill them also. Is this good RP and why?*: It is good RP becuase that is what SCP 096 would do in SCP lore he would go and kill every one of them like he was documented to do. That is just what he is like and why SCP 096 is a amazing SCP 


If SCP-096 bag had come off or if some Escapee Class d ran past and grabbed it, as E-11 or CS would you chase the class d or proceed on to recontain SCP-096?* if some class D would run past and rips the bag of the E-11 and CS will both look away from 096 and depending on how many CS / E-11 they will inform the other staff about SCP 096 breach and one will go and find the D class and the other CS / E-11 will re-contain SCP 096 


A GOI has managed to enter the facility, and they open your Containment Chamber to cuff you and take you out of the facility, one of them looks at your face but tells you it was an accident, and you can just ignore it. What should you do? Why?*: Because of the rule (failRP) i will have to kill the GOI and i can not do any thing about that or i risk getting warned then after i kill him i won't move frop the place of the muder 


Anything else you may need to tell people reading this application:  i am quite good at Role Play because i do drama at school and i think this will help me play this character

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Template Questions

State your current/most common RP Name: 

James Levington 

State your current Steam Username: 


Provide your SteamID: 


State your current in game level(Level 30 required, exceptions can be made): 


State your current in game rank (User,VIP,Gold VIP etc.) 


State your current playtime in game (2 days required, exceptions can be made): 

1 day (30 hours) , I average around 3-2 hours a day on this server and also have loads of more hours and experience on other servers but decided to move to a better server.

How many warnings do you have?(15 warns is the limit, exceptions can be made)You MUST PROVIDE A SCREENSHOT:

Do you understand the rules of SCP-RP? (1 sentence is not an answer.): 

Yes, I have been familiar with the rules of SCP-RP as I have been playing the game and these types of servers for a while now. I made sure to read over all the rules before I played inorder to prevent myself from causing trouble and ruining others experience and mostly for me to have fun whilst others can and I have good common sense to avoid small things that could annoy others. 

Do you understand the basics of 1048? (1 sentence is not an answer.): 

Yes as I have done research on 1048, watched videos and studied the wiki about 1048. I will make sure to follow the rules as any normal player would and will make sure not to abuse my whitelist and will not go around nlring and rdming others. I will play along the rules like any other play has to and will make sure to stick with the rule set thats given with 1048.

Do you understand that PassiveRP is very important in this job and why?: 

I understand that PassiveRP is important because, the job is not all about roaming around killing others, you must have a reason to attack someone and I enjoy a passive playstyle as I think it suits me more. I play around with 999 a lot. 1048 Is not like other scps where you breach and attempt to get as many kills as you can, with 1048 you must interact with personnel  and interact in ways you normally would not.

Do you understand the rules of SCP-1048, and are you willing to follow them at all times?(1 sentence is not an answer): 

Yes I have read all the rules and I will not, leave the facility at any time unless 2 prerequisites are fulfilled. Only if a senior admin or higher has been notified and permission has been given and I am being escorted or captured by a group of interest. I will only communicate through gestures and will not use normal text or voice chat to talk. I will only communicate by drawings, /me and /it commands. I will not lure/antagonize other scps into attacking me to have a fight. I will only use the swep that takes ears if, they are crouched in my direction and interacting with me. I will not take ears for any other reason as that would be breaking the rule set that 1048 is given. I will not use props to construct duplication's of myself as this violates a rule. If I am cuffed I must not break out of them and follow every instruction I am given. Because of my short playermodel, I am not allowed to close and open doors that operate with a button however, normal doors such as apartment doors or the subway doors are fine for me to open. 1048 has a FearRP rule and if I am threatened by any job with the ability to contain SCPS, then I must follow what they say. I will not spam the admin if I have collected a certain amount of ears as its automatically detected. I will always avoid interaction with anomalies such as the orb and 012 and so on.

Describe how SCP-1048 should act with and around Foundation Personnel: 

1048 Should try communicate with Foundation Personnel in unusual ways which include drawings, and play with personnel. I must follow all the orders that they give. Mostly, being using friendly gestures such as jumping around and toying/playing with them, untill a CS or E-11 warns me.

Describe what SCP-1048 does: 

SCP-1048, roams around the site interacting, playing  and becoming friends with foundation personalle, gaining there trust and then tricking them for the perfect chance to grab there ear. When he collects enough ears, he creates 1048-A and 1048-B, to roam the site with.

