
Morts 2nd EP Application

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Steam Name+Link: Mort

RP Name: Jedi Lorekeeper Mort and GC CPL Mort

TeamSpeak Name: Mort

Playtime on server: Around 8w, used to have 5w 5d but they got reseted because of a bug (proof can be provided)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:185515074

Any experience in staffing: Yes, used to be Admin in a SCP RP server

Current Age: 16

Warns/Bans: N/A

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable: Yes, loud and clear.

Event Plan:

Enemies, HP amount:
Commando Droid x10, HP 2500
Sith Lord x2, HP 200,000
Force Entity, HP 700.000


Clone Side:
The event will start as a last stand (they wont be switched, they will just wait until they all die) for the clones, the CIS will attack MB and take over it, clones will spawn outside of MB from now on and they will set up a temp RO, they will regroup there and Battalion will brief them all, the clones will have to retake MB, 212th will breach MG and they will storm in with all frontline regiments, CE will be transporting troops with LAATs and shooting down vultures (IAs), when the clones push further they will reach MC, when droids are getting pounded they will fall back into HQ further and further until reaching GR, droids will destroy GR, after the GR is cleared, the droids will make their last stand in the temp RO, after those droids are killed, clone event ends.

Jedi Side:
2 Sith Lords arrive to the temple, the Jedi will come out and talk with them, the Sith will say that there is a force entity that is absorbing all Force instances around it, the Sith will make a deal with the Jedi to work together to take it down, as if they dont help the Sith, the force entity will eventually arrive to JT, the Jedi and Sith leap out of JT and face the entity who is at caves, after fighting it (if the Sith survives) they can choose between calling a temp cease fire with the Jedi and just leave, or going sicko mode and fighting the Jedi.


Event Info: About clone side, well it's a fusion between a base retake and a base attack that i think it would be fun for the clones, and Jedi event, i think that we lack sith colab events, which is not impossible in lore as we've seen it happen and i thought it would be fun since it has some RP into it.

Have you ever done an event before: HG trainings are the closest thing i have ever done to an event, but i'd like to learn!

What was your event and was it successfully executed?: A Sith coming into JT asking to fuse holocrons, telling Jedi that what would happen would benefit them both, Jedi didnt give in which was the purpose of the HG so i guess it was successfully executed.

Do you undeerstand what the responsibilities of an Event Planner are? If so what are they?: Yes. Mantaining the player base entertained, taking claims related to the event, setting spawns and checking on everything to make sure everything is going fine.

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes, i understand.

Anything else: Thank you for taking the time to read my app! All feedback is welcome, gl to all applicants! W-G E-Planner.



Current Ranks
Jr Developer
Battalion Officer

Former Ranks
CF-99 Squad Leader
IRP Executive Administrator
Fleet Commodore
Dark Council
501st ARC Colonel
Master of the Order
RRD Researcher


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It is an interesting event, I was against 10 commando droids until i saw that no-one is changed until they all die and then the clones have to take the base back over, the only problem i see with this is clones may get bored waiting but i see this more as a late night event or low player count event which people would enjoy. The jedi event i also like and would be cool to see how it is done and can be versatile which is what is needed in jedi events and you could easily include some RP in it.

A trusted known member in the community especially jedi and is a nice guy.


Current Ranks

Gambling Addict
McDonald's Employee

Past Ranks

Conscientious objector

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Good guy and well trusted.  Good idea for event.

