
Joel's Discord Ban Appeal

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Discord Name: kjoel8#0405

What is the reason for your ban: I can't remember.

How long were you banned for: Indefinetly.

Name of the discord staff member who banned you: I can't remember.

What ban: Discord ban.

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: For starters, I have no idea why I got banned in the first place as I can't even remember being in the discord whatsoever. Assuming that my ban was deserved, it had to have been a while ago when I wasn't even considering coming back to WG. I've recently came back and I am looking to improve my experience by being in the server discord in order for me to communicate with others. It'd help me a lot as I progress further within the Doom's Unit hierarchy.


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Well it was recent as it's not logged, unless its not SWRP. Can you remember some sort of reason?

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1 hour ago, Shepherd said:

Well it was recent as it's not logged, unless its not SWRP. Can you remember some sort of reason?

I can't even recall being in any WG related discord.

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