Guest Heavy Dakka Mech

IDK's CotBG whitelist

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Read well,  for your 6 time will be finale if you fug that up its over. 

i can tell you don't learn from your mistakes. 


also breach needs more study, wrong cuffs as well

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Your In-Game Name: Ludwig Ahgrin

Your Steam-ID: STEAM_0:0:452446155


Your Age: 24


Your In-Game Playtime: 6w 5d


Your amount of warnings (15 Warnings max): 4


Rate your roleplaying skills: 8/10



What would you like your O5 Designation to be?: O5-8 "The Order"



In a recent situation, an Unusual Incidents Unit (GoI-0102) Deputy Director has come in contact with a Hera class anomalous object. After SCP Foundation has taken the Deputy Director into Site-19, the O5 Council had a spiked interest on this Deputy Director. The O5 Council wanted to talk to the Deputy Director about relations and about themselves.

(Unkown voice on an intercom system): Start.

Multiple guards rush in the room all with high class militarized weaponry, wearing white, gray, and black camo uniforms come in, all wearing green kevlar vests on top. As 6 guards circle themselves around the interview room, a man wearing a suit walks in last. 

(Unknown): Welcome to our Site, as you-

Deputy Director: Why am I here? Our relations are quite friendly as far as I'm aware of.

(Unkown): Please do not interrupt me again or else we will cancel this, and you don't want this meeting to be ended. I do admit it, we could've planned it better but due to your recent actions, we needed to make this meeting. A reminder this isn't something bad, this will benefit your group as much as it will benefit ours. Let me introduce myself, I am an O5 Council member, we are basically the Boss's of the SCP Foundation, have access to all SCP Foundation documentation, that type of stuff. You can call me Dr. Wyoming for now, it will be decided if that will be changed later. Why don't you tell me more about yourself?

Deputy Director: My name is Jesse Nash, I'm one of the Deputy Directors of the UIU, I help with external relations with other groups which is why I was a bit tilted before because I knew the relations between each other. I apologize for that, but anyways. I like to consider myself to be one of the most secretive members of the UIU, I don't even think most of my Agents know my existence. But I do this to protect myself, I know a lot of information that's dangerous even if 1 simple word is released. 

Dr. Wyoming: Your story reminds me of the whole O5 Council, we keep our secrets to protect the whole site. If information was allowed everywhere in the Foundation, we would have no one working for us if they realized how dangerous the job is! The O5 Council members are very competent and trusted with this information. Do you have a family? 

Jesse Nash: Well, only 1 parent, my mother passed away a few years back but I'd rather not to make this a sad story and asking for other's pity. If you want to ask me if my father knows about my occupation, he only knows I'm an Agent of the FBI.

Dr. Wyoming: I notice that silver necklace with the red jewel on it. What is the significance of that? 

Jesse Nash: Red beryl, really expensive. Has family history dating back to the early 1900s, my family has always worked with the law if that's being government or actually enforcing it. I was the next family member that joined the tradition and now I wear this necklace all day as a reminder of who I am, who I am for.


Dr. Wyoming: One more thing, notice how we didn't take your handgun away when you entered? The Council has voted, we want to make a proposition. 


(300 to 350 words)

Why do you believe you should be part of the O5 Council and what can you bring to the role e.g (Pressure in extreme situations, making the tough decisions): I used to be an O5 Council, it's debatable if I were a good one or a bad one in the past but that's not what we are to talk about here. I know any action I make as an O5 member can effect the future of the site, including decisions with GoIs. But I know what I am doing if I were an O5, I do understand the changed between V5 versions of O5 but I've been watching O5's play before as Alpha-1, I can understand what they do. I know I can do be competent and mature as an O5 because I'm a Senior Mod, which proves I understand 100% how SCPRP works, I understand all rules, I understand all jobs. I believe I am mature enough to handle the job, this allows me to make important decisions in such a short period of time. As for pressure in extreme situations, I don't believe I will have any issue. I'm able to keep my calm unless one of my own fucks up, such as a Site Director were to break Foundation Law more than once, I will be very mad and instantly demote. But that isn't an extreme situation, an extreme situation is when a Field Agent murders a friendly GoI, in return the Go raids us. I will order HoEA to do exactly what I want them to do as they are to always report to me with situations like this. I will think of ways to basically apologize for the actions of the Field Agent, consider him defective and now demoted. If we are friendly with a GoI, we need to keep that relation or else it might mess up other things, but I'm not applying for HoEA am I? Let's have another situation, Chaos Insurgency are raiding the site, they've killed many men with their power and abuse of anomalous objects, the best situation is just to keep trying to clear them out? No, use your power and use your ability to protect your site, start a warhead. It seems foolish but in RP, if you had all your men killed, all your men are dead and are not to return. I understand this is a video game but I constantly count realism in this. Look at my PACs, look at my dupes, I want detail and realism. I know and understand what I'm doing, I understand the power I have, I am competent for O5. 


