
Security Command Chain rework suggestion. ~Josh Nixon

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First of all

I know theres two sides of the community who will agree and disagree with this suggestion, but please take the effort to read the suggestion before you say "-1 haha shit suggestion".

What will change?

Roughly put together:
+Security Captain
=HoS turns into Whitelist

1. Security Captain
The Security Captain will hold the same authority as the Head of Security until the Head of Security is on site (goes on the job) which will then transfer the Captains authority to the equal level of a lieutenant. He will be the unwhitelisted version of the HoS and will be the "acting HoS" aslong as no (whitelisted) HoS is on site. 

2.(Whitelisted) Head of Security
The whitelisted Head of Security will be placed above the Security Captain in the command chain of the Site Security. The HoS will carry on having his usual authority as he obviously is the Head of security. He has the ability to overrule the Security Captain and can obviously deal with the department in his manner. As he has passed the whitelist application and however it is restricted he can be displayed as a "competent" leader of the security and won't showcase missing leadership skills.

3. How it'll balance
The Security Captain will be placed under the Head of Security, meaning that if a Head of Security is on site he is still in the power to overrule the Security Captain or deal with him accordingly in the matters of the Department.

A question i expect to appear.

Q: Why do we need a duplicate of a HoS?
1. I think that it's evenly balanced to still have a unwhitelisted version of the HoS as you need someone to lead Security as theres still a need of someone who would organize the well known disorganized hell that occurs regularly in LCZ. Also the (whitelisted) HoS will be put above the Security Captain and is in the power to demote him anytime he wants.

2. Theres people who are playing as a HoS to meme around or joke around (which is all good and all for the fun) but when the security is needed most HoS's take a while to react or do anything and they are usually not very reliable for SD's as sometimes theres moments where you must rely on the Security, which I as a Director obviously want to avoid in the current state.

3. The whitelisted HoS is then (when it gets accepted) expected to be well trained and to have security in control. Because he has passed the application and has been seen to have proven himself among his capabilities. That way not always people think negatively about Security, since I feel like this occurs most of the time atm. 


Head of Security:
He will continue to have his current equipment and model. (can be changed)

Security Captain:
He will hold all the equipment and models of the Head of Security.

Newly established command chain.




Edited by Just Ben
Edit 1: Command Structure Picture Changed | Edit 2: Added some Information


🔱Josh Nixon🔱
Director Nixon<

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+1/-1 | Ima be a neutral here:

It would possibly fit in the theme of the Task Forces where every slot is unwhitelist except the commander slot, *Exception: Nu7 which is full whitelist* 

So I feel it could be trialed and if it fits, it stays, if not, it gets removed into the abyss of no return 

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1 hour ago, Poe Edgar said:

+1/-1 | Ima be a neutral here:

It would possibly fit in the theme of the Task Forces where every slot is unwhitelist except the commander slot, *Exception: Nu7 which is full whitelist* 

So I feel it could be trialed and if it fits, it stays, if not, it gets removed into the abyss of no return 

Thank you for your response.

As I mentioned, this will have a two commander system. The Security will continue having a unwhitelisted commander (the security captain) and a whitelisted commander (head of security) so it'll be balanced out. But that way we have a unwhitelisted person who can still be in charge but a whitelisted commander who would be able to overrule and could be more organized/better at leadership skills.


1 hour ago, Lorex Krato said:

I like the idea, but wouldn't the same sort of be achieved if normal Security LT's have the same authority as HOS until one comes on site. After all, the SD is WL'ED and can override the HOS. 

Thank you for your response

You missunderstood my system. So basically, the Security Captain is the unwhitelisted version of the Head of Department for Security and has the same authority as a HoS. But if a (whitelisted) Head of Department which in this case is the Head of Security steps on site he will be in charge of the Department and the Security Captain loses his authority to the equal level as of a Lieutenant. The Lieutenants don't get any extra power/authority as of now.

Keep in mind, that the Captain is going to be a new job, and lieutenants will remain the same.

If you need to get more cleared up add me on Discord (CrazyuberBen#8058) 

Edited by Just Ben


🔱Josh Nixon🔱
Director Nixon<

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Imma drop a +1 on this mainly because when you play HoS , site administrations doesn't take you seriously mostly because half of the time the HoS is played by someone who just reached lvl 40 and is going on a powertrip , that makes the HoS job useless when the guy playing it isn't competent.

Having it be WL would give some more credibility to the job and be included in more RP situations as it should be considering he's in charge of site's security.


I'm not 100% sure on adding another job , i think if you remove on LT slot and give it an higher level you can achieve the same result without adding more unplayed jobs , that said the security capitain job isn't that bad of a suggestion.


Personally i just want HoS to be WL so that people can actually take the job seriously or atleast make foundation administration think it's worthwile to try and RP with it.

