
Eric's Third Batt App

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Out of Character Section -

Steam Name: EricClownBomb

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:80970158

Current rank on the server: 74th Medic

Age: 19

What is your playtime: 8w 5d 15h

Do you have a microphone, is it good quality: Yes and Yes

Have you read and looked through the Battalion Handbook: Yes multiple times

Do you meet the requirements: Yes

Quick summary about you: I am a part time editor and a soldier at the IDF, Editing's been pushed to the side mostly cause of my service, Im a commanding officer at a brig right now, waiting for a promotion in the next 2 months or so. I love helping people and role playing, have been on this server for over a year and a half now, and hopefully i'll be able to stay on it for as long as possible. It is to note that every two days i'm at the base for two days but that is not something that would affect my performance, has not for the past year.

In Character Section -

In-Game name: 74th Medic Eric

Highest rank obtained: Colonel / Temp Exo

What current rank do you have: Medic (PFC)

What is your current regiment: 74th

Why should we pick you for Battalion: I believe I should be picked to battalion for actually multiple reasons: first is that I have leading experience, in-game and IRL, and can for all intents and purposes lead generally big groups of people, I am very good under pressure. I particularly have experience in multiple regiments, including 212th, CG, 74th, CE, and Jedi for a generally long time, I know the ins and outs of most regiments, And I am versed in their roles in and out of battle. I have specifically commanded well over 300 soldiers by now, each one of them classified as a "bad\misbehaving soldier", I for the most part know how to handle drama, hard or stressful situations, and to isolate situations from one another, for all intents and purposes. I believe the most important thing to know is to differentiate between jokes and professionalism, and in battalion you need to know professionalism for leading events and general day to day, but also connect and socialize with your regiment. I am very dedicated to the things that are important to me and will put in as much as I could of myself into those things. 

Describe the roles and responsibilities of Battalion: The main roles of a Battalion are to lead, command, and teach, and those vary and change over the ranks, starting at the officer cadet and officer, you would be the main leader of battles with the help of your mentor, that is to prepare you for the 2nd LT rank that will also give you a whole regiment to supervise. Supervising a regiment is a whole different situation in itself, a supervisor has to make sure his regiment stays intact while not interrupting the hierarchy, he has to bond with the soldiers but also tell them off, has to make sure they are updated and trained on any new happenings, and overall trained for battle. 
later on in battalion, a battalion captain has to also mentor the new battalion, as well as supervising. on top of leading, mentoring is a very important job since it grows the new battalion, a bad mentor could ruin battalion's command and reputation. and finally, at the higher ranks, there are the battalion command who command over a regiment that commands regiments that command themselves, which is a whole other issue, taking care of battalion, executive decisions on this scale are very detrimental.

Have you ever been demoted, banned or kicked: No i have not

Do you understand that Battalion is a very respectable and disciplined rank: I understand that and will wear the uniform in respect and honor.

What do Battalion do during Combat, when they are not leading? When battalion are not leading / co leading, they mostly stick with their supervised regiment, acting as a regular trooper in that regiment. they do not lead the regiments that are being supervised or give commands to anyone.

What are the 3 duties a Battalion Officer Cadet has to complete before getting promoted as part of his mentoring session? An Officer Cadet has to Call a debrief and lead it, lead a Mandatory training and lead a base attack.

What is the job of the Co-Leader during events? The job of a co-leader during events is mostly to grant/deny requests from regiments and relay information that may be lost in the sounds of battle, any requests over comms or in person.

Anything else: I've decided to try for battalion once more in hopes ill be able to try it out, I tried to learn from my past applications, especially the comments about my toxicity, and hopefully you will judge me with a fresh mindset, as I truly believe I can help a lot in battalion

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For the time I had to experience Eric, he has shown to be capable to lead and be level headed as well. Was a shame that he resigned from 212th since he was one of the few capable SO's.  Was and is a honest lad with whom you could have fun with during training, events or inbetween.


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I dont know him too well as he hasnt been in 74th long but from what i have seen he is a nice guy and definitely fit for battalion

Good luck!

Current Ranks
CT 8117

Past Ranks
a lot of things


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Was one of the best colonels in 212th with great dedication for the regiment, sadly wanted to try other regiments before doing some stuff with the army.
Good luck!!

