
[GoI] [Job Suggestion] The Second Order Of Brothers Of The German House Of Saint Mary

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The Second Order Of Brothers Of The German House Of Saint Mary

"The Second Teutonic Order"


"For he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer."

-Romans 13:4



27.7.1977. The First Talks of Venice:


- Grand Master Heinrich Walpot von Bassenheim (For purposes of documentation will be called: "GMH")

- Grand Marshal Sandro Kamphaus (For purposes of documentation will be called: "GMS")

- Grand Marshal Christian Kamphaus (For purposes of documentation will be called: "GMC")

- High Marshal Falco Mangold (For purposes of documentation will be called: "HMF")


Translation active. German to English.

GMH: "So my Germanic brothers, how shall we begin"

GMS: "I beleave we have no time to chit chat, we should get straight to the point of this meeting"

GMC: "Agreed"

HMF" "Mmmhm"

GMH: "I must ask first. What has happened in my absence?"

GMS: "It has been nearly 1000 years since you died so I suppose we should get to the most important parts. Holy land is safe.... well I mean the Jews have it, so thats a problem for another day but the important part is that Constantinople has fallen to the Islamic heretics."

GMC: "Also they have grown their members to massive amounts, amounts at which we would normally lose but.... heheh. They won't stand a chance"

GMH: "I suppose you are talking about similar items of god that you used to resurrect me?"

GMC: "Correct"

GMS: "Now to the points of the talks. We currently consist of 4 members, us in this room. We require more men and arms. I suggest we start by recruiting fanatics and our friends. Any suggestions for getting weapons?"

HMF: "This might be risky but I suggest we get them from third world countries and maybe training from their special forces?"

GMS: "I suppose we should try it, none of us have the financial power of being able to obtain massive amounts of firearms. Last but not least, what about that gift from god?"

GMH: "If god gave us a gift and destined me to return, I don't think we should restrict ourselves from using it."

GMC: "Now our final subject of talks. What should be our ultimate goal Grand Master?"

GMH: "Return of Constantinople by any. means. necessary. And the inevitably return of Jerusalem to christian hands."




For almost a thousand years has the gods sword been kept calm but on 13.7.1977 it all changed. As The three men back then, total extremists of the Teutonic Order living in west Germany had it all changed. One faithful night in 4.2.1976 they Found an anomaly, soon they would find this anomaly's power. The anomaly was a message from god, when they touched it they instantly realized how to use it, but not what it could do. So far the anomaly's power has yet to be found as so far it has been used to resurrect people, create food out of thin air, stop- and reverse aging and turn water in to wine. Perhaps its the second coming of Jesus Christ, maybe the time had Finally come to take the fight to the Islamic heretics. So what these three men diced to first do with this new found power was to resurrect the first Grand Master Heinrich Walpot von Bassenheim. With him they had "The First Talks Of Venice" to decide the future of the order.

Now it is 2020. 50 years of painful recruitment and weapons gathering. The Order Decided to go on the offensive. Emerging from the grounds and collecting all the anomalies they could find, killing and pillaging all Islamic believers they found. Barely avoiding authorities and armies of the nations due to the lack of such in the countries of their actions. Now finding themselves in a place called "Ovis City" where now most of the resources have been diverted to. As they found this place they noticed all of the anomalies that are appearing here.

Seeing anomalies as works of god they want to control and use every single one of them. As such seeing them selves as the people who should be the only ones to have them, so by nature The Second Order hate and fight anyone who wishes to Destroy, Sell, Contain or Research them, seeing such actions as theft from GOD.



"The Second Teutonic Order" is a new GoI following the footsteps of the church as they are a Catholic Religious Military Order. They would want to long term wise store and use anomalies to begin a new crusade against the Islamic people thus the need to get them. But in "Ovis City" they just wish to collect as many anomalies to keep them safe from the other groups, ready to skirmish against anyone who is "stealing" their anomalies. The Order will also be interested in people who are anomalous, they see them as messengers of God and wish to assist and serve them in any way they can.


Foundation - Hostile (Will skirmish with them if they take anomalies or have them)

GOC - War

MC&D - Neutral (Will skirmish with them if they take anomalies or have them)

TSH - Neutral (Will skirmish with them if they take anomalies or have them)

Chaos Insurgency - Neutral (Will skirmish with them if they take anomalies or have them)



""The Second Teutonic Order" Soldier" Slots: 4

At spawn: Basics

Weapon Cabins: Cuffs, Knife, Hacking Keycard, Lock Pick, AK-74, M16A4, VSS Vintores and Basic Pistols.

F4 Menu objects: Basics

Models: MW2 Soldier Modles (Black).


""The Second Teutonic Order" Knight" Slots: 2 or 3

At spawn: Basics + 150HP + 200 Armor. Repair Swep: Puts armor to 200, 4-5min cooldown.

