
Pyro's first EP application

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Steam Name + Profile link: [W-G] ITCHES ,


Roleplay Name: CE AFT Captain Pyro


Teamspeak Name: Pyro


Playtime on the Server: 12 weeks


SteamID ( STEAM_0:0:460511839


Any experience in staffing: I know the more basic ULX commands


Current Age: 14


Warns/Bans: bans: N/A, 0 active warns ( 1 none-active warn).


Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes and I have heard it's an 8/10.


Event Plan:


Map: Venator Providence Battle


Enemies, HP, Amount:

7-9 - B1 Heavy Droids - Base HP - Base Loadout (+ RTC given in yellow hallway + CIS Shotgun in control room)

2-4 . Commando Droids - Base HP - Base Loadout (+ RTC given in yellow hallway + CIS Shotgun in control room)

(If defense is to weak 1-2 - B2 Battle Droids - Base HP - Base Loadout)

2-3 - JHD (HP and Numbers depends on amount of Jedi)


Passive, HP, Amount:



Republic's Execution:

Briefing: Battalion will call all units to MHB for a briefing as per usual. Leading Battalion will then say as written here: "We have just got in a republic distress signal from what appears to be a CIS Providence around a quarter of a light year away from our current position. As we are the closest cruiser to the republic distress signal, high command has ordered us to go and investigate. So now we are going to proceed to enter hyperspace."  *Venator enters hyperspace and map switches to Venator Providence*

Briefing on arrival: Battalion will wait on confirmation to proceed with operation (Wait for me to ready up defenses). Leading Battalion will say as written here: "Alright, during our time in hyperspace high command gave us information that the republic distress signal might be coming from a senator that went missing earlier today." Battalion in charge will then order CE to set up two LAAT/i's and order front-lines: 212th, CT and also DU and 74th, as priority for transport (501st can set up a drop-ship).

Clone's Execution:

Clones will push in as normal but will find ray-shields blocking the only doors down to the second deck, RC and/or CE will have to find the ray-shield console and then hack it. They will then proceed to keep on pushing until they come to the prison where they are going to have to hack yet another console to reach the control room to take out the last droids originally placed on the Providence and then free the Senator (cuffs can be used if needed).

(If this happens to quick droid drop-pods will start landing in the Venator's MHB and people that are on the Providence will have to get transported to either LHB or RHB and take out the last of the droids and then destroy the droid drop-pods with explosives.)

Jedi Execution:

After the clone briefing Jedi will follow the clones to the Providence. JHD will be posted in the Providence. So Jedi will take out any JHD that they can spot as the JHD will not be negotiating with Jedi.


Event Character Execution:


Droids will be holding the MHB of the Providence, 2-3 AAT's will be set in the MHB so that droids will be able to keep clones from entering their cruiser. A ray-shield will be up on one of the sides of the Providence (opposite side of the Venator), droids will fall back once told to. Once clones manage to push in hard enough the droids will be ordered to fall back, the main objective on the top deck for the droids is to protect the ray-shield console from being hacked. Once the top deck has been cleared of droids they will be stationed by the yellow hallway and try to hold clones from pushing further. The droids will then have to hold the last point of defense which is the prison control room and eventually get overrun.

(If event ended to quickly droids will land in drop-pods inside the Venator's MHB and start trying to take it over)



High Command received a Republic distress signal from a CIS providence and High Command suspects it might be a republic senator that went missing earlier that day and they send in the closest attack cruiser to the distress signals location. Jedi had to deal with General Grievous' Magna Guards that are also there to make sure that the kidnapped Senator will not be rescued by the Republic and its forces.


Event Information:


Have you ever Done an Event Before?: No


What was your event and was it successfully executed?: N/A

Do you understand the responsibilities an event-planner has? If so, what are they?: To create and host enjoyable events for people on the server to participate in. To also take over any events within short notice, if the EP has gone offline or for any other reason. To also understand the power and privileges one gets when becoming an EP, and to not abuse or cause any harm with them, but to only provide fun and enjoyable content. Also, on another note, to take any staff claims if no staff are online, and to help the community as a whole.

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes

Anything else?: W-G E-Planner

Edited by PyroWasTaken
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Clone side is a decent event

Jedi event is hella basic im sorry but there is 0 story just jedi killing and negotiating for something where theres no story behind it.

good guy

good playtime

Current Ranks

Gambling Addict
McDonald's Employee

Past Ranks

Conscientious objector

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23 minutes ago, Meep ็ ็ ็ said:


jedi event is poor

great guy

decent app in clone side

good playtime

To answer both you and Clopter I’m not really experienced in the Jedi side as I barely touch Jedi at all, but I had a hard time figuring out how to get in a Sith in it all since first, it’s on a Providence where there shouldn’t be some Sith doing rituals and second, in canon there can only be two Siths which means I can’t really make a random Sith Lord and some random apprentice. Maybe I could make them “assassins” instead and it’ll probably add more RP for Jedi with negotiation and all that. (The map in general is probably boring for Jedi anyway)

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Unfortunately we feel like other candidates are better fitted for EP as of right now. You may reapply again in 2 weeks.

Current Ranks

- General

- SWRP Vice Manager

- Caesar Stabsfeldwebel

- Iniquity Revenant



Past Ranks

- SWRP Event Manager

- Grand Admiral

- 501st EXO

- 212th EXO


- CG Temp Vice Commander


- CG ARC Colonel

- Jedi Watcher

- Jedi Agent

- Jedi Consular

- Hauptamt Köningsplatz Oberbereitshaftsleiter

Finance Oberbereitschaftsleiter


- HLRP Senior Discord Staff



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