
unban request

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My In-Game name:
STEAMID: (http://steamidfinder.com) idk

Steam Name: Morrissey

What is the reason for your ban: not here to roleplay 

How long were you banned for: 1 week

Name of the staff member who banned you: seth

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: because i was roleplaying as a civilian and was just banned and was not given a reason as to how i was not roleplaying. i understand that i was a civ during an event but  i was just let out of jail and said in chat i was swapping i just needed to despawn my swoop bike so it did not interfere with the event 
in progress. while destroying my bike i was banned for a week no admin sit or nothing. please unban me thanks


SteamID: STEAM_0:1:832817574

You have been banned 5 times for various reasons (NH2RP + LTARP) and responded to a person in this thread with "who the fuck are you".

I'd recommend sitting the week out and coming back reinvigorated to RP! 

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