
Fayne™ is a mingehead

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Post the SteamID or atleast the link to your steam profile 


15 hours ago, KetamineKyle said:

Worst thing I did was blocking the doors LOL.

Prop blocking lol


15 hours ago, KetamineKyle said:

Permabanned for shooting a D class (as a guard) who has fallen under the stairs and the researcher told me to kill him,  and then some mtf guard started to chase me and was trying to kill me. When I look there are no reasons posted why I was banned.

Somehow I highly doubt that's the reason you got banned , once you post your Steam ID the mod that banned you can look through your warns and tell you the ban reason

Edited by Fayne™
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hiiii I was the staff member who banned you for NH2RP - Mass FearRP + FailRP + LTARP + Mass Micspam; not for what you thought you were banned for which isn't worth a permanent ban.

Over the past week you have been warned 6 times by myself and another admin. These reasons included breaking FearRP, a lot. You also went rogue by letting D-Class out and allowing them to arm themselves. There has been multiple occasions where you switch job or change name or leave the server entirely to avoid RP scenarios so you obviously know when you've done something against the rules. 😕

You had just come off a previous ban from December so I took this in consideration when banning you since all I've seen/heard of you is minging and not understanding how to play properly despite me verbally saying you cannot do this or that.

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At least someone could have explained me how to play as a guard properly, nobody trained me. I thought that you need to beat and kill D class. Never mind no hard feelings I'm playing on a different server now and there someone actually trained me what to do. Ty for taking your time to read this rep you can close the topic if you would like. Wish you all the best.

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49 minutes ago, KetamineKyle said:

At least someone could have explained me how to play as a guard properly, nobody trained me. I thought that you need to beat and kill D class. Never mind no hard feelings I'm playing on a different server now and there someone actually trained me what to do. Ty for taking your time to read this rep you can close the topic if you would like. Wish you all the best.

I can understand killing a dclass and not knowing you aren't meant to , usually this results in a first warn and you don't do it again but:

You broke FearRP which means you didn't read the rules 

You Left to avoid RP which is specified in the rules 

You mic spammed which not only is in the rules but is also common sense 

You weren't banned because you weren't trained on what to do  , you've been banned cause you have been a minge 


Edited by Fayne™
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19 hours ago, Fayne™ said:

u weren't banned because you weren't trained on what to do  , you've been banned cause you have been a minge 

stfu dick head I was tryna be polite and yet you still bark like a retard and I told u you can close the thread you fuckwit. What a sad individual you really are get a life you nonce. Delusional retard kys.

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18 minutes ago, KetamineKyle said:

stfu dick head I was tryna be polite and yet you still bark like a retard and I told u you can close the thread you fuckwit. What a sad individual you really are get a life you nonce. Delusional retard kys.

We have found another Karen of SCP-RP lads.

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