
F in the chat bois .(ThatOneLithuanian BAN APPEAL)

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Server you got banned from: SCP-RP

Your name in-game: Tony  Lopez

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:221496589

Admins' name that banned you: Doesn't show

Admin's steamID: Don't know his name so I don't know his id

Why did you get banned?:Joked about wanting to get banned (permaban XD)

Went to raid the SCP facility with my mates whilst being PD officers

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: First reason: It was a joke and it shouldn't be a permaban.

Second reason: I should've just gotten a warning. And like my friend who isn't banned unlike me.

I wanted to tell them why we raided the SCP facility. But right after I was joking about being banned and telling them why I we raided the facility I got banned and I could not finish what I was saying

Third reason: Uhmm I was banned so shouldn't  my friends  been banned to? I was just joking and I got a permabanned and they only got a slap on the wrist(warning).

Fourth: I can't play with my mates anymore:(

Fifth: Almost died whilst I was writing this an fking fly flew into my mouth and I started to choke on it

sixth: I am loyal to the server been playing since 2018 July 

Anything else?:Admins please unban me I really wanna play with my mates again. Also it's the holiday season don't you have a soul?

Improvements to the server: Fix up the D block. Security keeps blocking the door.

Focus more on improving the server than making events. It will help in the long run



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Well not really I tried to msg the mods on discord before I commented this. Also tried to get a friend unbanned from a permaban bc he got banned for False accusation. Mods didn't do jack. Even showed screenshots btw this happened around 2years ago don't know if I still have the screenshots. Also I got mad when they banned me that's why I commented

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You raided Foundation multiple times despite everyone telling you in ooc not to, and then after some time I believe Synergy brought you and asked why you raided, you proceeded to say " I hate the staff here " and " i want to be banned ". Synergy responded with something along the lines of I can do that. You were not typing and were just looking at him so i doubt you were finishing a sentance. 


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37 minutes ago, Jonathan Lee said:

You raided Foundation multiple times despite everyone telling you in ooc not to, and then after some time I believe Synergy brought you and asked why you raided, you proceeded to say " I hate the staff here " and " i want to be banned ". Synergy responded with something along the lines of I can do that. You were not typing and were just looking at him so i doubt you were finishing a sentance. 


First of all yes I did """""raid"""" the  foundation multiple times.But do you call hacking a door a raid? It was just a distraction for the guards to go to the first entrance while we headed to the second entrance.After my friend got captured we decided to get him out by getting the foundations attention again.My second friend would be waiting by the door getting the attention of the guards.While I was heading to the second entrance. But his fat ass got stuck on the train so I didn't know what to do so I ran. Then they called an admin he got permabanned.Cause he's not from an english speaking country and couldn't speak even cause he didn't know what was happening.(dumbass).While I was talking with my friends.About what Should we do.I got called in by an admin. I didn't know what to say so I got angry and said that i hate the staff here and that he should ban me.Then I calm downed and started to write a Message but I think you couldn't see me writing it cause he banned me so fast.Fking faster then the yandere dev.It was a long msg by the wayI

I do have anger problems thats why I acted like that.Bc the bullying i suffered in middle scholl.So please if any admin sees this.Please unban me  was just  angered bc my other friend got banned .And i know that you will talk about that YoU sAiD tHaT yOuR FrIeNdS weren't banned.Well one of them wasn't.And that i'm reading the msg again no he didn't he just straight up banned me


Edited by ThatOneLithuanian
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24 minutes ago, ThatOneLithuanian said:

First of all yes I did """""raid"""" the  foundation multiple times.But do you call hacking a door a raid? It was just a distraction for the guards to go to the first entrance while we headed to the second entrance.After my friend got captured we decided to get him out by getting the foundations attention again.My second friend would be waiting by the door getting the attention of the guards.While I was heading to the second entrance. But his fat ass got stuck on the train so I didn't know what to do so I ran. Then they called an admin he got permabanned.Cause he's not from an english speaking country and couldn't speak even cause he didn't know what was happening.(dumbass).While I was talking with my friends.About what Should we do.I got called in by an admin. I didn't know what to say so I got angry and said that i hate the staff here and that he should ban me.Then I calm downed and started to write a Message but I think you couldn't see me writing it cause he banned me so fast.Fking faster then the yandere dev.It was a long msg by the wayI

I do have anger problems thats why I acted like that.Bc the bullying i suffered in middle scholl.So please if any admin sees this.Please unban me  was just  angered bc my other friend got banned .And i know that you will talk about that YoU sAiD tHaT yOuR FrIeNdS weren't banned.Well one of them wasn't.And that i'm reading the msg again no he didn't he just straight up banned me


Also yeah I see all the grammar mistakes I made.Its 6am i'm tired

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3 hours ago, ThatOneLithuanian said:

But do you call hacking a door a raid?



3 hours ago, ThatOneLithuanian said:

It was just a distraction for the guards to go to the first entrance while we headed to the second entrance

You were hacking GA to then get in through MT? So raiding ?


3 hours ago, ThatOneLithuanian said:

Cause he's not from an english speaking country and couldn't speak even cause he didn't know what was happening.

English speaking server , if he can't speak english he doesn't belong here , it's a simple ban.


3 hours ago, ThatOneLithuanian said:

I didn't know what to say so I got angry and said that i hate the staff here and that he should ban me.

Disrespect to staff, nice.


3 hours ago, ThatOneLithuanian said:

Bc the bullying i suffered in middle scholl.

Oh , the obligatory deflection to childhood trauma.


Mate , You broke so many rules in just this comment alone I can only imagine what you did on the server.  -1

Edited by Fayne™
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So, I was on Nu-7 at that time. You and your friend hacked mt and ga multiple times, and people told you multiple times that you can't raid without a valid reason but you just kept hacking.

An admin came in to warn you and your friend. You literally said "Ban me" and your friend wasn't even speaking English, "No English"

Overall, the ban is valid.


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