Edited by Hogus

== Past Ranks ==
Jump Troopers Sector Commander 
212th Vice Commander
Monkey Dancing GIF

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A very great guy
Good playtime
High rank in the past
Good application

Still slightly toxic
Don't see you on a lot.


Good Luck!

Edited by Ravolta

Current Ranks:
Battalion Warrant Officer Event Planner


Past Ranks:
Battalion 2nd LT | GM SOF LCOL | Event Planner | GM LT CMDR | 212th SGTM


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+1 times i have spoke to eric were all great seems like a nice guy and over all got temp exo shows hes comptent so +1

Current Ranks:

RC Commander F68

SWRP CWRP Staff Manager

Previous Ranks:

OS Squad Leader F68

21st Best Model
21st/GM Nova Corps Senior Commander

SWRP CWRP Super Admin
SWRP CWRP Lead Mentor

Jedi Champion
Jedi Specialist
Jedi Paladin

Plo Koon (Jedi High Council)

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you are a medic aka pfc in 74th and you were inactive as fuck when you were in 212th

Current Ranks

IRP Super Administrator (03/10/2021 - Current)
IRP Discord Staff Manager (21/02/2022 - Current)

IC System Commander (22/11/2021 - Current)

Previous Ranks

CWRP Executive Administrator (15/02/2020 - 03/10/2021)
CWRP Event Planner (20/04/2020 - 23/06/2020)

Head Medical Officer (12/06/2021 - 03/10/2021)
GC Temp Vice Commander (30/07/2020 - 19/08/2020)
Trial Head of Battalion (29/12/2019 - 20/12/2020)

104th Executive Officer (20/12/2020 - 12/06/2021)
74th Surgeon (18/08/2018 - 02/04/2019)

GC/ST Lieutenant (31/08/2017 - 27/09/2017)


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1 hour ago, ethan said:


you are a medic aka pfc in 74th and you were inactive as fuck when you were in 212th

Fair, i wouldnt say inactive as fuck, i certainly did my best especially with the time constraints i had, and dealing with burnout towards the end, part of the reason i moved to 74th actually, but i see where you're coming from. 

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Overall, from what I know Eric is a decent guy. From my experience with him in CG, he did pretty well most of the time. He is hard working, but sometimes his attitude isn't the best. I've experienced some implications he's had with others, but that happens with everyone so it doesn't mean too much. With your IRL job however, it did affect your activity at times and you had to go on sudden LOAs or ROAs. I know it isn't that big of a deal with the LOAs, however you were on ROA for a long time due to it. Then again, at the end of the day it is a GMOD server so it wasn't too big of a deal. You mention how your IRL job won't affect your performance, which is true, but your activity still may let you down.

On the other hand, this doesn't mean he can't have a shot. Eric is competent and knows his stuff, so i'd like to see how well he would do in Battalion. Good luck.



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2 hours ago, [W-G] JH said:


Overall, from what I know Eric is a decent guy. From my experience with him in CG, he did pretty well most of the time. He is hard working, but sometimes his attitude isn't the best. I've experienced some implications he's had with others, but that happens with everyone so it doesn't mean too much. With your IRL job however, it did affect your activity at times and you had to go on sudden LOAs or ROAs. I know it isn't that big of a deal with the LOAs, however you were on ROA for a long time due to it. Then again, at the end of the day it is a GMOD server so it wasn't too big of a deal. You mention how your IRL job won't affect your performance, which is true, but your activity still may let you down.

On the other hand, this doesn't mean he can't have a shot. Eric is competent and knows his stuff, so i'd like to see how well he would do in Battalion. Good luck.

My work times changed from when i was in CG, i was in my cadet training so i was only on at weekends but at my current job im on a two-day basis, so i am and can be regularly active. Just wanted go clear that up thanks for the feedback

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Battalion Command has decided that you aren't currently fit for the position of Battalion. 

You may re-apply in 2 weeks.


Current Ranks

- General

- SWRP Vice Manager

- Caesar Stabsfeldwebel

- Iniquity Revenant



Past Ranks

- SWRP Event Manager

- Grand Admiral

- 501st EXO

- 212th EXO


- CG Temp Vice Commander


- CG ARC Colonel

- Jedi Watcher

- Jedi Agent

- Jedi Consular

- Hauptamt Köningsplatz Oberbereitshaftsleiter

Finance Oberbereitschaftsleiter


- HLRP Senior Discord Staff



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