Guest Heavy Dakka Mech

IDK's CotBG whitelist

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State your current/most common RP Name: My most common and current RP Name is Herbert Stairs


State your current Steam Username: My current steam username is Herbert


Provide your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:191261387


State your current in game level(Level 30 required, exceptions can be made):  Ingame level is 50


State your current in game rank (User,VIP,Gold VIP etc.)  Ingame rank is Plat VIP


State your current playtime in game (2 days required, exceptions can be made): Current playtime is 3 days 23 hours I used to have more playtime but with a few server resets that got wiped away  but im very active on the server daily


How many warnings do you have?(15 warns is the limit, exceptions can be made)You MUST PROVIDE A SCREENSHOT: 0 I have been a good boy with a clean record


Do you understand the rules of SCP-RP? (1 sentence is not an answer.): I understand the rules of scp-rp as I have played on countless other scp rp servers, I made sure to read and follow the rules so that I could have a nice clean record with no warns and problems, I also enforce the rules on others so that the server will be fun and enjoyable.


Do you understand the basics of 1048? (1 sentence is not an answer.): I know the basics of almost every SCP as I am deeply interested in the lore, as for the basics in this server I have read and understood them, no talking only gestures, no abusing the swap etc..,  I will make sure to stick with the rule set thats given with 1048.


Do you understand that PassiveRP is very important in this job and why?: PassiveRP is extreamly important in this job because its what makes 1048 1048! only playing in order to breach or Kill people or make ear sculptures would ruin the character and the immersion of it,  and so through passiveRP and interacting with people as well as none passiveRP the job is balanced and fun keeping the character immersed and everyone else happy


Do you understand the rules of SCP-1048, and are you willing to follow them at all times?(1 sentence is not an answer): I Have went over and read the rules of 1048 memorized them making sure to remember the most important ones such as: the fact that you "MUST communicate through gestures" and that "1048 may NOT leave the Facility at anytime, unless 2 prerequisites are fulfilled: A Senior Admin or Higher has been notified, and permission has been given" and last but not least the fact that "Unlike any other SCPs, you are obligated to abide by FearRP" I'm ready to follow and abide by them at all times                                                                     


Describe how SCP-1048 should act with and around Foundation Personnel: I think 1048 should regularly show affection to individuals and snatch a ear every once and a while, while still  maintaining a balance between the PassiveRP and none PassiveRP he should communicate using his special ways and toy/play with the individuals around him unless a containment personnel warns me against it


Describe what SCP-1048 does: SCP-1048 Is a tiny teddy bear which acts like and affectionate child towards everyone Tricking them that he is only a special little toy and when he does trick them and they are not aware he'll snatch their ears to make copy's of himself to play around and roam with


A GOI has breached you out of containment and take you to Gate A, they tell you to come with them, what do you do?: Notify a Senior Admin or Higher and with permission exit the facility and if not permitted notify the GOI 

Edited by Herbert
Image that was specified was too edited
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great app, absolutely no missed details and alot of specificity. i would love to see you playing this job in the near future as i believe this is the best app i have seen. good job and good luckhmmm.thumb.png.99f9c7017b57d23ce4e1577220f4b5de.png

Please shut the fuck up, no one cares about your whitelists in a Gmod RP server

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23 minutes ago, That1RussianDude said:


- App could use a little bit more detail, but it explains each question well enough.

My only question is what is going on with your warn screenshot? It looks very edited, so a screenshot directly from steam would be better. 

took what you said into consideration and replaced the image with one directly from steam

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RP Name: Dr James Newton

SteamID: STEAM_1:0:15580937

Playtime Required [ Must be 4 days or Above] just over 4 days, 2 hours

In-Game Warnings [reasons and amount. type !warns in-game to find, must have fewer than 20 warnings. (exceptions can be made)]: I have 0 warnings



Have you read the rules of SCP-RP, and do you understand them?: I have read the rules of the server, and also of the lore in the scp universe. I understand about RDMing, NLR, passive and active RP, meta game, to name a few.


Have you read the rules of SCP-096, and do you understand what you can and cannot do? Demonstrate your understanding*


  1. 096 may not go on an enormous killing spree, regardless of circumstance

  2. Whilst playing as 096 I cannot misuse the level 5 clearance card to force open the CC

  3. I cannot abuse the PAC3 in any manner which would allow me to see outside of my CC

  4. Whilst inside the CC, 096 must not sit and stare at the CC door. This is classed as a fail breach, and instead should stare at the walls, or corners.

