Totally A Human

SCP RP Unban Request (Totally A Human)

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In Game Name - Sarah Nasuki


Reason of ban= Exploiting

who banned = Joseph Elems


Good Morning/Good Afternoon

I'm only here to ask for another chance.

Before i was permanently banned

I Broke the rules all the time either passively or through a joke. 

I wouldn't go out of my way to get warnings and get banned, because we know what D block is like.


Anyway I was banned on August 21,/2020/04:48:09

And the reason was an Exploit.


The anomalous Powers from orb or drug (cant remember)

transferred into a job which shouldn't have such things and openly i admit to doing it as such is why i'm banned.

I didn't do it to ruin RP (Debatable)  didn't do anything wrong no killing was involved and overall i know my rights from wrongs.


When i got banned i was annoyed very much. Had no fun especially when quarantine started. I'm only writing for an unban now is so i can see, talk to those i Rp'd with.

If i didn't care enough to like the server i wouldn't of spent money on myself and others. (Example)


I'm ashamed to admit this but iv'e been permanently banned twice 1st reason was very long back for pressing a Elevator button during a raid by Joshy.  (No harm done i wasn't Focusing)

and Obviously second was the exploit I fully Deserve in regards for such a thing I wouldn't be righting this if i didn't miss playing the game.

Exploits ruin the game. I shouldn't have done such a thing but i really want to be back. Any Warns i get if I do come back wont be intentional unless i'm proving that i have done nothing wrong.


In that exploit, I didn't confess and i used people to help me which is wrong. But all i'm asking is for another chance If i were to get Permanently Banned again. I would try coming back cause then I know that me and this server wouldn't work.  I would give up all hope of trying to come back whether that be through false perma ban, or for what i did.


But do know I will try to come back no matter how long it will take only to speak to those i made friends with on this server.

Also I think i should be un banned i know right from wrong. The time ive been banned has changed me and all tho it sounds cheesy I do believe i can be a example that the server expects after my experiences.


Also don't look at my warn history

Its embarrasing.


Totally A Human/Sarah Nasuki

PS- If you still hate 

Its Alright. (I'm Different!)

Edited by Totally A Human
Found Staff Name (Thx Lorex)
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1. No template / wrong one used

2. Staff will look at your warn history anyway. You cant tell them not to look at it. To me it looks like youre trying to conceal the fact that you were much more mingy than you claim. Essentially lying in an appeal, more or less.

Regardless if you are sincere or not, as i cannot determine that, rules are rules still.


EDIT: Unless the staff member who banned you think you changed my opinion will change too.

Edited by Makarov
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I remember who you were and personally you weren't all that mingy from what I remember(there have been people who were bigger minges).
Although you exploited you waited for a while before making this request.
Personally I would like to see what the admin who banend you has to say.

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@Makarovdont be a retard, you dont look at the wide image so no one care.

If you promise not to abuse any map or addon exploit in the future, i think you should have a second chance easily. Everyone deserves one. There is more minges in the server then you were so, i believe that your easily deserving of the second chance.








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You admitted that you goofed up and you seem apologetic and regretful of what you did so I think you deserve another chance

Also sorry not sorry for stealing your second name

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The warning admin, I have no clue who he is.

Warn loggs wont let me get his SteamID,  but since no admin has stepped forward as the banning admin,  I can only assume the person is no longer staff.  


And yes, you had decent amount of warns.  But people change



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The banning admin was joshy, the perma happened due to the person abusing the anomaly ball despite many warnings to not do that, alongside the many other warnings that the user has received over the time they played


I don't think this user should be unbanned, as I've never seen you roleplay when you were on the server



Edited by Bread - Hanz Alexkrovich


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1 hour ago, popbob said:

What anomaly ball exploit exactly? I dont understand it

Anomaly orb, you get powers from it

Suiciding or getting someone to kill you to get better powers from the orb


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I'm just going to say this:

People who are saying he "deserves a second chance" clearly don't see their warn history.

This person has already been permanently banned before... they were already GIVEN a second chance, and they went and got permanently banned again for doing a known exploit with the anomaly ball despite being warned on several occasions not to do it.

The user in question has an extensive warn history that they don't want anybody to check (which is fair, I wouldn't want my warn history searched either), and has received two previous permanent bans. I'd say that's more than enough warnings.

However, I will vote neutral on this, leaning towards -1

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15 minutes ago, gaming time said:

People who are saying he "deserves a second chance" clearly don't see their warn history.

Only staff can see a random players warns as far as im aware, are you braindead?


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On my first perma ban and i know this fully. I didnt do anything wrong it was more failrp during a raid. cause CI Were infiltrating the base (V5) and i pushed the elevator button when told not to by Joshy. Which to be fair was completely my fault. But a Permanent ban for a small minge was UN-necessary but never the less i acted like a cock then (mind my language) Still was in V6 But wasn't going out of my to annoy admins in V5. That Second chance is proven worthy which i probably should edit into my unban report. I understand your concern.


but never the less Unbanned or not the first Permanent Ban was in my eyes un necessary and to be clear the only i got back onto the server is when it changed from V5 to V6. Which btw shouldn't of happen'd I have yet to report this to any admin about this and when a Permanent ban does occur it keeps them banned.


Nether the less I understand my point.

(Plus to be exact a lot of my warns are carried from V5 to early V6)


In regards to not portray an argument. I wish you better days 

gaming time.

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3 hours ago, Jason Ray said:

Only staff can see a random players warns as far as im aware, are you braindead?


Well then it's a very good thing a staff member commented on this already and said they had an extensive warn history, isn't it?

Not sure why you immediately went for the ad-hominem, but the point still stands. I hope you transform that anger into something useful. 

2 hours ago, Totally A Human said:

but never the less Unbanned or not the first Permanent Ban was in my eyes un necessary and to be clear the only i got back onto the server is when it changed from V5 to V6. Which btw shouldn't of happen'd I have yet to report this to any admin about this and when a Permanent ban does occur it keeps them banned.

Unfortunately, that is on you.

If you believed you were banned falsely, then you should have made a case about it. As it stands right now, you have been permanently banned twice and have a lengthy warn history, meaning this obviously isn't the first time you've mucked about.

I do believe people can change, as I myself have been warned a few times, mostly Tier I, but that was when I was new and figuring things out. This is why I voted neutral with a leaning rather than a -1 outright.

Nevertheless, I do wish you good luck in your appeal, and appreciate that you were respectful towards my response :).

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