A GOI has breached you out of containment and take you to Gate A, they tell you to come with them, what do you do?:

I must play along the rules and ask for an admins permission/approval. If its accepted I will follow all the GOI's orders, if it is not approved, I will go back and inform GOI that I am not approved to leave the site.

Edited by cheerios!?
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RP Name: Dr Web


SteamID: STEAM_1:1:106735593


Playtime Required [ Must be 4 days or Above] 4 days and 6 hours (currently)


In-Game Warnings [reasons and amount. type !warns in-game to find, must have fewer than 20 warnings. (exceptions can be made)]: I currently have one warning.


Have you read the rules of SCP-RP, and do you understand them?: I have read all of the rules and yes I understand them all.


Have you read the rules of SCP-096, and do you understand what you can and cannot do? Demonstrate your understanding* Yes I have read the rules of SCP-096 and I have also read extra information regarding SCP-096 on the official SCP Foundation website. I Understand how dangerous SCP-096 is and that it prohibited for anyone that isn’t a class-D to see SCP-096’s face (including via photograph or video).


In dire situations if SCP-096 was to escape seeking SCP-096-1 MTF will have to handle the situation by bagging (placing a bag over SCP-096).


Are you able to play SCP-096 often when the job is not full, and give good RP to other players who encounter you?: Yes I will take advanced of playing as SCP-096 whenever possible. I also have plenty of experience with role playing including the SCP Foundation as well as other games. I also know plenty of information about SCP-096, therefore I believe I will be able to provide a good experience with other players. 


What is the Containment Procedure for SCP-096?*(Explain in full detail) SCP-096 should confined in a cell of 5 m x 5 m x 5 m steel cube. Surveillance systems are prohibited inside SCP-096’s cell. The cell should also have weekly checks for any cracks and holes. Only E-11, containment specialists and GOI have the ability to cuff SCP-096. They may also bag SCP-096 along with personnel with a clearance of Level 3. If SCP-096 consignment cell door opens accidentally or malfunctions leading to the escape of SCP-096, E-11 and/or CS should try and cuff and bag SCP-096 and return them back to their confinement. When near SCP-096 it is important to look away from SCP-096’s face to avoid becoming SCP-096-1 as that will result in death. It is important to use the red elastic cuffs so that you can drag SCP-096 and blind folding should only be used when necessary. Once you have returned SCP-096 you should uncuff them and turn around straight away. You should then type in chat: “/me takes off bag” then leave SCP-096’s confinement cell.


During research, a Class D looks at your face and manages to escape the Containment Chamber, he runs towards the Entrance Zone. What is your course of action while chasing 096-1, and what do you do once you have killed them?*: I will sprint after SCP-096-1 in an enraged state until I have terminated him. Once he dies I will go into a passive state and sit down. While I have returned to being docile. If someone was to place a bag over my head I would remain still until removed, unless someone was to look at my face.


While chasing 096-1, you pass a researcher, Class D and a MTF unit who all look at your face accidentally. Once you kill the current 096-1, you go back and find them, then proceeding to kill them also. Is this good RP and why?*: Yes that would be good RP as everyone who has looked at SCP-096 in the past has been killed giving SCP-096 a 100% death rate. I also believe it is acceptable to kill in whichever order as SCP-096-1 doesn’t have to be killed first. 


If SCP-096 bag had come off or if some Escapee Class d ran past and grabbed it, as E-11 or CS would you chase the class d or proceed on to recontain SCP-096?* I would try to recontain as soon as possible as SCP-096 unleashed in the facility could cause many deaths not just including E-11 or CS.


A GOI has managed to enter the facility, and they open your Containment Chamber to cuff you and take you out of the facility, one of them looks at your face but tells you it was an accident, and you can just ignore it. What should you do? Why?*: It would be considered FailRP if I was to ignore the incident, therefore I would kill the person who looked at my face.


Anything else you may need to tell people reading this application: I believe I am suitable for the role of SCP-096 as I have months of experience in role playing games as well as a lot of knowledge of SCP-096 including my favourite report being incident 096-1-A where SCP-096 breached due to someone seeing four pixels as well as the failed project: SCRAMBLE. 

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