
096 Picture Is detectable

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Yo, This is a quick and very simple suggestion on why the 096 pic that spawns in lcz/hcz CP should be detectable by anomaly scanners. so let me just cut straight to the chase why.

1. It will solve the problem of ''How do you know it's an 096'' Metagame problem

You can just scan it with an anomaly scanner, if it beeps to you. it's an 096 picture, simple as that.

2. Smart GOI/CI Can find the picture. and use it to their advantage.

it opens up a whole new list of potentials for Either CI or Hostile to the foundation GOIs. they can use it to breach 096 and take him with them, or potentially use him as an asset for mass breach, etc

3. MTF Can find and use the picture for their own use

If 096 is breached and they need some way to bring him back from say, surface. a smart B7/E11 Can scan for the picture, find it, bring it to the cc. trigger it with a d-class and boom, 096 is pretty much recontained if no one else looks at him

4. Gives more use to the  anomaly scanner

Anomaly scanner is just a way to find anomalies on the surface, which can risk the danger of the user and their capture, so instead of putting them in danger, it can be used in a much more safer way!

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

Animated GIF

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Why is a picture anomalous?

Why would mtf trigger 096 intentionally? It would cause so much risk and death

Does CI even have anomaly scanner?  and since the delta has why waste a weapon slot on it.

Edited by Jonathan Lee
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This was already suggested on the Discord server and my opinion is the same as there:



1º- As must of us here must have read already, it's not an anomaly



6 hours ago, Sethy said:

1. It will solve the problem of ''How do you know it's an 096'' Metagame problem

You can just scan it with an anomaly scanner, if it beeps to you. it's an 096 picture, simple as that.

It won't solve anything, first of it isn't even a problem, and second minges will still spam it regardless



6 hours ago, Sethy said:

2. Smart GOI/CI Can find the picture. and use it to their advantage.

it opens up a whole new list of potentials for Either CI or Hostile to the foundation GOIs. they can use it to breach 096 and take him with them, or potentially use him as an asset for mass breach, etc

As far as I know the only GOIs with anomaly scanners are GOC and MCND Agent (not sure about the Delta but I doubt he has one), GOC wont try and break out 096 even if they are hostile with the Foundation and MCND probably wont get that far if they even raid the Site



6 hours ago, Sethy said:

3. MTF Can find and use the picture for their own use

If 096 is breached and they need some way to bring him back from say, surface. a smart B7/E11 Can scan for the picture, find it, bring it to the cc. trigger it with a d-class and boom, 096 is pretty much recontained if no one else looks at him

If 096 is breached I doubt anyone would care enough to look for the picture since it would be easier to just cuff it, even if it made it to the surface it's impossible that 096 wouldnt see anyone's face while running back to his CC



6 hours ago, Sethy said:

4. Gives more use to the  anomaly scanner

Anomaly scanner is just a way to find anomalies on the surface, which can risk the danger of the user and their capture, so instead of putting them in danger, it can be used in a much more safer way!

Only FA and E11 Contaiment Unit (not sure about E11) has the anomaly scanner, I doubt anyone would care enough to use the anomaly scanner anyways as seeing a photo in LCZ/HCZ CP means 096 automatically

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