Windows XP

ISD - Internal Security Department

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Internal Security Department


“A Foundation within the Foundation”


ISD is a concealed "foundation within the Foundation", a secret police force responsible for filtering traitors as well as operational and information security risks among the Foundation's ranks. The department is strictly hierarchical, adhering to stringently defined multi-stage investigative protocol. Potential ISD agents must have a perfect service record and a length of Foundation service of more than a year. Usually, every ISD agent keeps his "official" position in order to provide his command a first-hand account of everything happening in a given department. The very existence of ISD is usually presented as a myth. The "official" responsibility of ISD is investigation and interrogation of captured GOI agents, although that part of ISD officially belongs to the Security Department for the purpose of secrecy.







Base Loadout:
Tactical Restraint, Police Handcuffs, Elastic Restraints, MP9, Various Pistols, CSI Swep, Face Scanner, Weapon Checker 






-OOC Section -

Steam Name:



In game level:

Playtime(At least one week):

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 

(Uncropped Screenshot must be included here) 


- IC Section -

[Insert your CV here] 


App/CV Tips - Adhering to these tips may aid your application

The point of CV’s is to document highlights of your life hence the latin phrase “curriculum vitae”, which stands for “course of life”.  At minimum, it should include work and academic history.


Employers sort through thousands of CV to look for unique talent that is rare to find.  


Show a story, don’t write one in your CV. 

(A good example is stringing minor references that adds up to an overall story) 

(A bad example is writing a block of text that details your childhood to your adulthood)


Reputation does still matter, so if it is poor more effort may be needed on your app to show sincerity.









Edited by Windows XP
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Steam Name: Notty
In game level: 50
Playtime: 2 weeks and 4 days.
Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 10


To: T……….SCPFoundation@........,.com
From: J,,,,,,,,,,,,.SCPFoundation@,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.com
Topic: CV
First name: Aryan
Last name: Keller
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Service time at the SCP Foundation: 12 Years, 8 Months, 17 Days
-Father: John ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, B-1 Sentinel Unit (PFC)
-Mother: [REDACTED] Senior Researcher at Site-,,, (Biology)

Degree in law, medicine and military years.

Military [ 18 Months ]
-Firearms training
-Hand to hand combat training
-Combat training
-Hand explosives training
-Takedown and self defence training
-Expertise movement training

Security Guard (Under Supervision) [ 6 Months ]
-Extra firearms training
-Melee weapon training
-Extra self defence training

Security Lieutenant [ 18 Months ]
-Extra Melee weapon training
-Close quarters combat training
-Extra combat training

Field Agent [ 42 Months ]
-Disguise training
-Spy training
-Extra takedown training
-Training with amnestics
-Surveillance expert
-Pistol and SMG firearm revision
-Expertise in silencing

MTF Pi-1 (City Slickers) [ 60 Months ]
-Military weaponry revision
-Disguise expert
-Recontainment and SCP procedure training
-Surveillance revision
 -Extra amnestics training

Summary of skills
-Experience in all weaponry( melee, firearms, explosives)
-Spying and surveillance experience
-Expert in self defence and disarmament
-Interrogation experience
-Experience in amnestics and silencing
-Law and medical experience
-Experience in disguise and undercover
-Fast Learner

Edited by Notty
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SteamID: STEAM_0:1:211188625
Steam Name: Rusty
Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 0 warns
In game level: lvl 50
Playtime: 6 weeks 3 days


To: I………………………………

From: P………………

Subject: CV for Internal Security


Birthdate: 19/07/1989

Age as of 2020: 40 years old

Name and surname: Philips Keter


Sex: Male

Gender: Male

Sexual orientation: Straight


Family Connections:

Brothers/Sisters = none

Father = Gustav Keter [MTF-PSI-7 Commander – Cl4 – Site-  ……]

Mother = Angelina Skiguard Keter [Foundation architect Cl4 – Site-98]


