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My In-Game name: Tay Firnin

STEAMID: ( STEAM_0:0:59585799

Steam Name: Dave9067

What is the reason for your ban: It doesnt say one but i was told ltap

How long were you banned for: i was told 2 days

Name of the staff member who banned you: It doesnt say

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: Well i called an EP space and i said im coming on and he said i was banned for ltap because i was avoiding rp and i asked when and he said whilst i was in jail which was last night and i did leave but i had to because it was late and i needed to go to bed. I had like 400 seconds left i think, but i had to leave. So i mean? Idk what to do. Space told me to make a forum thing here.

Evidence: Umm sorry there isnt any

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I banned you for LTARP which you admitted to doing in your post.

It is a short ban and SMT will most likely not even respond because of the short duration.


Ban is valid from my POV.


Here is proof for anyone that might ask.



Edited by [W-G] Defrexx

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1 minute ago, Dave Jamason said:

ok how do i delete it

You dont delete forum posts, then you would be breaking forum rules.

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However, I believe you can contact a member of SMT to lock the post.

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