
Needed Regimental Overhaul

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What your suggestion is: A much needed Regimental overhaul to regiments.

Scriptfodder/workshop link: N/A

Any additional information: All information is found on this document here

It is a lot of work but currently however the server is very stale with not much to work for. Adding this would make it more enjoyable for all, this is one of the downsides and makes other servers better to put it nicely.

Most of these changes are rough changes. Of course regimental Hierarchy should have a say in what they would like to see for their regiment.

Edited by Nathan

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Honestly seems like a pretty good idea. I have always said that the server needs something else to progress to and also it adds alittle more lore to the server. Making it more lore based could bring more people to the server. We have stayed the same way for so long and spicing it up seems cool.

Edited by Breatoking
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+1 good idea 

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+1 needs to be added ASAP the server is kinda stale atm however adding this will make players stay and possibly even come, Without this the server may fall behind and possibly go poof plz add this i dont want to see this server go down hill.


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I believe if this gets added it will be the best server addition ever. this is like a regimental arc and would be perfect for people that are stuck at colonel as hierarchy is full or even you dont want to have hierarchy but would still like to rankup. this could be a great place for the squad leader aswell as it is between exo and colonel and could be an amazing learning ground for becoming a commander of a regiment. 

MASSIVE +1 if i dont see this added i dont know what will ever get added. it will make regiments feel more fresh as if you get stuck at colonel for a while you would most likely want to leave this would be an amazing opportunity for them

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The first problem I see is the talk of the DC15le, what are the stats and such. 

Having had experience taking part and leading a similar squad system within a regiment and seeing countless implementations, I believe this method would not work. 

problem 1. Allowing sl to do the tryouts. With the power to alow certain people into these squads and no dought cause a closed squad where only people they enjoy will be allowed to enter, and dought bias’s. 

problem 2. With a serious suggestion there should have had more thought with numbers within the regiment and reasons why you wouldn’t want to join. 

problem 3. Inconsistent bounes for regiments gm only getting this unknown gun and nothing else while gc getting a cloaks. 

The only way I can see this working is a out of regiment thing like arc, if it is done with the regiment it would cause to many problems,

I  understand the grind of the col 

but this not the way to fix it, this would only change the problem of waiting for exo to being one of waiting for sl which due to how you would get it almost always get exo. 

I personally would love to see more squad type things however due to major problems I listed it gotta be a minus 1 from me. 

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Just now, Pie said:


The first problem I see is the talk of the DC15le, what are the stats and such. 

Having had experience taking part and leading a similar squad system within a regiment and seeing countless implementations, I believe this method would not work. 

problem 1. Allowing sl to do the tryouts. With the power to alow certain people into these squads and no dought cause a closed squad where only people they enjoy will be allowed to enter, and dought bias’s. 

problem 2. With a serious suggestion there should have had more thought with numbers within the regiment and reasons why you wouldn’t want to join. 

problem 3. Inconsistent bounes for regiments gm only getting this unknown gun and nothing else while gc getting a cloaks. 

The only way I can see this working is a out of regiment thing like arc, if it is done with the regiment it would cause to many problems,

I  understand the grind of the col 

but this not the way to fix it, this would only change the problem of waiting for exo to being one of waiting for sl which due to how you would get it almost always get exo. 

I personally would love to see more squad type things however due to major problems I listed it gotta be a minus 1 from me. 

Most of these changes are rough changes. Of course regimental Hierarchy should have a say in what they would like to see for their regiment.

Read that it clears up 1st and 3rd point, weapon stats would be decided by SMT. The SL having the power to do the tryouts shouldn't be too bad of a problem, if hierarchy or HC see this they can easily take action against it, it isn't too hard.  

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+1 I like the idea of specialisation would definitely add something more, and would in add to events on top of that as well with different squads having goals allowing hierarchy’s to be a bit more tactical. A few downsides pie has mentioned and it would probably be a rough transition to implement but why not in all honesty. I can’t see this happening any time soon but would love to see it.

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Really cool idea that should add some much needed variations to regiments as well as more options if someone is stuck at colonel.

One only tip being to add some more specialised stuff onto each regiment as to not have it end up like ARC where regiments get a singular extra gun at the cost of their special equipment. This is very much a rough idea but assuming LFS is added, 501st, 327th, GM and CG don't gain anything extra other than the DC15LE. It would be cool if other new things could be added to these regiments such as an enhanced grenade for 501st, something like the Z-6 Shoulder-Mounted Chaingun for GM, Some kind of new riot shield for CG where the user is able to use a DC-17 to fire alongside but for balancing reasons have the shield smalller so they can actually be shot and have some new kind of heavy weapon for 327th such as the EMP cannon or give them a new vehicle like an AT-RT or something.

Obviously i have no idea about what goes into the addition of these new ideas so i'm not sure how plausable any of this is and i don't have any workshop examples to give out for any of these ideas; this is just what i think would be cool so that every regiment gains something with their new squad. 

Edited by Bean

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Just now, Bean said:


Really cool idea that should add some much needed variations to regiments as well as more options if someone is stuck at colonel.