/Work experiences outside Foundation/

Horse groom - 5years

Architect for Architecture & Co. - 3years

Military – 6years

Construction Supervisor – 2years


/Work experiences inside of Foundation/

Time since joined Foundation ~ 10years at age of 30

Foundation architect – 5years [Cl1 – Cl3]

Unit of MTF-PSI-7 ‘’Home Improvement’’ – 5years [Cl3]



-Studies / Degrees-

Doctoral degree in architecture

Bachelor’s degree in Geophsyics


/Additional experiences/

Top of class – Grade 1-9

2nd in class in high school – Grade 10-12

Several 1st places in public speaking competitions

3 promotions in 1 year of working at Architects & Co.


/Additional skills/

Able to blend in.

Able to get out of situations.

Able to convince people/smooth talk.

Know how to use a gun/guns.

Able to keep shut.

Able to keep others shut.

Able to lie.

Know how to take care of horses.

Able to learn fast.

Knows how to dismantle building within 20minutes with a few explosives.

Able to create stable structures or concealed structures within 10minutes.

Can spy on someone without being noticed.

I can be patient.




/Foundation Training/

CQC training

Structural Anomalous Entity Containment training

Weaponry training – [Pistols, Sub machine guns, Assult rifles]

Anti-Inteligence training

Foundation Law class

Foundation S.C.P. Containment Chamber construction class

Edited by Rusty

Bing bong blan bind bin bo go bi b 




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-OOC Section -

Steam Name: Regular Zero Two

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:0

In game level: 50

Playtime: 1 week 3 days 15 houres

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 5 Warnings


- IC Section -

Personal Profile:  

Hans. M. Franxx

Age 40

Born in [R E D A C T E D], Germany.

 Served in the GSG 9 for 5 years.

Served 4 years as a Combat-Medic.

Served 9 years as a Field Agent in the SCP Foundation.

Education: Graduated from the Adam-Kraft-Real Schule, the famous school in [R E D A C T E D], Germany. Got his Diploma from the Sakura-University [R E D A C T E D], Japan. Was in the Kölner-Offiziers-Schule.

Achievements: Killed over 15 CI Agents in multiple Missions. Raided 3 CI basis. Arrested multiple CI Infiltrators. Saved the life from multiple MTF Commanders and SDs.

Carrere Objective: ISD (International Security Dep.)

Skills: Speaks 5 languages. Professional with weapons. Knows how to ‘’blend in’’.

Interests: Combat and arresting/killing traitor scum.

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CV Results

@Michael Afton

23 hours ago, Michael Afton said:

Carrere Objective: ISD (International Security Dep.)

Well... You misspelt Career and are applying for "International Security Department"... so I think you got the wrong department...


23 hours ago, Michael Afton said:

Interests: Combat and arresting/killing traitor scum.

We mainly keep our heads down unless an issue arises, so a one-sided approach of being a CSI-Swep spamming supersoldier will not be fitting for this role.


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-OOC Section -

Steam Name: George

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:77069225

In game level: 50

Playtime: 4w-5w PT is bugged/was bugged

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 21 warnings, all of them are very old and only 1 is actually somewhat recent. not proud of them in the slightest since I was a minge back in the day.


(Spoiler is the SS)





- IC Section -

CV for Internal Security Department




DOB: 25/02/1982
Age: 38 years old
Gender: Male

Name: Kian Raanvik

Outside the Foundation

Mcdonalds - 2months & 3 days
Police Intern - 1year
Military - 6years
Police Department - 3,5years
(Started working outside the foundation since the age of 17 then
finally was introduced to the foundation at the age of 27.5y/o)

Education: Major in Engineering/Masters in English

Within the Foundation
Introduced at 27.5yo

DOEA - Agent -2.4years
B-7 Unit - B-7 CMDR -3years (quickly worked through the ranks due to efficiency & good work ethic) [CL3]
Nu7 Enlisted - 1.5years - SGT [CL3)
From there I was moved to the Undercover Division
Field Agent - 3.4ish years [CL3] 


Interests: Swimming, Gaming, Acrobatics, Mountain Climbing & Bowling.



