
Harry's First Staff Application

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In Game Name: Battalion 1st LT Harry

Steam ID:  STEAM_0:1:114086050

Are you currently staff on any other server or WG server: No

In-game rank (VIP and 501st SGT): Platinum VIP and Battalion 1st LT

Have you got experience in staffing RP servers: No

Age: 14

Playtime: 5 weeks, 3 days, 14 hours (as of 02/08/2020)

Predicted time on server per week: Around 35 hours

Warns/bans: 1 Warning

Do you use a microphone: Yes

What do you aim to achieve in our staff team: In the staff team I hope to achieve a community which isn’t toxic and to make sure that people follow the rules to keep the server a fun place to play on.

Why do you stand out among other candidates: I think I stand out from other candidates because I have seen use of ULX commands from other staff and have used some of them in my own single player world. As well as this I am always on in the early mornings meaning that I can deal with staff problems that do sometimes happen in the morning.

Why should we pick you to staff our server(200 words): Personally, I think that you should pick me for staff because I have had plenty of experience as my Battalion job with people messing around with a lot of the cases of LTARP I have experienced there were no staff on the server at the time.

I have over the time in my server watched many staff members ban and warn people and can confidently say that I know many of the reasons and lengths that someone would be banned for.

I believe that some people may be deterred due to my age but I think that my IC rank shows that I am mature enough to be trusted with staff powers.

Although I have never staffed before on any other servers I do have the knowledge of a lot of the ULX commands, especially the more basic ones that staff spend the vast majority of their time doing while taking claims.

I will also put in the hard work and effort that a staff member needs to put in to show that I deserve the spot in Staff and I’m not taking up the spot.

I would also make sure that I reach the demands that I have to achieve as staff.

Do you understand that if you are unsuitable as a staff member your rank may be removed: Yes I do understand that

If a trooper didn’t salute to you, what do you do as a staff member: If a trooper didn’t salute me as an SOD role I would not care because 1 I should be in no clip the majority of time as SOD although if I am in my Battalion role I would remind them that 2nd LT plus should be saluted.

You haven’t done your duties as a staff member as much as you should one week, how do you handle this: I would apologies to senior staff members and would give the reason why I did not meet the requirements and would make sure they know that I would meet them the next week. I would be prepared to take any punishments.

You don’t like a staff member, how do you handle this: If I don’t like a staff member then I would speak to that person and try my best to improve my relationship with them.

Anything else:


Current Ranks:


Past Ranks:

IC: CT Lieutenant -- GC Colonel / GC Trial EXO -- CG Temp Vice Commander -- Battalion Colonel --  CG SGTM

OOC: CWRP Moderator

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- Nice Lad / Friendly

- Active

- Is Battlion so is mature and competent 

- IC Ranks -

|- Grogu | 17/05/21 - FOREVER | | - Grand Master Yoda | 07/04/21 - 17/05/21 | | - Mace Windu | 27/03/21 - 07/04/21 |

|- Anakin Skywalker | 24/08/20 - 27/03/21 | |- Jedi Force Master | 11/04/20 - 24/08/20 | |- Jedi Warden | 29/02/2020 - 11/04/20 |

- OOC Ranks - |- Event Planner | 04/07/20 - 26/02/2020 |


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+1 reasons stated above, known him for a while and hasnt let me down once.

Past Ranks

[IRP Staff Manager - CWRP Super Administrator]

[IRP &  CWRP Lead MentorEvent Planner]

[Imperial Vice-Admiral, Republic Commando OS Squad Leader 'Foxtrot-60'Jedi Grandmaster Yoda]

And a bunch of other shit no one cares about...

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top lad very mature
helped me alot while in gc
othe reasons have already been stated

Current Ranks

IRP Super Administrator (03/10/2021 - Current)
IRP Discord Staff Manager (21/02/2022 - Current)

IC System Commander (22/11/2021 - Current)

Previous Ranks

CWRP Executive Administrator (15/02/2020 - 03/10/2021)
CWRP Event Planner (20/04/2020 - 23/06/2020)

Head Medical Officer (12/06/2021 - 03/10/2021)
GC Temp Vice Commander (30/07/2020 - 19/08/2020)
Trial Head of Battalion (29/12/2019 - 20/12/2020)

104th Executive Officer (20/12/2020 - 12/06/2021)
74th Surgeon (18/08/2018 - 02/04/2019)

GC/ST Lieutenant (31/08/2017 - 27/09/2017)


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Really nice guy.


cool and swag

Current Ranks:
Community Developer 
Mace Windu

Ex IC Ranks:

Jedi Professor [19/04/2024 - 06/06/2024]

Plo Koon [06/06/2024 - 29/06/2024]


Kit Fisto [24/08/2020 - 30/01/2021]

Jedi Battle Master [11/04/20 - 24/08/2020]

Jedi Specialist [27/02/20 - 11/04/20]

Ex OOC Ranks:

Jr Developer
DarkRP Moderator

SWRP Senior Admin


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