
Rishimoon Seasonal Maps

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What your suggestion is: 

 Rishimoon Seasonal Maps to be Added (Summer/Winter/Desert)

Scriptfodder/workshop link:

All 3





Any additional information: 

I think it would be nice to spice up the Rishimoon map as we visit it a lot, mostly in the evening. I think it would be nice to add the rishmoon maps and swap between the different seasonal maps to make it more interesting and different when playing in the evening, Evening if we only added one of theses new maps I still feel it would make a big difference in a good way to evening players. As well as this I feel it would make for some interesting new events because of the different environments. Finally, as we already have the normal Rishimoon map added it would be easy to set up all the Text screens and any other necessary props .  

In my option I think the winter one looks the best.

- Thanks for reading my suggestion 🙂 -


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Looks Pog

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For the simple fact. 

Rishi moon is a barren moon. 

This means that it is lifeless as is too poor to produce life. Such as trees and all that shit. As an EP I kinda expected you to know that.


Edited by Nathan

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42 minutes ago, Nathan said:

This means that it is lifeless as is too poor to produce life. Such as trees and all that shit. As an EP I kinda expected you to know that.

I did known this and agree with exactly what you said, However not everythink is lore perfect on the server anyway and so a small weather change may be nice to see on a very popular map like this. 

Edited by Space

- IC Ranks -

|- Grogu | 17/05/21 - FOREVER | | - Grand Master Yoda | 07/04/21 - 17/05/21 | | - Mace Windu | 27/03/21 - 07/04/21 |

|- Anakin Skywalker | 24/08/20 - 27/03/21 | |- Jedi Force Master | 11/04/20 - 24/08/20 | |- Jedi Warden | 29/02/2020 - 11/04/20 |

- OOC Ranks - |- Event Planner | 04/07/20 - 26/02/2020 |

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They look hella nice and i would love it to be implemented, but like Nathan said it's not really lore friendly, but it's more of a +1 because like you said, not everything in this server is lore friendly, and i dont think implementing this would hurt anyone.


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Cool maps, it would require testing if they are optimized for 128 players. I don't think everything has to be 100% lore accurate. The terrain with trees and such can makes for some interesting events. 

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Despite the map being called rishi, we can call it something else on our server if people are really bothered about the lore accuracy of the maps we use. They could be called 'Summer/Winter/Desert Outpost' or something along those lines as an example. Obviously it will be tedious for staff to set up each map the exact same way 3 times but I believe that having a base map that isnt full of grey/black would make the server feel a lot more lively.

Edited by Navas

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As stated above by Navas is a good idea. And is a good idea. 

Therefore -1 changed to a +1

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Summer rishi looks sick. Would love to have a not grey rishi. I love rishi but give the king rishi the love it deserves.

Loaded into maps, Looked good and each is somewhat different.

Edited by Solaire



dance yoda.gif

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+1 above 

big brain stom a creative name instead of calling it rishi tho for immersive experiences 


Tested them with Solaire and they are sick

Edited by alexrich076
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A seasonal variant of rishi isn't a bad idea however myself and pain have come up with a better implementation of the idea rather than having 4 maps to transition to. this post will be updated later on

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