
Hybrid's Staff Application

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Posted (edited)

In Game Name: GM 2nd LT Hybrid, at the time of writing this.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:510762572

Are you currently staff on any other server or WG server: No.

In-game rank (VIP and 501st SGT): Platinum VIP \ 2nd LT Hybrid

Have you got experience in staffing RP servers: Yes.

Age: 14

Playtime: 2 week's 6 days and 5 hours.

Predicted time on server per week: 2-1 days.

Warns/bans: To my knowledge I have one warning for shooting mojave, there might be one more.

Do you use a microphone: Yes.

What do you aim to achieve in our staff team: I aim to have another position in SWRP because I don't want to do the same thing over and over.

Why do you stand out among other candidates: I can see me being more active because currently I don't have anything to do.

Why should we pick you to staff our server(200 words): I am dedicated member and I currently serve as a GM 2nd LT while I am writing this, I have been doing military based role play for 3-4 years now, so I am hoping I would be experienced for this position, and have a chance of being an staff member. Although I have not been in Garry's Mod role play for as long as I did a whole, I would still hope I will be presented the opportunity in order to improve and maybe be a respected member of the staff community, I have never been an admin in Gary's Mod before but I would hope that wont effect my application and you give me a chance to improve and find a comfortable position for me in the staff community.

Do you understand that if you are unsuitable as a staff member your rank may be removed:
I understand. 

If a trooper didn’t salute to you, what do you do as a staff member: Nothing, I am a staff member meaning as that job I am not apart of the role play per say.

You haven’t done your duties as a staff member as much as you should one week, how do you handle this: I would hope this would not happen and I'd be active, but I would talk to my hierarchy saying that It wont happen again and I will be more active, but If I am inactive in general I would understand if I were demoted.

You don’t like a staff member, how do you handle this: I would refer to a hierarchy because its annoying when you don't like someone when you are in a group together, so I would try and fix it to the best of my ability first.

Anything else: Negative.

Edited by Hybrid

didn't do the right thing in anything else so i mean thats already a no no

[Past Ranks]
Trial Vice Admiral | Rear Admiral | Jedi Agent | STV Voistender des Gaugerichts | CT Trial Exo | 501st Major | RRD ResearcherGalactic  marines  Captain |  Lambda LARPER  Star wars modDark RP Senior Mod | Deathrun Senior Mod



While i was in GM your mic was really bad and most of the time i cannot understand what you are saying

Posted (edited)


Haven't really seen much of you ingame

Edited by TommyK195

Current Ranks


Previous Ranks

GC Executive Officer

GC ARC Colonel



-this is really short application

-good guy




Low playtime

Low IC rank

Aparently also has a really bad mic 

Current Ranks:
Community Developer 
Mace Windu

Ex IC Ranks:

Jedi Professor [19/04/2024 - 06/06/2024]

Plo Koon [06/06/2024 - 29/06/2024]


Kit Fisto [24/08/2020 - 30/01/2021]

Jedi Battle Master [11/04/20 - 24/08/2020]

Jedi Specialist [27/02/20 - 11/04/20]

Ex OOC Ranks:

Jr Developer
DarkRP Moderator

SWRP Senior Admin




can be nice at some times but your playtime too low and when I was in GM you were a huge minge

GM LCPL 03.03.24 - 

Previous Ranks

GM Colonel 13.09.19 – 19.03.20 DU Colonel 19.03.20 - 07.05.20 CG LCPL 18.07.20 - 25.07.20

Jedi Blade Warrior 08.03.20 - 26.08.20 Deathrun Senior Admin 24.04.20 - 05.03.21

DarkRP Senior Mod 02.04.21 - 12.04.21



Low playtime compared to others

Not a very good mic and sometimes you can barley understand him




Low Playtime

Has only reached the rank of 2nd LT which is fairly low in the ranks. This suggests he still has a few things to learn.

Apparently a pretty shitty mic

If i were you i would gain a bit more experience, which would also further increase your playtime, then just apply when staff apps are open again.



What do you expect to achieve with 1-2 days on the server weekly
Doesnt remember his own mistakes clearly as shown by his warns



I have seen to you twice and you were toxic and a minge

Low playtime

Low Rank


Past Ranks

501st CPL
327th COL
74th ADV R
Battalion COL

Current Ranks
Battalion Brigadier


Application is incomplete. Look over the template again and check what you're missing.



Your application needs to be better on werewolf gaming star wars roleplay


The Boys




Unfortunately you have not met our expectations to join the staff team
Please feel free to reapply once staff apps reopen


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