  5. I do not get to pick and chose whether to kill a 096-1 or not, regardless of if they are my friend or not. If they stare at my face, they must die

  6. I must kill all 096-?? entities. Once I have killed my 096-1, and provided there are no more, I must sit down and face exactly where I am when I killed them. I cannot turn myself around to try and force the creation of new -1's, and should try to remain motionless.

  7. If someone is trying to force my breach, such as opening the CC and trying to stare at my face, I should contact staff via the @ command

  8. As per some of the updated statements, the SWEP tool should tell me who actually looked at my face. However I should always ensure that when people are looking at me, they are really looking right at me, as to avoid accidental deaths.

  9. When I am chasing my 096-1, I should not accidentally kill someone through the SWEP tool, to ensure only -1's are killed.

  10. I am unable to kill any SCP's


Are you able to play SCP-096 often when the job is not full, and give good RP to other players who encounter you?: I am able to play as 096 often when the job is not full. I enjoy experimenting with 096 as a researcher, and understand both the server rule and lore surrounding this SCP. I also enjoy playing as 173, 1048, and 999, so I have had experience with both aggressive RP SCP's and passive ones.


What is the Containment Procedure for SCP-096?*(Explain in full detail) If 096 has breached, everyone who is not E-11 or CS must leave the vicinity without looking at 096's face. If there are any confirmed 096-1 instances they are to be found and killed on sight, so as to stop 096 in their tracks. CS/E-11 should be called in to deal with the the breach.

CS/E-11, having confirmed the location of 096, should walk backwards until they hit an obstacle.

Upon confirming the object is indeed 096, units should carefully and slowly place a bag or indeed any object that can fully cover 096's face, this should be tightly secured to ensure it does not fall off during transport. Once 096's face is fully covered, and secured, units should cuff 096.

Both the bag and cuffs should be checked for integrity, and once confirmed, multiple CS/E-11 units should assist in bringing 096 back to their cell. Multiple units should be used to firstly provide protection in the event of a GOI attack, and secondly for quicker containment should the bag be removed (such as by a D Class).

Only E-11/CS/GOI can cuff SCP-096. Only foundation personal with Clearance card level 3 and above may bag SCP-096.

Once back in their cell 096 should be cuffed to the wall. Next the restraints should be removed, and then the bag finally removed. All units should leave the cell without looking at 096, preferably staring outwards. Note, the 096 player is not allowed to turn around/spin in an attempt to force breach, as it will be fail RP.

Once units have left the cell, and the door has been safely closed, all units may return to what they were doing prior to breach.

If 096 was contained prior to all 096-?? entities being killed, 096 is liable to breach once more. The entire process will need to be repeated, until all “-??” entities have been killed.

As a side note, any photographs that are found in the facility containing 096 should be destroyed as soon as possible, as this can cause a breach if viewed.


During research, a Class D looks at your face and manages to escape the Containment Chamber, he runs towards the Entrance Zone. What is your course of action while chasing 096-1, and what do you do once you have killed them?*: I will chase down the class D, using my level 5 card as necessary to reach my 096-1 target. The SWEP will indicate where this class D is. Once I have killed the class D, I will sit down, and face in the same direction as I was after killing the class D. I will wait for a CS or E-11 to arrive and contain me appropriately. If someone else has looked at my face during this chase however, I will repeat until there are no 096-1's remaining. Whilst sitting down I will make no attempts to turn the camera, or otherwise force the creation of new 096-1's


While chasing 096-1, you pass a researcher, Class D and a MTF unit who all look at your face accidentally. Once you kill the current 096-1, you go back and find them, then proceeding to kill them also. Is this good RP and why?*: This is good RP. In RP, there is no such thing as a “misclick” or “accident”, actions have consequences, and as soon as you look at 096's face, you are a 096-?? entity. You are dead, or will be very shortly. To deviate from this, just because it was an “accident” defeats the entire purpose of RP, and would be fail RP. As stated in the question, I would kill my 096-1, and then proceed to kill all remaining 096-??'s until no more remain.


If SCP-096 bag had come off or if some Escapee Class d ran past and grabbed it, as E-11 or CS would you chase the class d or proceed on to re-contain SCP-096?* 096 is my top priority whilst trying to resolve the containment. If their bag is off further 096-?? entities can be created, which will cause 096 to enter a rage state. If the D class has seen 096's face, and is thus 096-1, I would attempt to terminate them. I would begin recontainment procedures as soon as possible after this. At an appropriate time I would inform Security as to how big they fucked up in letting a D class escape.


A GOI has managed to enter the facility, and they open your Containment Chamber to cuff you and take you out of the facility, one of them looks at your face but tells you it was an accident, and you can just ignore it. What should you do? Why?*: I will straight up kill them to death. 096-1's are 096-1's, there are no accidents, to not kill them would be fail RP. The only exception would be if a Staff member has pulled me into a SIT, or similar.