(100 to 150 words)

How many O5 Council Members are their in the SCP universe that are known but not on record?: I do not understand this question, but I will answer it the best I can. In lore there are a total of 13 Council members at one time, this being O5-1 to O5-13, but its rumored that O5-13 doesn't exist or it's considered a tie breaker for Council votes, it may also be considered a work of disinformation. No one really knows about the O5-13, it's said O5-13 wasn't apart of the O5 Council until later. This is why you're not allowed to play as O5-13 members in-game, it's not confirmed what O5-13 is. In-game there really isn't a limit to how many Council members there is, as long as you follow the O5 character guidelines, you're set. 


(300 words)

Can you explain what an O5 does for the foundation and the site itself and why he himself differs from any other site Adminstration?: Foundation Administration can not be compared to the Council, not in a bad way. But due to the difference in Clearance levels has a massive difference even though its only 1 level. Think of it as *Some information -> All information*. The O5 can make decisions to everyone, has power over everyone. But this doesn't mean the O5 can just run around the site doing fuck all, the O5 have rules for your own safety. The amount of power an O5 has is so important and having 1 O5 killed, sites will be damaged by the effect, they are super important. O5 are needed to control the site, ensure higher ups are doing their job correctly. O5 controls Foundation Administration, Foundation Administration controls Commanders, Commanders control their units. If the site has no O5, the Foundation Administration will most likely not be able to run correctly in my opinion unless there's a really competent Site Director, which lets be honest, there isn't. While most O5's still walk around (which I don't advise) they are putting themselves at target, but they should really only walk around when it's needed, such as finding a incompetent Site Director. It's a high risk for high reward situation if you wanted to walk around. O5 Council members should normally stay in their office, getting some of their Alpha-1's to do their dirty work, while the rest guard him. But O5's shouldn't reveal their identities, in-game anyone above level 2 in Clearance believe the O5 Council may be real, such as believing in a myth (confirmed by Joshy), even though its a myth. If a person were to have a talk and you reveal your identity, if you let them go without killing/using amnestics on them, they can compromise the site by possibly spreading the information that the O5 is real, giving CI a confirmed target.


(150 words)

Explain what makes you special: I've explained this before, I am special because I used to be an O5 so I have the experience, I am active as A-1 so I know what O5 does in recent terms, I'm a long term player, as well know a Senior Moderator. I have an idea of a way to play O5 that fits my character, and I feel this will be more unique to any O5 who likes to "keep secrets" no offense.  I've already explained my knowledge on how O5 works. But what makes me truly special? I actually know what I'm doing, I can make smart decisions in a small time frame, I will be active, I will not let the Foundation die. With my long play time, I know and understand basically what every job does, from Security to GoIs. I have many WLs, I will say most of the servers WLs, but the ones that is helpful to Foundation is ISD, E-11 Commander, Nu-7 Commander, HoEA and HR. I know and understand how the Foundation works out, this allows me to make these decisions. I am special because of the amount of knowledge and experience I've had. 


