
Scavenger Re-Work

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Fixing Scavenger to be less mingy and make a lot more sense
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The first add-on is making and creating drugs. In my opinion, This would be a good addition as Scavenger currently doesn't exactly serve a purpose. It is currently a minge job and is rarely used properly. This would also be used to stop drug spam. An idea for this is that you could add a disguised seller around the map and allowing scavs to sell them.

The Second add-on is tobacco in which would also make sense to add as this would be another great thing to add as Scavenger can actually RP much like the first add on, these work hand in hand. See first addon.

The Third add-on is farming, this is more of a passive side of Scav and also within RP as they could setup outside main base. Of course sticking with the rules of building for scavenger.  This would simply allow more RP and making not all scavs not hostile to the republic.

The Fourth add-on could be used to Mine the caves with Pickaxes which Scavs could spawn with. This could be used to mine caves in the area such as Scav Camp and not only this, Jedi Caves. Making things more interesting.


Not only that, People can make money from Scav, enjoy it and not be mingy.

The Fifth add-on is Bank robbery. This could be placed within Main Base in a High CL area making it a high risk. I know it isn't the most RP friendly and could be made into credits of course but I feel like it would add more of a risk to scav but a high reward. Probably one of the more out there ideas but all ideas are worth putting forward in my opinion.

Some of this could be added to refugee for example the farming.

In my opinion, this would completely change the way scavenger is played. The Main issue with Scav is that people go on it to minge, prop spam and generally try to just annoy people. I feel like while not all changes are perfect, I do feel like it will improve Scav.

Scav Rules would need to be revamped to these changes but I feel like this would vastly improve Scav. If anyone has any ideas please list below and I have been wanting to fix scav for a while and came to no real answer. It is a minge job and should be made better for all. 

Thank you for reading.



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Scavenger does Need a Update, its been the Same for a While and only used to minge. Adding a More passive Side to Scavenger is Nice and Allows for a More Immersive Experience and a Way to make more Money than just Pick Pocketing some Random CT for all there Riches. 

Aswell it would allow CG and other Regiments to do more Passive as Scouting will be alot Cooler,

The Mining System would be a Nice system added for More money and it takes a While to be Sorted.

It will add a better side to Scavenger than just Minging in MB with Smokes and Armour and robbing some Hopeless  CT That would get arrested for Losing his EQ.


This and maybe some Updated Models for Scavenger , Would Update the Immersive Experience for Both Clones and Scavengers .

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Scav need a massive overhaul as currently it doesn't make much sense other than to minge and throw smokes around MB

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Scavengers currently is actually useless... The disguises could be used to actually sell drugs to clones rather than spawning the entity from the f4 menu. 

Only thing missing from the suggestion is taking their pissing pickpocket 

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Scav is boring at pointless at the moment and it would be pretty cool to have these. Scavs could sell mining materials to the Republic which they can use for PassiveRP purposes, and the money system would mean there is actually a point in breaking into MB.

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Most people just go on scav to minge or to annoy people, even if they dont its still annoying. Having this will help give them a reason to be on the server imo


I think another addition to this could be to allow them to sell the weapons/ equipment they steal (with a cooldown of course), making steal weapons actually have a use and not just to rdm

Edited by Larry_P
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Tbh they need to update the Pickpocketing Swep so you can grab Equipment even if they have there keys out, Just make it easier to grab weapons

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1 minute ago, Silent said:

tbh this idea has been thought about alot. In my opinion the server isn't DARK RP so if you wanna go mining you should play that.

Got to agree with this 


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I do like the idea of scavengers being reworked, but as others did note the server isnt DarkRP, which I think doesn't stop making this a good feature since it will add more stuff to do while there is no trainings or events going on. Also I like the idea of a heist but this has to be done very well and surely there has to be strict rules to ensure there will be no RDM or anything like that, maybe even a cooldown on the heist, like an hour of cooldown on it after each heist attempt. The biggest problem with RDM with heists is the idea of a PME where a scavenger will take a hostage or anything similar to that. 
I really wish that scavenger had actually a good purpose other than minge on the server.

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4 hours ago, Silent said:

tbh this idea has been thought about alot. In my opinion the server isn't DARK RP so if you wanna go mining you should play that.

Kinda this yeah. 

The idea is interesting with all the selling and mining and stuff however, the second a scavenger is spotted in the caves or the base, or whatever, they are just instantly arrested. Scavengers just run around from CG until they get cuffed because there is nothing that they can do. The structure of the server just makes it incredibly difficult to integrate a more intricate system for scavengers while still obeying the rules of the server in other areas.

Once events start, scavengers might be KIA and they just lose all their shit and it'll be a waste of time.

Scavenger only really works in a stealth manner. The only way to really fix this is to 1, remove the instant AOS or 2, allow scavengers to fight back. But once you allow scavengers to fight back, it becomes a base wide RDM. Removing the instant AOS would just make them effective refugees. The bank idea doesn't work due to the same aforementioned reasons.

If the scavenger rules are overhauled and further depth is added to scavenger, then at that point, it comes back at what silent said.

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This seems like focusing too much on a job with a 4 player limit. There can be some improvements made to scavs withouth needing to add farming, mining and bank robberies. However, new drugs would be fun.

I think it is shifting the focus of the server a bit. After all scavenger is just a small side role to play every now and then. With this you would constantly see scavengers on. And where are they expected to farm for drugs without instantly getting done over by CG. And ores/rocks spawning is a bit much, why do they need to mine? They are scavengers not coal miners.


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I agree with Jack and Silent, however if Spades was to consider this, I would advise against the Tobacco addon. We have it on WW2 and it causes more struggle then its worth. But besides that, interesting suggestion Solaire!

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- The idea itself is pretty good, since it would in theory make scavanger into an "acuall" scavanger and not just a job that sole purpose is to annoy the clones. and cause unnecessary havoc.

- The making drugs and mining is definitly a good way to make money and give the sacavanger an goal that isn´t just annoying clones.

- The bank heist is a bit tricky to say the least and probably most scavangers wouldn´t really use it since spending 15 minutes in brig is not really worth it.

- It just screams DarkRP to be honest.

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Scavenger at this point is just a minge job, adding this will open up the server to so many opportunities and constant RP rather than people only coming on for events. This also allows constant passive RP similar to NRP's Mafia, this also gives more regiments to be able to do more stuff such as Jedi getting reports of alot of refugee activity near caves or CG finding out the Vault at Storm outpost or Coruscant has been robbed. 


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We've spoke about this, and although we may look at some sort of changes for scav - the options here are abit too darkrp.

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