Anything else you may need to tell people reading this application: I have updated this application, based on information I have found throughout the forums to try and understand fully the finer points of 096. I'd appreciate any feedback on areas that need improvement, and will happily clarify any points necessary.



Edited by Dr.James Newton
Requested better information
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3 hours ago, Nathan Kennedy said:

why do you put this in all your posts bro 





Edited by jason haze

Please shut the fuck up, no one cares about your whitelists in a Gmod RP server

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Task Force Mission: Armed Mobile Task Force Nu-7 is a battalion-strength force consisting of three company-sized elements of special operations infantry forces, a light armored vehicle company, tank platoon, helicopter squadron, chemical-biological-radiological-nuclear (CBRN) platoon, combat engineer platoon, nuclear weapon specialist (NWS) squad, plus additional combat specialist and support personnel. AMTF Nu-7 is based primarily out of Armed Bio-Containment Area-14 and is tasked with responding to incidents involving loss of communication with major Foundation facilities under circumstances wherein a site-wide breach, enemy compromise, or other similarly catastrophic event is suspected. 

I want to be whitelisted because:

I am a good strategist

I am a quick thinker

Know much about the foundation and MTF Nu-7 

I am quite sure i can handle commanding the MTF Nu-7 as i have had experience as Site Director and is used to command and run things smoothly


I hope this is enough

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3 hours ago, Olli Sivonen said:


we don't use (through the /me command).

Missing shit tons of details. Your understanding  of this job is very low study more



Is there Another template or rule list at all that I'm missing? Step 6 of recontainment is

6. When SCP-096 has been dragged back into his cell you must firstly remove his cuffs, and after that has been done you must face backwards and do /me in game to take off his bag then you must walk out of the containment chamber with your back to the containment chamber till its doors are shut completely. 


I'll review and rework the application after the week wait though, but it'd be useful to know if the source template is wrong, and if there are different ones we should use.


Thanks for your feedback

Edited by Dr.James Newton
more info
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2 hours ago, Olli Sivonen said:

its going to be fixed at some point you can edit your app  add some details and stuff. you have 1 day

Thanks for the second chance Olli, I won't make the mistake of /me commands again.


I've looked through the forums for more info on 096, and I've updated with my own words as best as I can. Please let me know what you think, and if there are areas I can improve upon.

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RP Name: Michael Andersons

Steam Name: Linko881

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:449375518

Playtime and Level (5 days and level 50 minimum): 3 weeks | 5 days & level 50

Warns: 13 (as a small disclaimer the warns used to be from when I was a massive minge, since then I've not gotten any warns & not been dragged into any form of Admin Sit. I hope you look past this and do not account these past mistakes for the knowledge that I know of this whitelist)

What is the Department of External Affairs?: The Department of External Affairs is a branched of group from the normal Site to develop and look more into affairs & relationships with Groups of Interests (GOI) within the Ovis City, their main task is to keep a sufficient amount of control outside of the site to prevent GOI's from gaining a advantage of the Foundation. The Department of External Affairs contains but is not limited to: Field Agent, Head of External Affairs & Department of External Affairs Agent

Who is the Head of External Affairs?: The Head of External Affairs is a individual who is tasked with overseeing the entirety of the Department of External Affairs & giving out orders to benefit the Foundation's external security. The Head of External Affairs must co-operate with the Site Director and O5 to achieve little to no threat or suspicion level of a raid.

What is a GOI?: A GOI (Group of Interest) are a multitude of groups that the Foundation feel like threaten the security of their global sites, GOI's goals are each different with different reasonings and have little to no correlation or self awareness of other potential GOI's (A exception of this may be the relationships between the MC&D as they give each GOI & the Foundation a nickname).

Who does the HoEA anwser to?: The Head of External Affairs may answer to the O5 & Co-Operate with Site Director (Note: The Site Director & HoEA in terms of chain of command are not higher or lower than each-other.)

What are the duties of a HoEA?: To remain a consistent and successful relationship between the Foundation & Groups of Interests. To keep the security of the global sites safe from planned GOI attacks & To keep the overall heated battalions of the GOI's to a minimal 

What is MTF Sigma-66 and Omega-12?: Mobile Task Force Sigma-66 ("Sixteen Tons") is a Task Force contained of Followers & Members of GOI's captured by the foundation and are put to work, the The Sigma-66 Task Force doesn't have much authority overall in the foundation and are given Clearance Level 2 keycards (thanks for correcting me), Sigma-66 members are required to have a nano bomb inserted into their brains and any attempts to go against the Foundation & or removal of the Nano bomb will result in immediate detonation. Mobile Task Force Omega-12 ("Achilles Heel") unlike Sigma-66 is contained of confirmed Anomalous beings capable of reality bends & inhumane traits or skills, the task force in that of comparison to Sigma-66 are very similar in that they are not equipped with utmost authority over the foundation chain of command & have a nano bomb inserted into their brains that can only be detonated remotely by the Head of External Affairs.