Close Quarters Combat (Learned during my service at the Military)
Different Varients of Combat Training
Able to withstand pressure
Extreme Training



Weapon Experiences Melee-Guns-Explosives
Able to blend in easily/know the art of disguise
Covert/Dont draw attention
Quick Learner
Quick Thinker

Edited by Kian Raanvik
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-OOC Section -

Steam Name: hard hat man


In game level:50

Playtime:4 weeks

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 


- IC Section -


To: E(redacted)

From: J(redacted)

Subject:CV FOR ISD Application


First name: Joshepi

Last name: krakowski


Gender: Male

D.O.B: 12/11/1989


Time inside foundation:4 years


Ex soldier of the Estonian army

Time server in Estonian army:6 years


Jobs within foundation


Security officer- site 19 12 months


Security guard- site (redacted) 24 months


Security lieutenant- site (redacted) 12 months



Firearms training level 3

-being able to use guns that are able to fire up to .300 Winchester

-knowledge on how to maintain guns

-knowledge on how to injure not kill and where to shoot if shooting to kill

Basic Amnestics training

-knowledge on how much amnestics can be used on a subject at once


-Knowledge on pressure points

-knowledge on how to incapacitate subjects that are showing violent behaviour

Counterintelligence and intelligence collecting

-Can get info and details on a subject

Suppression tactics level 3

- can control people who may be violent or non cooperative 



Foundation Combat medal

Foundation ReContainment certificate




Weapon maintenance 




Edited by Joshepi Krackowski
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CV Results

@Joshepi Krackowski  - Your recent activity in the site has been few and far between. Your CV has a lot of high-quality traits that would be beneficial, but achievement count does not seem to reflect good performance in these. Also the layout is not exactly...great.


@Kian Raanvik - Your CV is more detailed than the first, which is a positive. Your experience in combat-related jobs is also good for self-explanatory reasons and time as a field agent can also be beneficial. I am just not sure that you would be fitting for ISD as your "infraction count" is worryingly high and I have personally seen you do some recently. You should work on playing more site-oriented jobs and improving overall performance, then I would happily accept your next application.


Side note: ISD Apps will be temporarily closed for a while as we see that enough people have already joined


Edited by Windows XP
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1 hour ago, Windows XP said:
CV Results

@Joshepi Krackowski  - Your recent activity in the site has been few and far between. Your CV has a lot of high-quality traits that would be beneficial, but achievement count does not seem to reflect good performance in these. Also the layout is not exactly...great.


@Kian Raanvik - Your CV is more detailed than the first, which is a positive. Your experience in combat-related jobs is also good for self-explanatory reasons and time as a field agent can also be beneficial. I am just not sure that you would be fitting for ISD as your "infraction count" is worryingly high and I have personally seen you do some recently. You should work on playing more site-oriented jobs and improving overall performance, then I would happily accept your next application.


Side note: ISD Apps will be temporarily closed for a while as we see that enough people have already joined



I've been playing A1/actual FA as well.

(Either way knew I was gonna get denied because of the warns but yeea, ive been improving) 

How long until next time i can post an app?

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-OOC Section -

Steam Name: MoeKhayre

SteamID:  STEAM _0:0:547679566

In game level: 50

Playtime: 6d 12h

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: x2

(Uncropped Screenshot must be included here) 






- IC Section -

Lastname: Blue
Forename: Bradford
DOB: 1993-07-23
Gender: Male

Seeking position of an Internal Security Department Agent



Elwood High School - Elwood, ND
Graduated with honours (3.89 GPA)
Extracurricular: Involvement on the Student Council. Head of the football team.


