
Jenson-Warn request

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My In-Game name: Jedi initiate Jenson


Steam Name:jenson43

What is the reason for your warn: Job abuse

Name of the staff member who warned you:  212th Commander Zab

Why do I believe that I should have my warn removed: I had no intent to Switch jobs to avoid RP, I had not even noticed i did it until zab tped to me and explained. But if i did jump out the MB i had no intent to. I believe i jumped in on accident and jumped back out then i know for sure i did /advert Perm to enter MB and i got granted by 327th EXO victor. But long story short i am sorry for what i did and i would just like it to be put off my name as i really did not intend to break any rules and as you can see i have never been in trouble in any way. 

Evidence: Unfortunately i have no video as i found out later what i did.

Kind regards: Jenson 🙂

                                           Current Ranks                                  Past Ranks
                                               41st ARC                                   327th Commander                 501st SO       21st CO

                                                                                                   RRD Researcher                    CG CO     Jedi Champion 
                                                                                                         41st CO                               DT CO



I was there at the time and yes, after he got a warrent on he switched after 2 seconds, he didn't see it because he was in the F4 menu from what i have been told, keep in mind he bought platinum VIP the day before

-Past Ranks

-No one cares





Your story is quite unclear. Will wait till Zab comments his side of the story.



I was notified by a cg that someone switched Jobs after getting AOS'd. So i came to take a look. Then when he got aos'd again, (i think the cg just did that as an example) he changed again within seconds. So i warned him and he made a claim why he was warned. So i explained. He was very suprised and told me he did not realise he got aos'd. He also offered to change back to he other job to get the punishment, but the cg said that that could not be done. So i left it like that. But sounded realy sencere when he explained his story. And i believe he realy did not notice the AOS. And he was just checking the plat vip Jobs. So i think the warn should be removed.



As Zab has perfectly explained it. If you just got PlatVIP your natural instinct is to try the new jobs and have a look over them. He probably didn't notice he was AOS'ed then proceeded to change to try the job out. Not a fault on the side of Zab though just a little bit of miscommunication that's all. 

Looking at how you've written this. The language choice you use shows that you are being sincere and had no intention of abusing the PlatVIP jobs you get access to. He's a new player and isn't the most confident with the rules. 









jenson is a genuine guy, he isnt mingy and he wouldnt do this tbh. doesnt seem like him. if it's not evident enough from zabs own post, know that he literally got plat vip with me 2 days ago and we've been heavily exploring the roles since, playing a lot of jedi mainly leaving the others to explore deeper. im not surprised he didnt see the advert for aos. 

i was in ec with him earlier and we was in a call together but i had to mute and i pmed him ingame chat to tell him. he hadnt seen the whole time i was mute and i had to poke him. it doesnt strike me as impossible that he didnt see an AOS in chat for him.



While it does sound like a genuine mistake, you did job abuse (even if it was by a mistake).





Credit to Loki for this.



Current Ranks


Grand Admiral

SWRP Manager

212th ET

Previous Ranks

Admirality - lol skipped VA m8

CE Marshal Commander

(Temp) DU Marshal Commander

(Temp) 21st Marshal Commander

(Temp) CG Vice Commander

Jedi Padawan - Like a boss

41st NCO

Fallschirmjager - Jäger

Caesar Obergefreiter




I understand that you maybe new and do not know all of the rules but you did job abuse and warns are on to teach you not to do it again



+1 Since this is a very confused situation for the staff and the person involved i suggest that the warn gets removed




Whilst it was a genuine mistake the rules were broken I can understand why you’d want it removed but at the end of the day it is only a warn. Don’t get too worried about it pretty sure you’re not the kind of guy to go around breaking loads more so I don’t think it will effect you negatively in the future.

On 8/20/2020 at 12:31 AM, Pixel said:


I understand that you maybe new and do not know all of the rules but you did job abuse and warns are on to teach you not to do it again


29 minutes ago, Donny said:


Whilst it was a genuine mistake the rules were broken I can understand why you’d want it removed but at the end of the day it is only a warn. Don’t get too worried about it pretty sure you’re not the kind of guy to go around breaking loads more so I don’t think it will effect you negatively in the future.


The quotes above explain fairly clearly why we have the AWarn system in place. If in the future you need to show the reasoning behind them just show it was not truly intended as the warns are meant to act as a sort of personal record of the past actions you have had on the server.

had to remove signature because of romanian censorship






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