Kye Taylor

Kye Taylor's Site Director Application

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In Game Name: Kye Taylor

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:569427017

Age: 16

Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions: I occasionally play B-7 commander.  I also play Site Advisor a bit where I am tasked with overseeing different departments around the foundation, and reporting back to the Site Director

Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?:  I feel that I would be a great Site Director as I will bring many skills to the job.  In my time as a SA I have gained knowledge on how various SD's work.  I have seen what ways are the most efficient to deal with different situations, such as breaches, raids and general running of departments.  

 I also feel that I am a generally down to earth player.  I like to listen to all sides of the story before making any decisions, as if I am unaware of the situation I could make a bad call.  To go along with this I am an amazing listener, but also feel I am great at coordinating what needs to be done, efficiently.

 From my time as Nu-7, as well as SA, I have gained knowledge on how different orders from higher up's can effect the foundation as a whole.  With this knowledge I feel like my judgement calls would be better than most, as I will know not only the advantages of giving certain instructions, but also the disadvantages and possible consequences that would come from them.

What role does the Site Director have on the site?  The Site Director (SD) is the 2nd highest ranking individual on the site.  The SD deals with coordinating tasks with department heads, such as Nu-7 and R&D.  The SD should always be working alongside the HoEA to ensure the safety of the Foundation and its staff.  Some of the things that the SD and HoEA may discuss is; Are any specific MTF's needed inside/outside of the Foundation, and if there is any GOI threats.  The SD only answers to the O5 council.

What is the O5 Council?:  The O5 council is a group of extremely high ranking members within the Foundation.  As such, only clearance level 4+ members even know of their existence.  For this reason they should not be discussed about/with on the normal Foundation comms.  The council is responsible for making all large decisions on the site.  There is 13 O5 members.  After holding various meetings, these members will coordinate with the respective SD's to ensure that what they want is clearly and effectively passed on to the relevant departments.  Although the SD commands the site, the O5 can step in if he deems it necessary to make sure that the safety and secrecy of the site is maintained.

Edited by Kye Taylor
Edit: Not E-11 Cmdr, changed to B-7
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17 minutes ago, Bread said:

You occasionally play E-11 commander but I literally don't know who you are, do you go by other names?

Nope, just Kye Taylor (Obviously some variations of this, such as PVT Kye, etc). 

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Non existent playtime

Nobody knows who you are 

Never seen you play SA or if you do you do virtually nothing since I still have no clue who you are

App isn't bad but not outstanding either


Play more often and get that playtime up if you want people to trust you as an SD


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You application for site director has been DENIED

While the application it self isn't bad you barely have any play time and minimal experience in any important leadership jobs. Also negative community feedback.

You may reapply in a week.

O5-5 "The Survivor"

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