Also fix the application template, a few misspellings and grammar mistakes


Edited by Norra
Spoiler fucked up


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RP Name: 
Anatoly Ivanov

Playtime Required [ Must be 4 days or Above] 
6d 19h 40m
In-Game Warnings [reasons and amount. type !warns in-game to find, must have fewer than 20 warnings. (exceptions can be made)]: 
1. Breach of FearRP 
2. Breaking NLR
3. FailRP
4. FailRP - pressing random buttings causing a femur breaker
5. Repeat breakage of FearRP
Have you read the rules of SCP-RP, and do you understand them?: 
Yes, I do.
Have you read the rules of SCP-096, and do you understand what you can and cannot do? Demonstrate your understanding* 
I have read the rules, and I understand what i can and cannot do.
As SCP-096 I can not go on a killing spree, no matter the reason.
As SCP-096 I can only use my level 5 clearance card to open my containment cell and other doors to chase 096-1 (the person that looked at me).
If I have PAC3, I can not use it as 096 to look outside my containment cell.
As SCP-096 I can not stare at my containment cell's door and must always look at a wall or a corner.
As SCP-096 I can not give my friends or anyone an exception when they look at me. They must die.
Once I have killed 096-1 as 096, I must sit down where I have killed 096-1, and I can not move in any way. Neither can I try to make people look at me by purposely turning around and looking at them.
As SCP-096 I must report anyone who tries to purposely breach my containment.
As SCP-096 I have to make sure that the person who lookad at me, actually looked at me.
As SCP-096 I have to make sure to only kill 096-1, and must not kill anyone else by accident that has not looked at me.

Are you able to play SCP-096 often when the job is not full, and give good RP to other players who encounter you?: 
I am able to play SCP-096 often when the job has not been taken. I can also give other players that encounter me a good roleplay experience.
What is the Containment Procedure for SCP-096?*(Explain in full detail) 
I will write how to contain SCP-096 on the RP server as of 6/9/2020.
Once SCP-096 has breached containment (Wich will happen, because someone looked at 096 or someone has interacted with the picture of 096 that will show up around the map), the containment units that are available will most likely wait untill 096 has killed 096-1 or 096-1 has been killed in some other way.
Once 096 is not agressive anymore and is sitting down, the containment units will contain 096 by using their special SCP containment cuffs that only containment units get.
When SCP-096 is cuffed and has a bucket over his head, 096 will be guided back to it's containment cell. where he will be uncuffed.
Once SCP-096 is sitting in his containment cell, the containment units will close 096's containment cell door and 096 will be recontained.

During research, a Class D looks at your face and manages to escape the Containment Chamber, he runs towards the Entrance Zone. What is your course of action while chasing 096-1, and what do you do once you have killed them?*: 
As SCP-096 I will open my containment door, if he has closed it. This will be the same for all other doors 096-1 has closed.
While chasing him I will make sure to not look or kill other people that I come across.
Once I have killed 096-1 I will sit completely still on 096-1's corpse.
While chasing 096-1, you pass a researcher, Class D and a MTF unit who all look at your face accidentally. Once you kill the current 096-1, you go back and find them, then proceeding to kill them also. Is this good RP and why?*: 
Yes, this is good RP.
This is something that happens in a lot of lore surrounding SCP-096's breaching, and is the reason why 096 is so dangerous.
If SCP-096 bag had come off or if some Escapee Class d ran past and grabbed it, as E-11 or CS would you chase the class d or proceed on to recontain SCP-096?* 
As a containment unit I will chase the class D and kill him.
A GOI has managed to enter the facility, and they open your Containment Chamber to cuff you and take you out of the facility, one of them looks at your face but tells you it was an accident, and you can just ignore it. What should you do? Why?*: 
I would kill the GOI. The only people I would make an exception for are the peolpe that I looked at accidentally.
Once you look at 096, you die.
Anything else you may need to tell people reading this application: 
As of now, 096 isn't an SCP that uses the /breachapply method to breach. 096 Only breaches once someone looked at him or his picture. That means that there is a possibility that you will be in you cell for a long time without you being able to breach.

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RP Name:  Cameron Morrison


SteamID: STEAM_1:0:188277831

Playtime Required [ Must be 4 days or Above]: 1 week 0 days and 12 hours


In-Game Warnings [reasons and amount. type !warns in-game to find, must have fewer than 20 warnings. (exceptions can be made)]: 0


Have you read the rules of SCP-RP, and do you understand them?: Yes, I have and I often check up on them when I'm on the forums or if I ever feel like I am unsure.