-= Current Ranks =-

In-Character Ranks        Out-Of-Character Rannks

 [Mace Windu, MOTO]    [CW-RP Senior Admin]

-= Previous Ranks =-

 [Doom's Unit Major]       [CW-RP Event Planner]




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good event idea but only thing i have is that having all clones wait till all are dead is going to be boring for like CT 4numbers who just joined and have to wait for the high HP RC GM Battalion to die

Current Ranks:

RC Commander F68

SWRP CWRP Staff Manager

Previous Ranks:

OS Squad Leader F68

21st Best Model
21st/GM Nova Corps Senior Commander

SWRP CWRP Super Admin
SWRP CWRP Lead Mentor

Jedi Champion
Jedi Specialist
Jedi Paladin

Plo Koon (Jedi High Council)

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I feel like a last stand base retake could go really wrong because what would happen if we would suffer too many losses in the beginning and like said the 4 number CTs which almost always die in the beginning would be really bored. The Jedi event seems intresting and new. But he´s still a really nice guy and good luck with your application :))

Current Ranks


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Interesting last stand base retake. The problems previously listed by Aleks and Nesta could be an issue but can be worked around, and the rest of the event idea is good.

Really experienced on the server in both Jedi and Clone

Active as hell and real nice and responsible guy

We need more Jedi EPs 

Good luck

Current Ranks:


Previous Ranks:

21st Commander - Jedi Paladin - 74th AMO - Battalion Captain - GM Colonel


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Great person with a lot of potential as an EP. Mature and trused and isn't exactly a thorn to be around.

Having a last stand with commando droids in it is usually a no-go for me. Personally i do not do them because i know that they are very strong and can be frustrating for lower ranks to deal with

Having the clones wait inside their bunks on death until everyone is dead is also not a good idea. It will take a very long time for all clones to die. Some regiments have GH's so they are kind of out of the question. However you could start the base retake when enough clones have died instead of all of them

Base retakes are very hard to do. It includes a lot of preperation and can sometimes be very tedious. If you have no experience doing events i would suggest doing something a little easier.

I really like the jedi side of the event. It gives the EC a choice on what to do and is always a nice change instead of the EP telling them what to do.

Good luck on you app Mort. I try to be unbiased so just take what i said as just pure feedback. You are a great guy so don't stop trying for EP

    Current Ranks                            Past Ranks
          SCP-RP Manager                                                IRP Manager
                                                                              IRP Event Manager

                                                                         CWRP Senior Event Planner

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1 hour ago, DeltaWínd_ said:


Great person with a lot of potential as an EP. Mature and trused and isn't exactly a thorn to be around.

Having a last stand with commando droids in it is usually a no-go for me. Personally i do not do them because i know that they are very strong and can be frustrating for lower ranks to deal with

Having the clones wait inside their bunks on death until everyone is dead is also not a good idea. It will take a very long time for all clones to die. Some regiments have GH's so they are kind of out of the question. However you could start the base retake when enough clones have died instead of all of them

Base retakes are very hard to do. It includes a lot of preperation and can sometimes be very tedious. If you have no experience doing events i would suggest doing something a little easier.

I really like the jedi side of the event. It gives the EC a choice on what to do and is always a nice change instead of the EP telling them what to do.

Good luck on you app Mort. I try to be unbiased so just take what i said as just pure feedback. You are a great guy so don't stop trying for EP

Like i said, all feedback is welcome, all of this helps, perhaps something i could do is its a normal last stand until all clone dies, then they all switch back to their normal Jobs and leave the original 10, that way they wouldnt be bored. Thank you for the very detailed feedback 🙏

Edited by Mort


Current Ranks
Jr Developer
Battalion Officer

Former Ranks
CF-99 Squad Leader
IRP Executive Administrator
Fleet Commodore
Dark Council
501st ARC Colonel
Master of the Order
RRD Researcher


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- trusted guy

- High rank

- nice and friendly guy

Only thing is instead of making it a last stand it would be better to have more commando droids and make them a bit more OP by giving them good guns. Allow them to push heavy and make so they call defcon 1 and retreat to RO so they gather  their men. Block off  bunks and ask someone to help you teleport the  clones that die the RO .last thing you want is to have them take re takover MB when they spawn behind the droids 

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Unfortunately we feel like other candidates are better fitted for EP as of right now. Feel free to reapply once apps reopen again.

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