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Server you got banned from: SCP server

Your name in-game: M'ladyzoder

Your SteamID:

Admins' name that banned you: i dont remember it was like a year ago

Admin's steamID: i dont remember

Why did you get banned?: i dont remember


Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: 

Anything else?: im older now

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3 hours ago, MatteoZoda said:

im older now

its been many many years since I was 10 yet I am still retarded


Had a bunch of WL but the cool ones are that I currently have.

Marshall, Carter and Dark Salesmen (Current manager)

Alpha-1 Commander

O5-8 "The Gangster"

Director of the Department of External Affairs

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SCP-RP Positions

Sarkic Owner
24/02/2021 - 25/07/2021

20/02/2021 -> 22/03/2021

Senior Moderator
22/03/2021 -> 17/04/2021

17/04/2021 -> 01/05/2021

Lead Group Manager
1/05/2021 -> 26/10/2021

Senior Administrator
1/05/2021 -> 12/06/2021

Executive Administator
12/06/2021 -> 26/10/2021

MC&D Salesman

Site Director


Head of Manufacturing Department

Head of External Affairs

Unusual Incidents Unit Agent

Internal Security Department

Sarkic Thrall V5

Sarkic Karcist/Owner V6

MTF ZETA-0 Agent

Head of External Affairs V5

O5-3 like 3 years ago for 30 mins but i was demoted for erp with the HoEA 😞

other jobs i forgot 😞 i hope you enjoyed my signature


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I shouldn't even have to explain why this is being denied in the first place.

Please write something a little more convincing/lengthy while trying to get yourself unbanned. Just saying "I'm older" doesn't give us much reason to unban. Give us some facts, compromises, something.

Appeal at a later time.

Viktor Svetsken

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