Recruited into military after High School:

Training Received: Basic Army Combat Training, Firearms Handling & Safety, Witness/Suspect Interviewing, Search & Seizure, Prisoner Transport, Basic First Aid, Crime Scene Processing, Suspect Detainment & Restraint
"Blue demonstrated an aptitude in all his training, specifically when dealing with suspects." - Training Officer


Recruited into the Foundation soon after joining the Armed Forces: 

Recruitment Agents believed that I would become a valuable member of the Security Team, specifically when it came to the handling of the D-Class. 
During first year as Security Guard received further training in: Prisoner Handling, Conflict De-escalation, and further Combat Training.

After two years promoted into Security Lieutenant and moved to a different site where focus was on managing and training a small team to handle the increased hostility of the D-Class on-site.


  • Team leadership.
  • Prisoner management.
  • Conflict de-escalation.
  • Firearms.
  • Suspect interviewing.
  • Basic First-Aid.
  • Communication.
  • Teamwork.


Additional Notes:
While my formal education may be lacking, I still excelled in High School and my training during my time in the military and inside the Foundation should more than make up for it.

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-OOC Section -

Steam Name: Maxwell Williams

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:108300068

In game level: 50

Playtime(At least one week): 1w 6d

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given:





- IC Section -

To: [Redacted]

From: [Redacted]@[Redacted].com

Subject: CV to Internal Security Department

About me:

Date of Birth: 04/7/1978

Age: 42

First name: Maxwell

Last name: Williams

Gender: Male

---Work experience (Outside foundation)---

Walmart-Store assistant(2 years)

Walmart-Security guard(3 years)

First World Bank- Chief Security officer(5 years)

---Work experience (Inside Foundation)---

Security Guard (1 year)

Security Lieutenant (2 years, got the job quickly due to past experience)

MTF Nu-7 "Hammer Down" Scout (4 years)

Field Agent (6 years)

----Education and Courses-----

Bachelor of Laws

Self Defense Course

Security officer Training

CQC Training

First Aid Training

Nu-7 Scout Training

Undercover Training

Weapons Training (While serving in Nu-7)

-----Additional Skills-----

Able to learn quickly

Skilled in interrogating 

Good combat skills

Able to provide First Aid

Experience in going undercover

Able to cover up tracks

Skilled in lying and spreading disinformation

Able to make decisions under pressure








Edited by Maxwell
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CV Application Results


 @Maxwell- After watching you while on duty we've decided to accept you into the Department. Congratulations.






 @Kian Raanvik- Your CV is good, it has detail and goes into more depth about your past experiences, however the records show previous bad behaviour while on-duty therefore ISD Managment decided to deny you. 


Side Note from the Internal Security Department Managment Team:

All denied applicants still have a chance to re-apply in the future, work on your weaknesses, improve and prove yourselfs capable.

Good luck to all remaining applicants.

Edited by Melo Samue
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-OOC Section -

Steam Name: Greta

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:422872120

In game level: 50

Playtime(At least one week): 2w 1d

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 0



- IC Section -

General Information:

Full Name: Carl Swampman

Age: 41 years

Birthdate: 7/6/1979

Gender: Male

Family members:

Mother: Romana Swampman

Job: Psychology Expert in ................. Prison

Father: Juraj Swampman

Job: Shooting and tactics trainer of Police unit PMJ Praha



Elementary School

High School of CNC Engineering Graduation


Jobs outside of Foundation:

CNC Engineer- 2 years

Police Officer- 4 years

URNA Task Force member- 5 years


Jobs inside of Foundation

Security guard- 4 years

Security Lieutenant- 3 years

Field Agent- 4 years



Great shooting and tactics (Father was taking him from young

years to shooting ranges and police trainings)

