
Unban Request

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My In-Game name: I can't recall

*STEAMFINDER DOESNT SHOW STEAM ID FOR ME, User profile link hopefully works too* https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198081005595/

Steam Name: Legion=DC

What is the reason for your ban: I don't even remember all the details, but I think I tried landing a stolen aircraft near debrief which was falsely seen as ARDM

How long were you banned for: Indefinitely

Name of the staff member who banned you: doesn't say

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned:
Its been a long time and I've put alot of thinking into the incident itself and I think I deserve another chance.
Evidence: I have no evidence that I was  falsely banned, but I can see how flying a ship NEAR a debrief can be seen as ARDM.

Thank you for your time

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I'm not online so I can't see how many warns you have had before. But I do remember your name from a long time ago and you were an incredible minge, maining the bartender role or refugee. This was all way before I was staff or even a high IC rank. 

There is clearly some missing detail to why your ban is perma. The staff member who banned you is likely to not even play the server anymore, but I could be wrong. The only redemption I feel you have is that it was almost a very very long time ago, and you may have chamged.


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It was a long time ago. Regardless of how you remember me, I was in CG I think I even got up to LCPL and used VIP Jobs during downtime. I felt actually invested in the server. Even though the ban reason wasn't "minging" I'll say this, the way I remember it is that I goofed around as a droid, but not in a negative way. I respect your view however and I'm just gonna say if I actually did seem like a "incredible minge" to you I do apologize. Disruption was and never is my goal. 

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42 minutes ago, Watahole said:

during downtime.

Well, you see, there is no downtime, so straight up breaking the rules, also, i dont think you were any job that can fly ships, so basically, FailRP aswell, yeah no.


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I don't know how things are now activity wise, but with downtime I mean past a certain time where the vast majority of the players were offline. I'm not really trying to excuse or make my past actions seem less impactive but I'm being honest with you as to how I remember things were / happened.

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Your steam ID: STEAM_0:1:60369933
Your ban reason: https://gyazo.com/7c8b6e8f062bfdce61b653a336a6bba7

I don't even want an excuse, just stay banned.

Edited by TOON2121





Credit to Loki for this.



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Ok so.

You lied in your unban request by saying that you tried to MRDM which in my opinion deserves a second chance

But if what toon said is true then hell no i don't want a pedo in the server like holy fuck. Don't want you to be grooming on em children so please stay banned 


Edited by Victor

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-1 Stay away from the server please

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Okay, what the fuck


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How do you even get banned for being a pedo on a GMod Server????

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LOL I don't even know what to say to that. Pedophilia wasn't the reason I got banned. It was  AMRDM near debrief after an event if I recall correctly. So either the screenshot is forged *EDIT: Proven real*or the staff that banned me overreacted. This is a very, very serious accusation and if needed I can drag two witnesses that were there at the time to comment to the actual incident and what happened. If the picture isn't foged, and the staff that banned me is still available and/or active on the server I would like to talk to them aswell to know how I got accused/banned cuz of pedophilia. 

Edited by Watahole
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Then it's an overreaction. I don't know what else to say to that other than I got banned for AMRDM and not pedophilia even if it states differently on the ban note.

Edited by Watahole
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On 12/23/2020 at 10:21 PM, Victor said:

Ok so.

You lied in your unban request by saying that you tried to MRDM 

I tried looking up the ban reason by logging back in to the server a few weeks back, but it's blank and doesn't show the ban reason. If it did, I would've taken a different way to approach the ban. I agree with you pedo's have no place in gmod. But who the hell goes fishing for kids in gmod even I have never heard of that before and I've logged hundreds of hours in this game. 


Edited by Watahole
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If one is banned they can't see the reason when trying to load up the server. The fact that you showed a picture of the ban date stating "sep 19, 2019" the same with john's picture that has the exact date shows that this is your steam ID and that you were indeed banned for pedophilia. 

I get it that playing a star wars roleplay server is a sad thing but in all honesty fishing for underages in GMOD is way sadder. I doubt that an admin will rage on you and give you a ban for pedophilia, at most he would probably change the length of the ban but no way will he change the reason.

Nevertheless you aren't the first pedophile nor the last on this server so if this is true then please stay banned

Edited by Victor

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So you're saying that an admin can't overreact if they have a bad day, or hold a grudge to someone? I very much doubt that, and I'm not a pedophile, as funny as I think it is that people would actually believe that because of a year old screenshot with no actual proof of pedophilia, I think my steam account would've been flagged if I went on  public fucking servers trying to fish up kids. And I've had my steam account since 2013. You're insulting my intelligence.

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Not really. Someone before you who was named morgan was a pedo. He was community banned but nothing really happend ti him outside the server so i pretty much doubt steam will take actions against that

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Fair enough. Like I said I've never actually seen/heard of cases in pedophilia in gmod. I have over 600 hours logged in this game, and as I stated this is a very serious accusation. But you shouldn't paint me in the same picture with whoever you saw get community banned because he was an actual pedo. If there was hard proof then I would understand it. I would think steam would take fucking action against that but I guess I'm wrong. The only other case I'm familiar with is a person in World of Warcraft and they got alot of flack from the developers resulting in a perma. So thats why I assumed steam would be similar I guess.

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Ok so.

The person who banned you will be replying to this thread once they are available (recap). And we can see if it's true or not

If it's true that you were a pedo i would go with -1 but if not then +1 so we will have to wait and see.

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Of course it's not true. I pm'd one of the persons I played with at the time on the server, and he was there when I got banned. I looked up old chats but couldn't find anything that's related with this ban as we used to mainly voicechat. These are his remarks.


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Never heard of the guy in that screenshot you sent whereas, I have heard of the staff member that banned you. Plus, it doesn’t look very good when you accuse a senior staff member of forging an image. 

I don’t really trust some random guy, who could very well be one of your friends, saying “I know him! He’s not a pedo!” rather than a trusted staff member. 

If you wanna be sexual with little kids I’m sure these guys can help. https://www.police.uk

Edited by Dyno

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35 minutes ago, Dyno said:

Plus, it doesn’t look very good when you accuse a senior staff member of forging an image. 


The image was proven to be real. The original screenshot was very fuzzy. The second one uploaded by Johnn gave me closure.I will edit my post(s) to make it clear it's not forged.

Edited by Watahole
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