Have you read the rules of SCP-096, and do you understand what you can and cannot do? Demonstrate your understanding* Yes I have read the rules and have a good understanding of them. For example, in a situation where you have breached and successfully terminated 096-1 you must sit down exactly where you killed them and not intentionally try to make people look at you. This prevent 096 from going on an enormous killing spree which would be damaging to rp.


Are you able to play SCP-096 often when the job is not full, and give good RP to other players who encounter you?: Yes, I will spend a significant amount of my time on the job if there is no SCP-096 on the job however I will still play other roles as well.


What is the Containment Procedure for SCP-096?*(Explain in full detail) 

Initial response it to remove all non-containment units from the area without exposing them to SCP-096's face. Immediately after, SC and E-11 must move into the room facing away and walk until they walk into what could be SCP-096. They must then carefully place a bag over SCP-096's face and secure it in place. After this is complete SCP-096 can be cuffed and dragged back to his containment cell, being careful of anyone attempting to remove the bag from its face. Once in its cell, cuffs are removed and with their back turned they remove the bag and leave the cell without turning until the doors are fully shut.


During research, a Class D looks at your face and manages to escape the Containment Chamber, he runs towards the Entrance Zone. What is your course of action while chasing 096-1, and what do you do once you have killed them?*: 

I would first use the SWEP to scream and then proceed to chase 096-1 using my Level 5 key card to open any doors in my path. Once 096-1 is killed I would sit down on the spot and wait until either another person looks at my face or i am successfully contained.


While chasing 096-1, you pass a researcher, Class D and a MTF unit who all look at your face accidentally. Once you kill the current 096-1, you go back and find them, then proceeding to kill them also. Is this good RP and why?*: 

This is good role play because by the SCP lore SCP-096 will proceed to kill anyone and everyone who sees his face indiscriminately and with a 100% success rate. I would be able to use the SWEP to locate them and kill them in the order that they saw my face. This is also good as it adds to the intensity of the role play for anyone who does see my face as they will be panicking trying to work out if they saw my face or not. It also increases the difficulty of re-containing  SCP-096 which gives containment units, such as E-11 and CS more thing to do.

If SCP-096 bag had come off or if some Escapee Class d ran past and grabbed it, as E-11 or CS would you chase the class d or proceed on to recontain SCP-096?* 

As a containment unit such as E-11 or CS my top priority would be to re-contain SCP-096 as he is a Euclid class SCP and is considered extremely dangerous and has the ability to cause mass loss of life on an enormous scale. However, if convenient I would alert security or other MTFs in the area of the Class-D presence.

A GOI has managed to enter the facility, and they open your Containment Chamber to cuff you and take you out of the facility, one of them looks at your face but tells you it was an accident, and you can just ignore it. What should you do? Why?*: 

If he looked at my face then I would proceed to kill him. This is because otherwise anyone could just say "it was an accident" and it would ruin the RP involving SCP-096. SCP-096 is not considered sentient and therefore cannot distinguish any difference between accidents or deliberate actions and therefore will kill anyone who looks at his face. Accidentally or not.

Anything else you may need to tell people reading this application: 

I believe I am a good fit for this role as I am extremely patient and am willing to sit and wait for a breach and will to attempt to bait people in order to get a breach. I also, know alot about the lore surrounding SCP-096, which is one of my main motives for wanting to RP as him.

Thank you for reading this and considering me,

Cameron Morrison.

Edited by Cameron Morrison
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Joe Swaansons SCP-096 Whitelist Application


RP Name: 

Joe Swaanson



Playtime Required [ Must be 4 days or Above] 

1 Week, 1 Day, 19 Hours

In-Game Warnings [reasons and amount. type !warns in-game to find, must have fewer than 20 warnings. (exceptions can be made)]: 

1 total Warning: Going AFK Mid RP.
Screenshot of Warnings

Have you read the rules of SCP-RP, and do you understand them?: 

Yes at this moment i do believe i understand the basics of the Warewolf Gaming SCP RP Server rules.