Talking- Using his psychology skills after his mother,

he is able to discuss anything with anybody

Negotiating- Using his psychology skills, he is able

to choose right way to make subject talk with him

Patience- He is able to wait for really long time 

to reach his target

Tricking- Using lies and right talking, he is able to reach

his target

"Friend of everyone"- For whole years he was able

to talk with everybody, even bullied or deviant ones, 

but wasnt on the top of attention

Attention- Never got need to gain any, giving

him ability to be neutral and unseen till he

wanted to, ussually he knew sensitive informations

about people around him but noone else except

his beloved ones and best friends

Trustworthy- Able to keep secret at all costs

Spying- Able to spy on somebody and do his normal job 

unnoticed at one time



CQC training

Weapon Handling training

Advanced Psychology training

Negotiation training

S.A.S. anti-negotiation training

Parameic training











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-OOC Section -

Steam Name: Regular

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:200036682

In game level: 50

Playtime: 1w 4d 15h

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 5


- IC Section 

Personal Information:

Hans. M. Franxx

Age 40

Born in (R E D A C T E D), Germany

Personal Profile:

,,I worked at the Foundation for 10 years, it’s part of my life. I will do everything to keep it safe.’’

-Combat Medic for the Foundation.

-6 Years as a Field Agent for the Foundation.


Adam-Kraft-Realschule, the famous school in (R E D A C T E D), Germany.

Notes: Good grades.

University Sakura, a University in (R E D A C T E D), Japan.

Notes: Best in class.

(R E D A C T E D)-Offiziers-Schule, a officer school in (R E D A C T E D), Germany.

Notes: Top of the graduation.



-Highest promotion: Oberst. (GSG9)

-Got multiple medals. (GSG9)

-Saved multiple Lives. (CM Foundation)

-Raided Multiple Chaos Insurgency hideouts. (FA Foundation)



-Professional with weapons.

-4 Languages (Ger, Ukr, Rus, Jap)


Additional Information:

-Current location: Site-(R E D A C T E D)


-Good experience at spying.

Edited by Michael Afton
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CV Application Results









 @Michael Afton- Never heard of, no idea who you are and barely ever seen

@Greta- Same as the other applicant, never heard about you


Side Note from the Internal Security Department Managment Team:

All denied applicants still have a chance to re-apply in the future, work on your weaknesses, improve and prove yourselfs capable.

Good luck to all remaining applicants.

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-OOC Section -

Steam Name: WolfyGT


In game level: 50

Playtime(At least one week): 2weeks 2d 13hr (Proof can be found in the below picture)

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 5 warns, 2 temp bans, all of which were given quite early when I started playing in V4 or V5(Don't remember which version exactly but it was a long time ago and haven't gotten any infractions since)6be271e2fad77a44b56374117e714e69.png

- IC Section -





Subject: ISD CV

First Name: Lyman

Second Name: Carter

Date Of Birth: 18/12/1978

Nationality: Northern Irish

Gender: Male

Age: 43

Family Relations:

Siblings: N/A

Father: Unknown. Missing, Disappeared when I was a child.

Mother: Deceased (Died in a UFF bombing in 1986)

After the passing of my mother, I was under care of my Grandparents, who are now both deceased but treated me well. We left Northern Ireland for a while and came back in 1999.

Work Experience

Sainsbury's Shelf Stocker: 3 Year 

Sainsbury's General Manager: 3 Years 

Club Bouncer: 2 years

The Royal Marines: 4 years (Developed no type of PTSD, Although, Regular checks with therapist happen just in-case anything pops up..)

Foundation Work Experience:

(Whilst working in the Marines I had come back from deployment to Iraq for Operation Telic, I was worn out from the military. I was approached by a man who I still do not know the identity of and offered a job at Site-[REDACTED], After a while I accepted his offer, Leaving the army and joining the Foundation as a Security Officer. I was treated well and worked hard, And I believe this factors into my utter loyalty to the foundation even today.)