Weapon Cabins: Cuffs, Knife, Hacking Keycard, Lock Pick, Basic Pistols, Glock-18, Ak-74, AR-15, AUG, M249 and RPD.

F4 Menu objects: Basics + Ammo Kit (Cost: 10k)

Models: Beefy model. Something with armor/metal in it as for it to be a modern knights armor.


""The Second Teutonic Order" Officer" Slot: 1

At spawn: Basics + "Blessing Of God" (No collisions SWEP)

Weapon Cabins: AR-15, AK-74, Cuffs, Hacking Keycard, Lock Pick, Basic Pistols Knife, SVU, L115.

F4 Menu objects: Basics

Models: Trenchcoat models.

All loadouts are subject to change for the sake of balance.


Military Hierarchy:


Soldiers Of The Order:

Levies Of The Order (or just "Levies") > Corporal > Sergeant > Sergeant Major

Knights Of The Order:

Knight > Knight Lieutenant > Knight Captain > Knight Major > Knight Commander


Prior > Seneschal > Marshal > High Marshal > Grand Marshal


Master > Grand Master


Other Stuff:


Owner: Me

Manager: Open/Looking

Vice-Manager: Open/Looking


Spreadsheet: Later

If you have any questions or other problems or want to become management message me on Discord at: "v44su#1337"

Edited by v44su
CI Relations


Whitelists: Previus: All Nu-7, Head Of External Affairs, O5-8, Beta-1 "Cauterziers" Riot Unit and Sentinel Unit, ECMx2, O5-9 "The Secret Keeper", Nu-7 Commander, CI Delta, HoEA, Alpha-1, Omega-1, ???, Maxwellist Acolyte, E-11 Commander, Site Director, ISD, HoMD and  MC&D Salesman.


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-The concept and purpose is somewhat interesting. However, I am not a big fan of having another religious GOI because it feels very unoriginal and boring.

-The biggest issue however, is what SMT said during the community meeting. They said that they will be removing two of the current GOIs that exists rn. While those two GOIs will be worked/reworked so they function better (I think). We have not been informed which GOIs will stay and which GOIs that will be removed. So adding another GOI before this has happens is not the greatest idea. It is not even a good idea after the changes either because SMT and the community needs to see how it all ends up with. So suggesting a GOI at this time is not the best in my opinion.

-The loadout has some problematic things.
First off,

3 hours ago, v44su said:

"Blessing Of God" (No collisions SWEP)

This ^. Having a job with no collisions SWEP with the options to buy AK, AR, L115 etc is strong. Annoying swep that you can use to get in and out the foundation for example very easily with good guns is just a shit combination. (I know the loadouts are subject to change but still).



3 hours ago, v44su said:

""The Second Teutonic Order" Knight" Slots: 2 or 3

At spawn: Basics + 150HP + 200 Armor. Repair Swep: Puts armor to 200, 4-5min cooldown.


3 hours ago, v44su said:

Glock-18, Ak-74, AR-15, AUG, M249 and RPD

Now this will cause a lot of complaints about people who can not aim for shit. Having 1 slot job with 150hp and 200 armor is already strong and people will cry because they can not 1v1 them even though it is not that hard. Also the loadout is very strong. AUG, M249, AR-15 and AK-74 are very strong weapons. So the combination will cause a lot of babyrage and complaints. Now imagine 2-3 of these Knights on this server. Oh boy.

This will be like when NU-7 cried about Orange suits being strong also, when TTF Zeta-3 was a thing for CI. Both these things had more hp, strong guns and the TTF Zeta-3 could repair itself resulted with a lot of people that can not aim crying and complaining.



Btw where is CI in the relations?



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24 minutes ago, Kvisten said:


-The concept and purpose is somewhat interesting. Thanks However, I am not a big fan of having another religious GOI because it feels very unoriginal and boring. I keep looking for religious groups as I think that we want to replace the church with something new. I didn't think that it was bad because it was religious I tough that maxwellism died because their combat ability went down and they became neutral with everyone and because their RP potential at that point was zero.

-The biggest issue however, is what SMT said during the community meeting. They said that they will be removing two of the current GOIs that exists rn. While those two GOIs will be worked/reworked so they function better (I think). We have not been informed which GOIs will stay and which GOIs that will be removed. So adding another GOI before this has happens is not the greatest idea. It is not even a good idea after the changes either because SMT and the community needs to see how it all ends up with. So suggesting a GOI at this time is not the best in my opinion. I wasn't in the community meeting so thanks for letting me know.