Have you read the rules of SCP-096, and do you understand what you can and cannot do? Demonstrate your understanding* 

- Under NO Circumstances is the player to go on a mass Killing spree. You targets are SCP-096-???? not anyone else
- Do not abuse your Level 5 Keycard. Only use it to open doors that require keycards for you to reach your targets
- Under no circumstances is the Player to use PAC3 in any form and way that allows them to see out of their CC or see through walls. (I dont have PAC3 so im guud)
- At all times while on SCP-096 WL The player must never directly look at his CC Door as this is classed as a Fail Breach as you are purposly making people look at you for you to breach
- Once SCP-096-1 (or more) are terminated the angle that you are sitting at is the ange you remain untill you are recontained.Once back in in CC Follow above rule.
- Any attempted force breaches (EG: Someone trying to enter you CC and purposly make him SCP-096-1) must be instantly reported to staff via @ (Message) 
- Ensure the person who is stated to have looked at you was actualy within the range and area to actualy be able to look at you
- It happens alot by try your best to not accidentally kill someone when you are chasing SCP-096-1

Are you able to play SCP-096 often when the job is not full, and give good RP to other players who encounter you?: 

Yes I am free at most times due to being a Probationary Alpha 1 there is usually not that many O5 or Site Administration online, on those times i will be on as much as possible of the WL to provide the best SCP-096 RP possible for the server to enjoy recapturing and mass panic.

What is the Containment Procedure for SCP-096?*(Explain in full detail) 

In the event of SCP-096 breaching his containment usually from SCP-096-1, any and all non continment personell are to leave the Surrounding area as fast as possible while attempting to eiter keep facing away from SCP-096 or by looking down. In the scenario where SCP-096-1 has been located and is still alive, SCP-096-1 Is to be terminated to stop SCP-096's Rage. once Containment Units (Epsilon 11 or Beta 7) have identified the location of SCP-096 they are to proceed with the recontainment procedure. Firstly containment units need to proceed by eiter walking backwards untill they meet the obstacle which could be SCP-096 or by looking directly at the floor (option with current SWEP), Apon being near/ by SCP-096 the Containment unitsare to begin by either placing a bag and or any other object that can cover SCP-096's face which wouldnot easily fall off or out. Apon being sure that SCP-096 is secured in cuffs aswell as his face is properly covered, containment unitscan escort SCP-096 Back to his CC, it is recommended to have multiple units escort as any personel may intervene / release / steal SCP-096. Once SCP-096 Is safely in his CC tie him to the wall, uncuff, remove bucket / Bag and proceed to leave the cc without looking at SCP-096's Face (The player will most likely be looking at the wall or corner), once all units are outside SCP-096's CC they may close and ensure the cc is closed then proceed with normal duties.

During research, a Class D looks at your face and manages to escape the Containment Chamber, he runs towards the Entrance Zone. What is your course of action while chasing 096-1, and what do you do once you have killed them?*: 

Apon noticing that Said Class-D has looked at SCP-096's face i would proceed to use the Clerance card to exit the CC (If Closed again), proceed in a route towards the Class-D, once located kill the Class-D then sit near / on corps of said Class-D and wait for Containment Units to locate and recontain me. (SCP-096 Usually justs stands still but Server swep makes him sit once un enraged)

While chasing 096-1, you pass a researcher, Class D and a MTF unit who all look at your face accidentally. Once you kill the current 096-1, you go back and find them, then proceeding to kill them also. Is this good RP and why?*: 

Yes this is a Good RP practise with the SCP-096 Character as no one is excempt from SCP-096's killing, meaning even if you accidentally look as SCP-096 you have to die, as per SCP-096's insecurities about anyone looking at his face. I would proceed obviously to kill SCP-096-1 and head back to kill SCP-096-2 and so forth untill i am no longer enraged and am sitting down.