Security Officer: 1 Year

Security Guard: 3 years 

Security LT: 1 year

MTF Iota-10 "Damn Feds": 2 Years

MTF Beta-7 Unit: 1 year

MTF Beta-7 Commander: 2 years (Was promoted due to Constant Good work, Leadership skills and Good relations with other beta-7 units)

(Moved to Field Agent after three years in beta-7. This was due to experience with Anomalies and a long term working relationship with foundation)

Field Agent: 3 Years


Education and Official Skills

Bachelor of Science

Masters Degree in Psychology 

Standard British Military Training

British Royal Marine Training

Foundation Security Guard standard training

Standard MTF Iota-10 training in order to blend in with law enforcement

MTF-Beta 7 Training and Experience with Anomalous Entities

Standard Field Agent training in Disguise, Anomaly Handling, Infiltration and Spying

Usage and Application of Amnestic's

Miscellaneous Skills

Quick Learner

A slightly photographic memory

Undercover Experience (MTF Iota-10 and Field Agent)

Good Liar

Good at reading people due to the degree in psychology.

Quickly able to notice if being trailed.

Above Average Mathematics Skills.

Able to blend in amongst others.

Maintains good relations with colleagues.




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-OOC Section -

Steam Name: LemonArmageddon

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:35881919

In game level: 50

Playtime(At least one week): 6w 5d 1h

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: image.thumb.png.4e4314de1b3850faad65f943018c1e44.png

1st and 9th warn: No idea how I got either of these, I don't even know if I was online when I got either but I was never pulled into a sit for them so I don't know why I got them at all.

Other warns: Probably really old, all except 1 are before I got level 50 (new player and probably didn't know rules, especially the metagame 4 people banned one which I do remember, and I didn't know metagame rules back then).

-IC Section-


CC: (blank)


Subject: Internal Security Department CV




Working in the Foundation for 17 years. Wide variety of skills for working in the Foundation, such as working as a team and also training in things like CBRN and espionage.

Currently working as a field agent for the Foundation looking out for new anomalies. Extensive knowledge of GOIs within the vicinity of the facility and how to combat them. Lots of experience in using weapons and specialised equipment.

Basic Information

Name: Dennis Carter

Age: 46

Education: University

Occupation: Field Agent, member of field research department

Work Experience

Lab assistant | Cambridge University | 3 years | Part time | Helped within the labs at the university while also collecting information for their degree. Gained skills which would bring them into the SCP Foundation such as working in a lab environment, as a team and work etiquette within a laboratory.

Researcher | CERN | Full time | 8 years | Worked in anomalous research department on finding logical solutions to seemingly improbable events and objects. Knew about the anomalous, to an extent, from a young age. Trained within chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear (CBRN) hazards.

Junior Researcher | SCP Foundation, Site-19 | 1 year | Part time | Began working in SCP Foundation from 29 after being recruited at CERN. Spent a lot of time learning about the Foundation and its operations while also researching on the anomalous.

Senior Researcher | SCP Foundation, Site-19 | 5 years | Full time | Less orientation seminars meant more time working within the the research department and experience within the Foundation, and getting to know it. Knowledge of the site's layout, basic Foundation law and also research ethics.

Trainee field agent | SCP Foundation, Site-19 | 6 months |Full time | Chose to work within the field research department. Gained skills such as basic gun training, espionage and basic first aid. 

Field agent | SCP Foundation, Variable location | 13 years | Full time field agent who has finished training. Experience in knowledge of GOIs, espionage, using guns and anomalous happenings.


Secondary School | St. Joseph Academy, Yorkshire | Basic education in most subjects, passed with 3 A*, 4 A, and a B. 

College | Kingston College, London | A-Level in English, Physics and Chemistry

University | Cambridge University | Degree in Theoretical Physics | Upper Second Class Honours 


  • Working as a team
  • Knowledge of basic anomalies and how to document and report them
  • High standards of education and general knowledge
  • Experience in espionage, disguises and blending in
  • Basic first aid
  • Basic Foundation law
  • Long serving member of the Foundation, loyal
  • CBRN trained
  • Experience and training in combat and usage of weaponry


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