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2 hours ago, Fayne™ said:

Imma drop a +1 on this mainly because when you play HoS , site administrations doesn't take you seriously mostly because half of the time the HoS is played by someone who just reached lvl 40 and is going on a powertrip , that makes the HoS job useless when the guy playing it isn't competent.

Having it be WL would give some more credibility to the job and be included in more RP situations as it should be considering he's in charge of site's security.


I'm not 100% sure on adding another job , i think if you remove on LT slot and give it an higher level you can achieve the same result without adding more unplayed jobs , that said the security capitain job isn't that bad of a suggestion.


Personally i just want HoS to be WL so that people can actually take the job seriously or atleast make foundation administration think it's worthwile to try and RP with it.

Hello, thank you for your support to my topic!

So basically, talking about adding another job. I am pretty sure people would disagree with this suggestion if that would be the case, because most likely there will only rarely be a HoS online as it would be a Whitelisted Job and they don't seem to be active all the time. So I believe aslong as we have a balanced unwhitelisted and whitelisted head of department it should work out quite fine. As again, the unwhitelisted Head of Department can afterall be overuled by the whitelisted head of department to assume more power over the department. 

Anyways, on everything else I totally agree.

Edited by Just Ben


🔱Josh Nixon🔱
Director Nixon<

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43 minutes ago, Windows XP said:

The question is, who wants to be in charge of dealing with the whitelisted Hos'

That is a fair response,

Tho to my defense, I only suggested the rework of the security command chain. And as I can't expect this to be guranteed to be accepted it's not worth asking among the community who would and who wouldn't. Like, I am pretty sure that anyone would be a Job Manager for anything aslong as they got the role they want, since most Job Managers don't even play their own jobs most of the time.


🔱Josh Nixon🔱
Director Nixon<

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To clarify what pop Bob said 

Making the HOS WL'ED is just like how MC&D currently is.

When a Salesman is on, things happen, and there is order

When a Salesman isn't on, chaos. 

So, in context for the suggested WL'ED HOS

When HOS is on, order and things happen. 

When there is no HOS on, chaos. 

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I think this would be better without the captain shenanigans, but I do like the idea of it

HoS could be one of your 'entry level whitelists' if you would call them that, such as 096 or HoMD. Nothing too crazy, application is rather simple, little to no background required.

The HoS is given so much authority yet never gets to use it, because half the time its just a level 40 acting like a security guard on it, last bit 90% of the time.

Professionalising security by cherry picking those who play it a lot is guaranteed to work but it hasn't happened much so far in the sever (apart from maybe old Nu-7).

HoS gear should be improved alongside this if it is becoming WL, a HK416 is not good. I suggest an AR-15 as it is a 1 slot job (not too overpowered then, won't get an army of them rushing at you). Should also be given a wide variety of pistols and carbines/SMGs, pistols as: M1911, PM, glock 17, glock 18, desert eagle, MR96, M9. Carbines/SMGs being: G36C, VSS vintorez, HK416C, etc.

All of this should be fine and dandy. 

5 hours ago, Lorex Krato said:

When HOS is on, order and things happen. 

When there is no HOS on, chaos. 

To compensate, I do think that HoS should be an easy WL to obtain, especially for level 40+ who currently play HoS a lot. 

Security do fine currently, and I think it will remain this way when there is no HoS, but when HoS is on site I think it will be slightly more organised/better.

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I can see why this is needed, however I don't think it will be benefical in anyway for the server. @popbob is correct in saying that Security in general, especially the newer members, need care and proper teaching in order for them to do their jobs. How this is done, I'm not sure, however like I stated it won't be benefical at all long term.

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12 hours ago, Jonathan Knights said:


I can see why this is needed, however I don't think it will be benefical in anyway for the server. @popbob is correct in saying that Security in general, especially the newer members, need care and proper teaching in order for them to do their jobs. How this is done, I'm not sure, however like I stated it won't be benefical at all long term.

Thank you for your response,

Now, again. I've seen people as HoS who were perfectly capable of dealing with the Security (unfortunately they only play HoS rarely), and I feel like with a well trained HoS you can achieve the same. Also, if a HoS can't get themselves in charge of security then they are clearly not worthy their job. Keep in mind that theres nothing bad about my suggestion as you still have a unwhitelisted commander of security (security captain) so the unwhitelisted HoS spirit remains. 


11 hours ago, WolfyGT said:



for this to work the Wl’d HOS’ would have to be extremely active, as the one in charge would most likely be the SC for the majority of gameplay 

Thank you for your response

I totally agree, but it's the same thing with MC&D Salesman and HoMD, both of these whitelists aren't played around the clock. And I found a solution as I have mentioned, there will still be a unwhitelisted HoS ->> Security Captain who will keep the same authority as the HoS, but until the actual HoS is on site the Captain's Authority will switch to the even level of a Lieutenant or the Head Of Security can give him as much authority as he wants, it's really up to the HoS when he's on site what he does.


🔱Josh Nixon🔱
Director Nixon<

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