-The loadout has some problematic things.
First off,

Having a job with no collisions SWEP with the options to buy AK, AR, L115 etc is strong. Annoying swep that you can use to get in and out the foundation for example very easily with good guns is just a shit combination. (I know the loadouts are subject to change but still). I was thinking of a SWEP for for the officer. At this point I had made all the lore stuff and all that and it had been 3h and 30min. I was just so tired but I knew I had a little left so I just slapped on that no collisions SWEP and said that its subject to change. I was thinking of a healing swep or damage increase aura. I wasn't sure so I just slapped on the no collisions. It could even be removed the SWEP that is I don't want it that much I just thought it would be cool to have a gift from god, aka some what OP SWEP.




Now this will cause a lot of complaints about people who can not aim for shit. Having 1 slot job with 150hp and 200 armor is already strong and people will cry because they can not 1v1 them even though it is not that hard. Also the loadout is very strong. AUG, M249, AR-15 and AK-74 are very strong weapons. So the combination will cause a lot of babyrage and complaints. Now imagine 2-3 of these Knights on this server. Oh boy. I mean its really not that OP you can have a max of 5 items and 2 or 3 will go to utility so you will have two or three guns. Orange suit is way better with 350 armor was it? and it has been nerfed after all the complaints about it being OP. So even after the GOC nerf this group would not be as good. And its a max of 2 or 3. GOC had 4. I suppose 2 Knights with 4 Soldiers behind them would be quite good but that's the point and its not like anyone has ever won a war of attrition against the Foundation. We all know what happens to GoI who are on site and actively committing crimes.

This will be like when NU-7 cried about Orange suits being strong also, when TTF Zeta-3 was a thing for CI. Both these things had more hp, strong guns and the TTF Zeta-3 could repair itself resulted with a lot of people that can not aim crying and complaining. 
I have no clue how the TTF Zeta-3 repaired itself but I feel like a SWEP that brings armor to 200 is not that OP it would have a long cool down and it doesn't give health.



Btw where is CI in the relations? Fixed

My responses, if you want to continue please contact on Discord, cheers.

Edited by v44su


Whitelists: Previus: All Nu-7, Head Of External Affairs, O5-8, Beta-1 "Cauterziers" Riot Unit and Sentinel Unit, ECMx2, O5-9 "The Secret Keeper", Nu-7 Commander, CI Delta, HoEA, Alpha-1, Omega-1, ???, Maxwellist Acolyte, E-11 Commander, Site Director, ISD, HoMD and  MC&D Salesman.


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Whilst this seems interesting, the execution just isnt really that good.  I feel like this GOI could incorporate much more of the "God" aspect of things, but as of now, its just a GOI with a shitton of guns and blood to spill.  I dont think this idea is horrible (as its similar to things like the Knights Templar) but I dont think it works in its currect form.

insert all my fucking wls here so i can prove i have worth in life


Earlier today I was really horny, and I saw what I thought to be a blank dvd. I thought, DVDs have a tight hole, they might feel pretty good. So I put my soft pp into the hole of the DVD, and for a few seconds as I started getting harder, it felt pretty good, but then, once I was fully erect, it started being painful. My pp was stuck in the dvd, and I had to break it in half to get if out. It was then when I flipped the broken dvd over and realized that it was not a blank dvd, but a copy of the movie UP. Well guys, guess I fucked up.

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Now with this, I will form my opinion as well as a suggestion for it!

The response above with it being a -1 purely due to it being a religious GOI I do not agree with. With Atomik's I agree that RP with the religious aspect can be great if implemented properly! So maybe make it a serious GOI with that in mind, having the applicants and members not join purely for combat and loadout, which I will get to in a second. So kudos to you if you make it properly serious with ReligiousRP.

With the loadout, crying is inevitable regardless. The only thing that I think can be changed is the loadout for the Officer. Maybe give them only pistols or SMG's as they already have the No-Collide SWEP? Could be pretty balanced that way if they get sub-par guns like the G36. With the Knight, the armour is way too high I agree, Maybe 150 AP and 150 HP? Could be balanced a little like that. 

If these issues (loadout) are fixed and clarification (RP-Aspect) is given, it's a definite +1 from me, but neutral in this current stage.
I am going to message you regarding management however, as this is cool!

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I think the idea is good but needs a lot more polishing 

On 12/9/2020 at 6:20 PM, v44su said:

The Order will also be interested in people who are anomalous, they see them as messengers of God and wish to assist and serve them in any way they can.

This is a great idea and you should expand on it , having them be interested in anomalous people like this would make for great RP 

The rest is just , go get anomaly , raid foundation , rinse and repeat. Gets boring and mechanic , last thing the server needs is another fighting GOI.

Also as others have stated the noclip swep is kind of OP to give to someone with a heavy loadout , i think the officer should't have Weapons and me mainly RP 

I think that with a little more purpose this could work well on the server but for now it's a Neutral from me.

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