Describe the SCP Foundation as a GOI: The SCP (The SCP stands for their own slogan, "Secure. Contain. Protect. " (or at least what they claim their acts are) ) Foundation is a multitude of private governmental owned properties (aka sites) that secure Anomalies that are spotted globally, they do this because they want to protect humanity (bullshit & lies)  from these beings, they split their workers into 5 categories that being; Class-E, Class-D, Class-C, Class-B, Class-A. These Classes have different job types such as security personnel for the Class-D's they are mercilessly killing and to prevent people like us from getting in whilst they let their scientists experiment (feed human beings to a bunch of crocodiles and lizards) to understand more of these anomalies (they de-life these beings by calling them SCP then a number tag). Our relationships between us GOI's & the Foundation is not very good, for the most part us GOI's oppose what the Foundation wants or want to stand for.

Edited by Linko881
Taking feedback and changing some data so it's more correct now, Thanks for those who told me what piece of info I had wrong such as my clearance levels for Sigma-66 & Omega-12. I appreciate all your feedback!
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RP Name: 

Vladimir Malenskiy



Playtime Required [ Must be 4 days or Above] 

1w  3d 21h

In-Game Warnings [reasons and amount. type !warns in-game to find, must have fewer than 20 warnings. (exceptions can be made)]: 

I currently have 6 warnings

Have you read the rules of SCP-RP, and do you understand them?: 

Yes i understand the rules given to me

Have you read the rules of SCP-096, and do you understand what you can and cannot do? Demonstrate your understanding* 

I cannot use Pac3 to go outside my containment chamber, I cant use my clearence 5 card to open my cell and i cant purposefully make subjects look at my face.

Are you able to play SCP-096 often when the job is not full, and give good RP to other players who encounter you?:  

I will most likely play if it is not full and the slot is available, sometimes i may prefer another job as i got an working RP In it

What is the Containment Procedure for SCP-096?*(Explain in full detail):

SCP 096's should and always be contained in a 5m x 5m x 5mairtight steel cube. Weekly checks for cracks or holes are mandatory. Any video surveillance or optical tools inside SCP 096's containment chamber are strictly forbidden. Any photos, videos or recordings of SCP 096 Is strictly forbidden without approval from Dr. [REDACTED] And O5-[REDACTED]


While chasing 096-1, you pass a researcher, Class D and a MTF unit who all look at your face accidentally. Once you kill the current 096-1, you go back and find them, then proceeding to kill them also. Is this good RP and why?*: 

This is not good RP Because after killing SCP 096-1 I go into a docile state and cant go into a rage state again out of nowhere.

If SCP-096 bag had come off or if some Escapee Class d ran past and grabbed it, as E-11 or CS would you chase the class d or proceed on to recontain SCP-096?* 

I would try to recontain SCP 096 Without alerting it as the D Class only took a bag and probably will be stopped by another guard or MTF Unit on the way.

A GOI has managed to enter the facility, and they open your Containment Chamber to cuff you and take you out of the facility, one of them looks at your face but tells you it was an accident, and you can just ignore it. What should you do? Why?*: 

I do not ignore it as if SCP 096 Was not real i dont think ''it'' would just be like ''Oh i understand ya xd'' I proceed to kill said GOI

Anything else you may need to tell people reading this application: 

This is my first application and i hope i do good on it.

Since this thread was first created, the SCP-096 swep has been changed and edited to more sufficient in game and more realistic for the players. 

Ok i understand this and like this and feel like it was needed as it was a bit goofy before.

1st. To begin with SCP-096 is no longer able to run at an infinite amount of speed as he now has a set speed even when you hold his swep, as this helps players to better control and get themselves used to being 096 because as proven by many past mistakes that people have been accidentally killed because players moved too fast in able to avoid killing as such. 

I understand this and think this would make a good addition to RP (and less staff sits bcs they were RDM'd by SCP 096)

2nd. With this new SWEP update it also brings along a new system where it can alert you to people who have looked at you're face directly and so this after you have been alerted to someone looking at your face in the bottom right hand corner, that will vanish but in these screenshots below no matter how far you are away you're name if people had looked at the face then as you can see below

I understand this and I feel like that this was a good update as it could be hard to find SCP 096-1  without telling you who it was.

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