If SCP-096 bag had come off or if some Escapee Class d ran past and grabbed it, as E-11 or CS would you chase the class d or proceed on to recontain SCP-096?* 

My main objective would be to recontain SCP-096 as if he gets lose or someone does seem to see his face, he will rage and possibly kill every Foundation personell that might see his face while he is hunting SCP-096-1. In the scenario that the Class-D does see SCP-096's face if i SCP-096-1 is within my immediate range as i notice the breach of SCP-096's face, i would immediately terminate SCP-096-1 to prevent SCP-096 from going further int he site aswell as to prevent any further deaths. Once SCP-096 is still and calmed again i would proceed with recontainment procedures

A GOI has managed to enter the facility, and they open your Containment Chamber to cuff you and take you out of the facility, one of them looks at your face but tells you it was an accident, and you can just ignore it. What should you do? Why?*: 

No i cannot ignore the situation even if a GOI has "Accidentally" looked at SCP-096's face as at this time, absolutely no exceptions can be made for anyone who gets picked up as looking at 096's face, said person has to die as per the requirements. The only exceptions for this said scenario would be if a staff member wishes to communicate or i accidentally look at someone non intentionally (obviously not allowed to purposly look)

Anything else you may need to tell people reading this application:

I am willingly open to any and all comments, i will try my best to give a responce immediately if anyone requests anything.


Edited by [ Twinkles ]
Updated Section mentioned below by Role manager / admin
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State your current/most common RP Name: Dr James Newton




State your current Steam Username: Dr.Newton




Provide your SteamID: STEAM_1:0:15580937




State your current in game level(Level 30 required, exceptions can be made): I am Level 30




State your current in game rank (User,VIP,Gold VIP etc.): I am a User




State your current playtime in game (2 days required, exceptions can be made): Just over 2 days 20 hours




How many warnings do you have?(15 warns is the limit, exceptions can be made)You MUST PROVIDE A SCREENSHOT: I have zero warnings





Do you understand the rules of SCP-RP? (1 sentence is not an answer.): I have read the rules of the server, and also of the lore in the scp universe. I understand about RDMing, NLR, passive and active RP, meta game, to name a few.




Do you understand the basics of 1048? (1 sentence is not an answer.): The basics of 1048 is that they are a cute cuddly bear. 1048 wants to hold the SCP staff members for comfort, and can get scared by dangerous items like guns, knives, and other SCP's. Hidden underneath though, can be a dangerous entity, who steals peoples ear in order to build other versions of 1048....but only rarely, as 1048 usually just wants to play and be cute.




Do you understand that PassiveRP is very important in this job and why?: Passive RP is super important for 1048, as if you want to just murder you should go as a 106, 076, or a security guard on D block watch. 1048 is not primarily used to create -A, -B, or -C's: 1048 is primarily a cute stuffed bear. They are so small in size, that a guard could lift them up, and yeet them across the hallway. So unlike other SCP's, 1048 is generally not a considerable threat, and it has to RP exactly like that. It is often more enjoyable to roam the facility as 1048 and gesture to different workers, especially as within the SCP lore they were not recognized as a threat for quite some time.




Do you understand the rules of SCP-1048, and are you willing to follow them at all times?(1 sentence is not an answer): I have read the rules and understand them. 1048 is not allowed to speak, cannot leave the facility without Senior admin permission + GOI escort, and is bound by fear RP. If 1048 is cuffed they cannot break themselves out, cannot intentionally antagonize other SCP's, and cannot primarily go around harvesting ears just to create 1048-A/B/C, etc. In addition, if 1048 is trapped by a recontainment unit, 1048 has to allow themselves to be cuffed.




Describe how SCP-1048 should act with and around Foundation Personnel: 1048 Should generally act exactly how a child would believe a living bear should act: Cute, friendly and docile. They should communicate through gestures, want to hug or be close to the staff, and draw cute pictures to convey messages. All of this should be be done to help garner trust with the SCP staff personnel, to ensure they only see 1048 as a cute, friendly, docile bear.




Describe what SCP-1048 does: SCP-1048 wants to ensure everyone believes it is a non-threat, that it is a SAFE SCP. 1048 can do this to build trust within SCP staff to eventually isolate one of its staff members and harvest one of their ears. Harvesting can only be done if a someone is crouched on the ground near SCP 1048. Once enough of their ears can be collected, 1048 can build 1048-A, as well as a -B, and -C if it has gained enough.




A GOI has breached you out of containment and take you to Gate A, they tell you to come with them, what do you do?: I would use OOC chat to inform them I have not received Senior administrator (or higher)'s permission to leave the facility. I would reach out and wait for that permission to be granted. If it is, I would go with the GOI and breach the facility. If permission is denied however I will have to OOC inform them that I cannot and will need to remain in the facility.

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