An Actual Sturctured Government.

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This simply needs said, the mingery and the general pathetic RP experience, i recieve when someone plays mayor makes me want to hang myself. So I am making this suggestion to improve it greatly.

Make Mayor whitelisted or atleast Level 50 PlatVIP with more of a government and not a simple "Lets make USSR" or "Lets make Nazi Germany". Similar to what Nazi Roleplay have. Add offices in government to actually authorise certain things.

You can make a new job called Buisness owner which a government office(chosen by SMT) approves of the buisness and it can be legitamate.

I haven't fully thought it through, but actually make the Government Structured and not similar to DarkRP.

If it gets accepted or pending i'm willing to talk to SMT about it privately on discord about how to make it better.







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I like your idea, but I think the thought behind it is sincere. 

Unfortunately,  the community isn't ready for such a change. 

When law enforcement try to be strict and actually enforce laws, either GOC, Civs, CI or MC&D wipes them out since one of them got arrested for breaking a law. 

That's why these governments are so agile in their way of punishing and labeling people as criminals.

But I like your idea, and do wish it come into fruition.

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As Lorex said, this is a good idea and something needs to change but nothing probably can.

The government has received a lot more attention these past few days and its problems have come to light for those who play surface jobs mainly.

I can see from the organisation of this that the suggestion has come from some great ideas but doesn't look too good on paper. And some of the ideas won't work pretty much at all due to the lack of people. The best amount of civs at any given time might be 5 unless 2 mayors in particular are online in which there are probably 14. A person to allow businesses to be made is entirely possible in the real world but in a world of 15 people probably won't work. Civs not getting involved in shooting PD are probably printing cash in some corner of the city and anybody is either 3 things: 1) won't RP due to doing other things 2) can't RP due to being braindead 3) isn't a civ and instead is an FA/CI/GOC and rarely CD, and are busy fighting each other in a guerrilla war. 1/3 of the server might be surface jobs but that doesn't change the fact that 9 job slots can disguise as civ, plus any D class who managed to escape (somehow).

TL;DR: Most civs are incapable of RP'ing properly and are too busy with their own problems, or aren't civs and are performing their actual job's duties. 

Even then I think SMT might deny this. It is too confusing and what we need is not to put the job THERE but to incentivise people to play jobs/RP properly. Setjob was added and now people only use it to become "Freedom Fighter" or "Chaos Insurgency Alpha". In the opening few weeks there used to be some small factions but they are pretty much gone now. Something must be in it for the people if you want em to do something. That's all from me.

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2 minutes ago, Izazreial said:

Go back to NRP then

This is SCP-RP, it is classed at "Semi Serious" but nobody on the server even fucking cares

O5's minge, staff everyone

If you want a "Serious" Government RP Session go back to NRP lmao

If you cuff an MC&D or GOC Member for breaking the law you have set in you will be straight up wiped, this is SCP

Guns solve everything, nobody actually talks

Why, just do /setjob then do RP lol

So fucking unneeded

Bob Curtis lookalike lmao


this thing just gives me aids lol

Genunily that retarded to think a structured government is a bad ideas, saying go back to nrp are you a retard.

Also nice new forum account, i guess getting permabanned wasen't good enough for you lando.







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NSDAP taking power on SCP? based?

Previous Ranks (of note)

WW2 Staff Manager, WW2 Event Manager, WW2 Lead Mentor

Stellvertretender Gauleiter von Gau 'Groß-Berlin', 95. Feldgendarmerie Oberst, Heeresverwaltung Major

1.SS Obersturmführer, SS-Obersturmbannführer (Insp. d. RSHA d. Abs. III & Adj. d. SS-Oberabschnitt 'Spree'), Polizeipräsident (SS-Standartenführer) 

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This isn't going to fix anything mainly because in a SCP RP server the surface will always take a backseat. Business owner idea is just dumb because people can already kinda do it but they really don't. I guess it would give surface players some direction? But who honestly will go and interact with them anyway. If they don't offer any physical benefits then nobody will really care about the ''roleplay'' they provide. Regarding the mayor job I guess you could set some rules or make it WLed but honestly the only reason people really play it is for the meme of it or to act out their facist power fantasies. Honestly as retarded as it is I don't think it will get any better and at least has been this way since V2 which was golden age for RP compared to now. I personally believe it will just kill the job even though it already is pretty much dead.


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