One only tip being to add some more specialised stuff onto each regiment by not just having the unique squads being this regiment but with a different weapon like ARC in a way. This is very much a rough idea but assuming LFS is added, 501st, 327th, GM and CG don't gain anything extra other than the DC15LE. It would be cool if other new things could be added to these regiments such as an enhanced grenade for 501st, something like the Z-6 Shoulder-Mounted Chaingun for GM, Some kind of new riot shield for CG where the user is able to use a DC-17 to fire alongside but for balancing reasons have the shield smalller so they can actually be shot and have some new kind of heavy weapon for 327th such as the EMP cannon or give them a new vehicle like an AT-RT or something.

Obviously i have no idea about what goes into the addition of these new ideas so i'm not sure how plausable any of this is and i don't have any workshop examples to give out for any of these ideas; this is just what i think would be cool so that every regiment gains something with their new squad. 

Oh yeah on top of this, you'll also have to make sure with each regiment's hierarchy that they want any of this of course.

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21st Commander - Jedi Paladin - 74th AMO - Battalion Captain - GM Colonel


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21 minutes ago, Bean said:

Oh yeah on top of this, you'll also have to make sure with each regiment's hierarchy that they want any of this of course.

Of course, as I stated these were just rough ideas of what could happen. I imagine if this was accepted a Hierarchy meeting would occur and people will discuss equipment.

With some great reccomendations too. So thank you!

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This won't work as it will require a stable hierarchy in all regiments to lead it. The only reason ARC has lasted this long and will continue lasting is because RC are on the ball currently and are sorting it all out. Some regiments are not the best at organising things like this and it will mean that some regiments have full squads and others have small / empty squads. 

Another thing is that I am not sure people would actually want to join the squads, for example what do riot control actually do there has literally never been a riot on the server. How can 212th have an airborne division, the server is literally built around CE being the only and main pilots.

I think this addition would just die in around 2 months without proper documentation and leadership. If hierarchy do accept this I strongly recommend you don't leave this to each hierarchy only, but you appoint someone to look at all of the regiments squads and deal with logs and shit.


The Boys


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1 hour ago, Silent said:

Another thing is that I am not sure people would actually want to join the squads, for example what do riot control actually do there has literally never been a riot on the server. How can 212th have an airborne division, the server is literally built around CE being the only and main pilots.

One thing I think you have failed to realise is this server gives 0 fucks about lore. In the documents I initially did make the Ghost Company however struggled to find any models to base them off therefore changed it to 2nd Airborne division which is another lore squad within 212th, due to CE already being the pilots I kept Ghost Company’s equipment and primary focus of land vehicles.

As for riot control it was the only name i could think of for it. However any ideas for it are appreciated as that and DU is what I struggled to think about 

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"CE Bravo Squadron ARC PFT COL (name)" lmao, i think it would be fun i guess, gonna be a Neutral from me


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I like the idea, really, but this only seems to be able to work in paper. There are regiments that currently cannot handle the regiment itself, adding a squad on top of that would increase thier responsibilities and possibly cripple it more. Equipment is very scuffed out, I am sure it can be worked more, but in the end I see this as being forgotten like many other ideas. Also, where is CT? I also guess that ARC would not be able to be part of them due to equipment and model differences. Would they have a different job compared to their own regiment, if not it will make it as if you just get an extra word on your name which makes no difference. Overall, the document lacks a lot of information so I doubt it will get accepted before it gets updated. 


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From briefly looking through the suggestion, the thing that raises the biggest red flag for me is the amount of addons that will have to get added for this to be possible. What you are looking at is 150MB+ of addons per regiment to get the required models. This would add up to 1.5 GBs of addons that could be used for something that could possibly be better for the server in the future. Other people have brought up other good points above me but this is the main one for me.

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Cool idea. But this is a suggestion to change entirely the entire server including many pieces of equipnent and vehicles that don't exist yet. In a perfect world this would be a good suggestion but it so very unrealistic. 

Things like this are better implemented slowly and gradually over time. Not all in one suggestion.

Edited by Kids


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With Lore I really like these ideas Nathan's put, it's adds alot of shit into the server that will be enjoyable. We aren't the most lore friendly server but that can easily been changed by this tbh. It will be a massive change but a change to evolve the server for the good of it. 

Just to add people aren't enjoying it as much me included due to some stuff and I would definitely become more active and probably alot more people to embrace it

Also this will stop people feeling demotivated because in some regiments all your get as a bonus is the right to do something that's it. So changing that with you can be able to feel more motivated to get to the rank to get a secondary thing

Edited by Bansheey






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I can see where you're coming from Nathan and I agree that more could be done
to spice things up during the SO gridlocks.

However something like this requires an overhaul for every regiment (and simply saying DU and 74th don't need one isn't acceptable) As a result the amount of work required would be very extensive to simply keep Staff officers happy and I'm not sure if the time and effort here would be worth it, especially when 
your solution requires all of these addons.

Being stuck at a rank sucks yeah I know but it isn't something that can be fixed overnight unless you want us to add bridging ranks and don't forget we've all been playing during an extended summer holidays so the boredom is expected.

I don't think a lot of you understand that when things like this are added they need to be very well thought out otherwise the idea fails horribly and the server has a vast record of horrible half baked ideas to show for it.
Hence when we add big suggestions we need to see a sufficient purpose for doing so otherwise it proves to be a complete waste of everyone's time.

We will do what we can to keep things fresh with new maps and other features (WOS2020 and hopefully LFS)


I will deny your initial idea Nathan as I don't think your idea would work in our server environment currently however I can see you made some considerable effort here

As such this will partly be on pending as the idea in itself of having more varied progression in a regiment is a good one so we will keep it in mind for the future.

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