discord unban

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My In-Game name:nips


Steam Name:Dips1236

What is the reason for your ban:was on omegal and someone showed something wrong 

How long were you banned for:today

Name of the staff member who banned you:rouge

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned:becouse i didnt mean to hurt anyones feelings or what ever i was just having fun with the boys untill people joined and started crying about it 


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I was a witness and saw a cock, I did not like what I saw as I am into females, not males.

You are on omegle, it was pretty obvious what the guy was going to do through his body language. What did you expect. Wait a week or two, then try again - also explain it properly this time, like you are actually sorry instead of just saying it to try and get unbanned.



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Smooth brain central 

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i dont get what your problem is with me becouse everyone in there gave concent and then you chose to join a chat where you have to have a rold to join and all becouse you had staff thats how you got in and only 1 person was under age and he is 17 turning 18 soon 


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You didn't just show something wrong. It was literally someones penis from what i have been told.

Discord Rule 1. This is an English community meaning you must be able and willing to speak English at all times. This is a SAFE FOR WORKPLACE Discord, used by members of all ages so be respectful please!

"This is a SAFE FOR WORKPLACE Discord, used by members of all ages so be respectful please!"

So firstly what you shown was not safe for workplace. Secondly people of this server are not all over 18, thus what was shown is basically illegal

Now yes going on Omegle isn't illegal. However you chose to stream on the discord server and for this you take full accountability for what you show on stream and you know what Omegle is so you know what could have a chance of showing up. 


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Gonna be fully honest I think a Perm was a little harsh from staff point of view 

But I can see why it was done 
You have to be harsh on that sorta shit 
But a warning/ 1 week ban would have been good if you ask me 
Also Commenting on Coco point Yes Safe for work But that's why it was in Knight rather than in Jedi or General 
He tried to keep it Private while letting who ever wanted to vibe.
At the end of the day I can see your reasoning just wish you could maybe responder the Perm and maybe give him 1-4 week ban instead 

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1 minute ago, Gutz or Sleepy said:

Gonna be fully honest I think a Perm was a little harsh from staff point of view 

But I can see why it was done 
You have to be harsh on that sorta shit 
But a warning/ 1 week ban would have been good if you ask me 
Also Commenting on Coco point Yes Safe for work But that's why it was in Knight rather than in Jedi or General 
He tried to keep it Private while letting who ever wanted to vibe.
At the end of the day I can see your reasoning just wish you could maybe responded the Perm and maybe give him 1-4 week ban instead 

I do believe what Sleepy is saying here, a Perm banned is harsh over something that happened in a locked channel for people who are Knight+ I am not saying what he done is acceptable but a perm banned is really harsh, possibly a months ban would be a good time for his to have a break and possibly rethink the problem that he done. I first met Nips today after I came home from getting my tattoo and he was a chill guy following the rules not breaking any of them, I do believe in second chances no matter what the issue was but he should be given a second chance. 

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Simple, omegal already has a dedency for it to have nudity and explicit content. You should know this you are our age or even older. Don't play the "i didnt know pls dont ban me" card. You shouldn't of been on the public discord for it in the first place. As Coco said, "safe workplace" enviroment. If you were so eager with sharing it, you could've made a private call.








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You did break the FIRST rule in the discord
Would be the same for anyone else

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The fact that knight+ channel is a locked away channel and a private channel is both correct and incorrect. Yes it is a locked away channel so it is private and less likely to have those who shouldn't see it from joining. However the fact is there is still underage people that are in Knight+ and also stay up late so there is still the chance of them joining in and see it.


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You really should of thinked twice everyone knows on omegal so many people show nudity i dont know what you expected

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Ok so. You went on omegal which is known to have nudity. You can find anything in there even the gypsy crusader.

You should've known that you were breaking discord's rules. My advice to you if you really want to be unbanned is:

-Try to get NCO+ in any regiment. This will increase your chances of getting unbannrf from thr discord as you need your loggings

-try to get at least knight in jedi?

-Past Ranks

-No one cares




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In the eyes of the law there is no defence in committing a crime recklessly, therefore even though you had no "outwards" intention of seeing a penis you were searching TRAPS and you found what you yourself was looking for.  However A perma ban is very harsh.

Goodbye to shower streams


The Boys


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