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Clone Medals

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What your suggestion is:

Give out medals from Battalion/Admiralty/RC to clones during public displays.

Scriptfodder/workshop link: N/A

Any additional information:

In lore, clones were able to achieve medals, obviously. Regiments have regimental medals which is cool and all, but for regiments that don't and just in general, handing out Medals during Debriefs or timed events would be cool. Obviously, you'd need to consider who can host these displays, who can give the medals, how to get it etc, but I think it would be cool for the whole server to be able to achieve medals handed by higher ranks, outside of their regiment.

Also, as a possibility, have a new tab made on the regimental spreadsheet, or a document which is used a lot to cement the names of the people who achieve the medals so that it actually means something. 
Image result for fives and echo getting medal




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Cool Idea tbf I rate it


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I think it would be a very cool idea. But obviously there would be a lot of work being done considering spreadsheet stuff to see who has what medal, what medals there are etc. 

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‘Has has always had better luck to me and to see if they will be doing better today than the most and I’m so excited that you are getting it done so that they might get it to work tomorrow and you can get the stuff to work for tomorrow so you will get to get some rest before your time tomorrow and I get done that way if they are going for me a bit longer to do that’ +1

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On 2/7/2021 at 10:43 PM, Adkb said:

‘Has has always had better luck to me and to see if they will be doing better today than the most and I’m so excited that you are getting it done so that they might get it to work tomorrow and you can get the stuff to work for tomorrow so you will get to get some rest before your time tomorrow and I get done that way if they are going for me a bit longer to do that’ +1

Same +1 

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327th COL
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Don't see how RC could help with this, we already give medals to ARC. I guess we could only reccomend someone for a medal. I am sure battalion can do this on their own if it gets accepted (although seems more like a HC thing, as medals are IC). Plus, most regiments have implemented the medal system, in the end it really won't change much. It will probably require keeping logs/spreadsheet and maybe pac too. It will also have no difference compared to regimental medals, due to lack of medal ideas (most are already in use).


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Is cool and I would like the medals but,  firstly whoever gives out the medals will give them out for a short while then it'll probably die out and they wont be given out that much, and no one's gonna really know if you got the medal unless you got Pac probably which ain't really fair 


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While it's not a bad idea, keeping track of who has what medal within a single regiment is a dificult enogh task. Most hierarchies leaving it down to the player to keep track of; so leaving the whole server down to just battalion alone would be a tedious and daunting task that in all reality probably get used once or twice then get forgotten about by the leading battalion. - Then the logging side of things would be hell to make, nevermind keep track of.

In my opinion, if you want medals then bug hierarchy to implement some for the regiment.





Credit to Loki for this.



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As Toon Said, Trying to Keep Control of Who has the Medal would be Very hard. But it would be Very Cool and Nice


In the End,  The Logistics overwelm the Good

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not very hard to keep track of who has what medal tbh, you can just log it and add some extra columns on the reg sheet like battalion do... dont see why its hard. and if battalion do give them out then they can just @ hierarchy in the logging so they can change the colour of the box depending on what medal they want.

obviously each regiment already has their own medals etc but having a  more dignified and structured medal system imo would be better if HC actually take the time to work and impliment it.

also has more insentive for people to buy pac, giving harland money and also to actually play events since there is another reward instead of promotions.

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IRP Super Administrator (03/10/2021 - Current)
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Head Medical Officer (12/06/2021 - 03/10/2021)
GC Temp Vice Commander (30/07/2020 - 19/08/2020)
Trial Head of Battalion (29/12/2019 - 20/12/2020)

104th Executive Officer (20/12/2020 - 12/06/2021)
74th Surgeon (18/08/2018 - 02/04/2019)

GC/ST Lieutenant (31/08/2017 - 27/09/2017)


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On 2/14/2021 at 2:21 PM, TOON2121 said:


While it's not a bad idea, keeping track of who has what medal within a single regiment is a dificult enogh task. Most hierarchies leaving it down to the player to keep track of; so leaving the whole server down to just battalion alone would be a tedious and daunting task that in all reality probably get used once or twice then get forgotten about by the leading battalion. - Then the logging side of things would be hell to make, nevermind keep track of.

In my opinion, if you want medals then bug hierarchy to implement some for the regiment.

It all depends on the requirements for the Medal. Like I said, I have no idea what they would want to make the requirements, but if it was something to be tracked it really wouldn't be hard. Make a column on a separate spreadsheet saying the requirement, and when someone does it, put their name in. You don't need to publicly log every single requirement, just the medal when it was given.



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On 2/10/2021 at 6:06 PM, Blaster said:

Don't see how RC could help with this, we already give medals to ARC. I guess we could only reccomend someone for a medal. I am sure battalion can do this on their own if it gets accepted (although seems more like a HC thing, as medals are IC). Plus, most regiments have implemented the medal system, in the end it really won't change much. It will probably require keeping logs/spreadsheet and maybe pac too. It will also have no difference compared to regimental medals, due to lack of medal ideas (most are already in use).

What I mean when it comes to RC helping with it, it all depends on the type of medal. The main reason is the fact it is much easier for an RC to get some kind of combat medal or bravery medal than regular troops due to their access to equipment and how SL+ can disobey Battalion, but depending on the medal it can be given to RC too, I see no problem with that. As IMO RC would help is like you said mainly for recommendations, but that will need to be more refined on how RC do this.

With medals they usually have a set requirement to get, like 20+ kills in an event or something, but with these medals it could just be acts of _____.  For example, an honorary medal is already a type of medal, but it can be made and given in a public display. Acts of bravery or something along those lines would be the medals I have in mind - mainly like actual war medals if that makes sense.



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While it is a nice idea, it is unfortunately not really possible in execution, due to the fact not everybody has PAC or has it enabled, so there would be no visible way to show it. Also most regiments have their version of a medal system, so another one would probably just be redundant.


Thank you for your suggestion

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