hathruthless 10 Posted August 2, 2020 In Game Name: Half/Ki Adi MundiSteam ID: STEAM_0:0:237591954Are you currently staff on any other server or WG server: NoIn-game rank (VIP and 501st SGT): Plat Vip Jedi Historian Have you got experience in staffing RP servers: I have some experience on a Dark RP server Age: 17Playtime: 7w 0d 35minsPredicted time on server per week: 70 hoursWarns/bans: 0Do you use a microphone: Yes What do you aim to achieve in our staff team: I would like to be able to help out the players on the server and let people have funWhy do you stand out among other candidates: I am A friendly person and not going be aggressive to anyone and also would not Why should we pick you to staff our server(200 words): I think that I should be chosen over other people because I think I would be able handle most of the problems that I come across I also know the commands that staff use witch would help me be able to help. I can also be helpful if I get asked a questions being able to answers them and if I don't know the answer I will ask some one who does this will let me learn and them. I am also a very friendly person and would not be angry or abuse my powers as staff I would always be fair and would even warn my friends if had too, also I would not ban/warn some on I don't like for no reason. I would also be very helpful to other staff members also well as the player base I would try and make it fun for every one who plays the server and for the new players. I also want to make friends in staff and hope to meet lots of new and friendly people also want to make new friends with people who are not staff too. I also know not to abuse powers like slaying people for no reason or picking them up. I am also a very active person on the server with over 7 weeks of play time and i'am not looking at stopping any time soon. Do you understand that if you are unsuitable as a staff member your rank may be removed: YepIf a trooper didn’t salute to you, what do you do as a staff member: Nothing as it has nothing to do with staff, But if I was playing as a clone/ Jedi and they don't I would tell them that they were meant toYou haven’t done your duties as a staff member as much as you should one week, how do you handle this: I would try double the my staff clams the next week.You don’t like a staff member, how do you handle this: I would get to know them and talk to them more so I could work with them and if they were being rude to me then I would talk to a higher ranking staffAnything else: WGSWRP
Space 23 Posted August 2, 2020 +1 -A very nice and Respectful Guy - Very Active - Mature and competent - IC Ranks - |- Grogu | 17/05/21 - FOREVER | | - Grand Master Yoda | 07/04/21 - 17/05/21 | | - Mace Windu | 27/03/21 - 07/04/21 | |- Anakin Skywalker | 24/08/20 - 27/03/21 | |- Jedi Force Master | 11/04/20 - 24/08/20 | |- Jedi Warden | 29/02/2020 - 11/04/20 | - OOC Ranks - |- Event Planner | 04/07/20 - 26/02/2020 |
JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 304 Posted August 2, 2020 +1 Good person Known within the server Need more Jedi staff Epic Spoiler Spoiler
Solaire 143 Posted August 2, 2020 +1 Very nice in Jedi (Deserves a higher rank tbh) Been in Jedi a long time and has really put the effort in and helps alot of new Jedi
Kato 11 Posted August 2, 2020 +1 Puts lots of Effort into Jedi, Is on a Lot, Nice guy, Although you could put more effort into Classes hehe.
Donny 30 Posted August 2, 2020 +1 Always does great Jedi trainings and is genuinely a really approachable and nice person would be a good staff member
SHADOW3993 22 Posted August 2, 2020 +1 A very nice and Respectful Guy Very Active Mature and competent Current Ranks: Jedi Master CWRP Jedi Event Planner CWRP Security Staff Former Ranks: CWRP DS Commando F87-501st Commander-GC Commander-74th DMO-104th T VC-DU T EXO-CT T VC-ARC Colonel-104th Null ARC Colonel-104th Gamma ARC Colonel-CG T ARC-CT DSGTM-Jedi Specter-Jedi Sentinel-Jedi Mender-CWRP Senior Admin-CWRP Event Planner IRP Sith Ghost-Sith ShadowLord-Darth-Overlord-The Grand Inquisitor-ICRP Event Manager-T-RP Deputy Event Manager-IORP Senior Event Planner-IRP Senior Event Planner-IRP Moderator-IRP Event Planner-JT Commando-501st Commando Medic -Jedi BattleMaster
Smooth 17 Posted August 2, 2020 +1 Nice guy and active -= Current Ranks =- In-Character Ranks Out-Of-Character Rannks [Mace Windu, MOTO] [CW-RP Senior Admin] -= Previous Ranks =- [Doom's Unit Major] [CW-RP Event Planner]
Apollon 4 Posted August 3, 2020 +1 This is a very big +1. To be honest, I thought he is staff. IDK why. This shows how he is ready to be it. Really cool guy, helps you anytime with anything. I bet my right ball, that you have never heard anything bad about him.
Xi. 5 Posted August 3, 2020 +1 As someone who has seen Half grow through Jedi and upto where he is now, i believe he would be an amazing addition to the staff due to his level headed nature and tendency to not take sides. Former Ranks: - Clone Trooper Pilots Commander - Explosive Ordnance Disposal Colonel (Electrical Division) - Clone Engineers Colonel - Jedi High Council Member: Obi Wan Kenobi - Clone Engineers Advanced Recon Commando Currant Ranks: - SWRP Senior Administrator - Jedi Honour Guard
Defrexx 51 Posted August 3, 2020 +1 Reasons stated above Current Ranks: Community Developer Mace Windu Ex IC Ranks: Jedi Professor [19/04/2024 - 06/06/2024] Plo Koon [06/06/2024 - 29/06/2024] Kit Fisto [24/08/2020 - 30/01/2021] Jedi Battle Master [11/04/20 - 24/08/2020] Jedi Specialist [27/02/20 - 11/04/20] Ex OOC Ranks: Jr Developer DarkRP Moderator SWRP Senior Admin
Talos 17 Posted August 3, 2020 +1 Awesome dude Was super helpful and welcoming when I first joined Jedi and I know he has helped countless others on the server as well. Level-headed and competent. Current Rank: Force Ghost Previous Ranks: Anakin Skywalker, 41st LT, RRD Analyst, CE CPL
Spades 120 Posted August 3, 2020 +1 Worked with Shaked and I when we were playing as Jedi. Very friendly to everyone. Acts mature and trustworty. Deserves a chance as staff IMO. Good luck. Former Ranks and Stuff Community Co-Owner WW2-ORP Owner CWRP Manager IRP Manager Half-Life RP Vice-Manager Medieval RP Head Mod Zombie RP Reserve
Bean 80 Posted August 3, 2020 +1 Great guy All reasons listed above Current Ranks: Previous Ranks: 21st Commander - Jedi Paladin - 74th AMO - Battalion Captain - GM Colonel
BeastTheNinja 29 Posted August 4, 2020 +1 my guy i really dont need to say anything since most of the stuff is stated, but i just wanna say thank you for applying staff i was wondering when you would do it
Rex [W-G] 50 Posted August 7, 2020 +1 this lad face revealed and became one of the lads Active, Very good at what he does. very good
Puggo 55 Posted August 8, 2020 Denied Unfortunately you have not met our expectations to join the staff team Please feel free to reapply once staff apps reopen had to remove signature because of romanian censorship Spoiler