
un-warn request, I want to clear my name

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Hello to everyone reading this is going to be part 1 out of 2 and this is basically me trying to clear my name because I don't feel good with so many warns and it doesn't look good either, most of these warns were given to me when I was younger, dumber and still new to the game and concepts of servers, and in advance I am going to say sorry and a lot of the reasoning will be me just being dumb and new to servers so just a heads up.

warn one: prop blocking, basing in hospital - john fridge

this warn was basically I was simply basing in hospital, I didn't read rules and yes that is my fault but equally this was the first server I played on, I thought this was allowed since no one went in hospital and not even medical staff on surface went into hospital. this all comes down to me being a dumbass, but since there I have learnt.

warn two: prop minge - anchor legious

I was simply waving props around and hitting people, the reasoning again behind this is that I was new to the game and single player maps were to eerie and I got scared from being n a map by my self(a bit embarrassing to be honest), even to this day single player maps are still kind of scary but less. so online was my only retreat, I was also learning prop physics back then, this comes back to me being quite dumb again.

warn three - meta gaming

this warn was on the bases of meta gaming, I didn't even know about this and was still confused about it, so this was me being dumb once again, but since then I have learnt the rules

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Warns are seen as scars (if you will) whilst you are playing on the server. If you were to apply for staff, I'm sure the SMT members of SCP would take into account that the warns are months or possibly years old.

Edited by Shepherd

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[WW2 1943RP]
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Hello to everyone reading part two, I will also do an explanation on why I didn't include the rest of the warns after this. once again I am going to say a lot of it leads back to me being a dumb in the past so once again a heads up for that.

warn four: Breaking FearRP - anchor legious

once again it was me being dumb and I apologise I already said in the post above that this was my first server and I am sorry for all that I have done, I have changed my ways fully, read the rules, and checked with everyone that what I do now is okay, what I did what was not okay, and I really do apologise

warn five: failRP - denus baltus 

this I think was my first warn and I simply did FailRP, once again I have learnt from my mistake and this will never happen again

warn six: RDM(killing cuffed d-class for being in the armoury) - maks jeffron

this was me being dumb, I didn't know the context and should of know prior to shooting the d- class, but equally going for armour should not be permitted since it is still d class, instead of shooting him I should of told the guard to take him back to d block, this was me being dumb and not making rational decisions back there and again I have learnt my ways

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So this part is just me explaining why I didn't include some warns and I don't want to leave them out since if an admin brings them up then my reputation will lower so here are the warns and explanations as to why I didn't include them

warn one: ARDM [ I mistook a "field agent"(he was a CI operative) for a MC&D person] - John synergy

so I didn't include this as the warn clearly says accidental RDM, and I cant refute the warn by saying it was an accident, so basically MC&D came with an anomaly, they went into the gate and where just in the general area, and I thought the guy that walked in was also MC&D, because they all had suits and armour under there jackets so same uniform, so I killed him.

warn two: MassRDM (permaban) - vetro

this is more as a log than a warn, I recently got unbanned, so this doesn't really count

Any questions at all please put below and I will try and answer them the as swiftly and as best as I can

this is mostly just to clear my name, because I have learnt from my mistakes, and I am not a dumb child anymore, I understand rational decisions, I understand rules and just really wish I was more clear, because this really doesn't look good on my side and other peoples side, for example when recruiting


All the best -Engallagher

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Also I am not looking to get unwarned for a staff job I am just looking to clear my name from all the bad things I did in the past, and just want to look good for example when Im applying for a whitelist or for when recruiters ask about the past, I just want to look good in front of others and I believe my warns are limiting that to some extent 

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36 minutes ago, Shepherd said:


Warns are seen as scars (if you will) whilst you are playing on the server. If you were to apply for staff, I'm sure the SMT members of SCP would take into account that the warns are months or possibly years old.

I replied to that above

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What's the point of this post? You titled it un-warn request , but also said you are not looking for your warns to be removed so why did you even post this.

This section is for unbans and occasionally unwarn requests , this is neither.

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1 hour ago, Engallagher said:

Also I am not looking to get unwarned for a staff job I am just looking to clear my name from all the bad things I did in the past, and just want to look good for example when Im applying for a whitelist or for when recruiters ask about the past, I just want to look good in front of others and I believe my warns are limiting that to some extent 


52 minutes ago, Fayne™ said:

What's the point of this post? You titled it un-warn request , but also said you are not looking for your warns to be removed so why did you even post this.

This section is for unbans and occasionally unwarn requests , this is neither.

I am looking to get unwarned just I am not doing for admin

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I didn't say you were applying for a staff job, I used it as an example. Like I said, they are seen as scars and your past.

Current Ranks [CWRP]
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CE Marshal Commander | 74th ST MD | CT TRP "4625" - CT PVT | CT DCPL
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 Event Planner Staff Mentor
[WW2 1943RP]
 Panzer-Abteilung "Großdeutschland" Gefreiter - Unteroffizere (13/02/21 - 25/03/21)
ST TRP "4625" | JT Corporal | IE BFT PFC501st PFC
 Rebel Alpha Group Major

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