
Site Director WL Application - Luke Ocasio

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In-Game Name: Luke Ocasio / Dr L Ocasio / Dr T Nook

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:524530320

Age: 18 

In-Game Time [Proof Required]: image.png.0196a08606fcfbe970c56b1aa49b7c26.png

Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions:

I have extensive experience in the Head Researcher role; it is what I spend most of my time on the server doing. I have good experience as Head of Security and Site Adviser, so it's fair to assume I have a large amount of experience in leadership (though I would put far more emphasis on my time as HR). 

Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?:

I believe I am assertive when necessary, flexible when necessary, and friendly when necessary. Naturally, I am a very friendly person, and enjoy interacting with others; as a Site Director, you have to interact with various personnel, from different departments. It is critical, therefore, to be approachable and effective when problems arise within the site.

Within my time as HR, I feel I strike a good balance between being hands-on with my research team (overseeing / offering input on tests / observations), as well as conducting my own research, and regulating others. My flexibility in the research department reflects my ability to adapt to turbulent or urgent situation, which a Site Director is constantly faced with.

I believe my friendly, yet assertive approach to leadership will prove to be effective, as I have observed that an autocratic, curt style of leadership is highly inefficient and can cause deviance. Furthermore, I am highly attentive to situations, as I am observant of communication channels, and quick to respond to calls, should I be required. I have a dedicated, effective attitude to situations, and if a problem arises in my department, I ensure that such problems are minimised or solved swiftly.  

What role does the Site Director have on the site? :

A Site Director oversees all operations that occur within the site, at any given time. The hiring of personnel, the safety of the site, containment status / developments, lockdown procedures and much more. To ensure that operations run smoothly in all departments, a Site Director must collaborate with various heads of departments to gain a cohesive view of the site, and its potential problems. 

The multitude of responsibilities that a Site Director has, means that the individual needs to be attentive, organised, assertive, approachable and able to handle stress / stressful situations. Overall, the Director's job is to both ensure the safety and running of the site, and the personnel within. 

The Site Director also acts in cooperation with the O5 Council, and should adhere to their orders too. The O5's orders pass through the Director, and it is imperative that the O5 Council and Site Director maintain a high level of communication and cooperation. 

What is the O5 Council?: (not sure but the font here got broken) 

The O5 Council are the governing body of the SCP Foundation, and are concerned with the whole foundation's affairs, including all of its sites (though this is a Director's prerogative). The council consists of 13 members, and identities are highly classified. They are thus referred to by their designations (e.g. O5-12), and the very knowledge of their existence is only known by Clearance 3+ personnel. Overall, the council silently instruct the foundation, as well as Site Directors to conduct their sites appropriately


- Luke Ocasio


Thanks for reading my application! Sorry if it's a bit long. 

Edited by Luke Ocasio
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Very helpful, active, has a lot of leadership skills and is definitely ready for the position as SD.

SCP-RP Positions

Sarkic Owner
24/02/2021 - 25/07/2021

20/02/2021 -> 22/03/2021

Senior Moderator
22/03/2021 -> 17/04/2021

17/04/2021 -> 01/05/2021

Lead Group Manager
1/05/2021 -> 26/10/2021

Senior Administrator
1/05/2021 -> 12/06/2021

Executive Administator
12/06/2021 -> 26/10/2021

MC&D Salesman

Site Director


Head of Manufacturing Department

Head of External Affairs

Unusual Incidents Unit Agent

Internal Security Department

Sarkic Thrall V5

Sarkic Karcist/Owner V6

MTF ZETA-0 Agent

Head of External Affairs V5

O5-3 like 3 years ago for 30 mins but i was demoted for erp with the HoEA 😞

other jobs i forgot 😞 i hope you enjoyed my signature


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Applications for SD will only be accepted after a minimum of one week has passed usually unless I like a mistake.

You application for site director has been ACCEPTED

Good app, good experience and strong community support.

O5-5 "The Survivor"

(Contact me Fixer#5863)

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