Joe Drakan

New SCP grenade for the Chaos Insurgency

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SCP-409 grenades.
Way of Obtaining them: Going to warehouse and using barrels to produce them.
Their use:  These grenades will be thrown just like any other grenade and their effect will be the following.
-Freezing a subject for an infinite ammount of time until someone takes them to SCP-500 or terminates them.

(if freezing someone for an infinite time is too op then atleast make it a 5 minute freeze then, also they need to be able to move or be dragged with cuffs)


Edited by Joe Drakan
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-1 lol no

The only difference with cryo and SCP-409 grenade is that SCP-409 is permanently while cry is temporary. The only problem is that cryo grenade is broken and causes a lot of shit for people that has been frozen. For some reason it still exists even though I was told it was being removed because of the broken grenade. Besides from this we have well enough grenades which are really good. 

We got 681, 009 and 008 which are really good anomalous grenades. 3287-2 is the only shit grenade with no good usage.

Mustard, percussion, healing and cryo are good. The only issue is cryo being broken.

No point in adding another freezing grenade when the existing one has big issues and was supposed to be removed. Pretty sure adding a new cryo grenade will cause similar issues that the cryo does.



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14 hours ago, Kvisten said:

-1 lol no

The only difference with cryo and SCP-409 grenade is that SCP-409 is permanently while cry is temporary. The only problem is that cryo grenade is broken and causes a lot of shit for people that has been frozen. For some reason it still exists even though I was told it was being removed because of the broken grenade. Besides from this we have well enough grenades which are really good. 

We got 681, 009 and 008 which are really good anomalous grenades. 3287-2 is the only shit grenade with no good usage.

Mustard, percussion, healing and cryo are good. The only issue is cryo being broken.

No point in adding another freezing grenade when the existing one has big issues and was supposed to be removed. Pretty sure adding a new cryo grenade will cause similar issues that the cryo does.

Throw in a 3287-2 into a group of people and you would have basically removed 33%-66% of their total HP (depending if they have the cog or not), also it cryo could be replaced with 409 but wanted to ask what does cryo nades cause?

Edited by Nell
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7 hours ago, Nell said:

Throw in a 3287-2 into a group of people and you would have basically removed 33%-66% of their total HP (depending if they have the cog or not), also it cryo could be replaced with 409 but wanted to ask what does cryo nades cause?

Sometimes when you freeze someone with the cryogrenade the person that has been frozen may experience a permafreeze. Which is basically that you can move around however, you can not shoot, reload, aim, customize your gun and you can not change your weapon to keys, keycard, etc. This happens quite often and is a pain in the ass to deal with. I suggested a fix for it but got information that the grenade would be removed but it is still here.



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That is way too overpowered, even for an SCP nade.  Sure, those are supposed to be able to turn the tides of a fight (like 008), but freezing everyone forever?  Literally the definition of OP.



insert all my fucking wls here so i can prove i have worth in life


Earlier today I was really horny, and I saw what I thought to be a blank dvd. I thought, DVDs have a tight hole, they might feel pretty good. So I put my soft pp into the hole of the DVD, and for a few seconds as I started getting harder, it felt pretty good, but then, once I was fully erect, it started being painful. My pp was stuck in the dvd, and I had to break it in half to get if out. It was then when I flipped the broken dvd over and realized that it was not a blank dvd, but a copy of the movie UP. Well guys, guess I fucked up.

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